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(Manual Installation)
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=== Manual Installation ===
=== Manual Installation ===
* [[vnx-install-ubuntu|Installation of VNX over Ubuntu (v11.04, 10.10, 10.04 and 9.10)]
* [[vnx-install-ubuntu|Installation of VNX over Ubuntu (v11.04, 10.10, 10.04 and 9.10)]]
== Installation over Ubuntu 10.04/9.10 ==
== Installation over Ubuntu 10.04/9.10 ==

Revision as of 18:09, 13 July 2011

VNX Installation Guides

VNX Packages

Not available yet.

Manual Installation

Installation over Ubuntu 10.04/9.10

This section describes the procedure for installing VNX over Ubuntu 10.04 or 9.10. Open a root shell window and follow these steps:

  • Install all packages required (basic development, virtualization, perl libraries and auxiliar packages):
  • apt-get update
    apt-get install build-essential qemu-kvm libvirt-bin vlan xterm \
      bridge-utils  screen virt-manager virt-viewer libxml-checker-perl \
      libxml-parser-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl libnet-pcap-perl \
      libnet-ipv6addr-perl liberror-perl libexception-class-perl \
      uml-utilities libxml-libxml-perl libxml2-dev libgnutls-dev \
      libdevmapper-dev libterm-readline-perl-perl libnet-telnet-perl \
      libnet-ip-perl libreadonly-perl libmath-round-perl libappconfig-perl \
      libdbi-perl graphviz libnl-dev genisoimage gnome-terminal libfile-homedir-perl python-dev libsasl2-dev
  • If you use 64 bits version of Ubuntu, install 32 bits compatibility libraries:
  •  apt-get install ia32-libs
  • Install libvirt 0.9.3:
  •  /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin stop
     wget http://libvirt.org/sources/libvirt-0.9.3.tar.gz
     tar xfvz libvirt-0.9.3.tar.gz
     cd libvirt-0.9.3
     ./configure --without-xen --prefix=/usr && make && make install
     /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin start

    NOTE: VNX should work with libvirt versions from 0.7.5 to 0.8.5 (it has been mainly tested with 0.7.5 and 0.8.5). Note that, although libvirt 0.7.5 is available as a package in Ubuntu 10.04, it has some problems related with the Apparmor profiles configured for libvirt. If you disable Apparmor (with "/etc/init.d/apparmor stop"), VNX will work with libvirt 0.7.5 installed as package, however we recommend to download and compile version 0.8.5 as described above, in order to maintain Apparmor in your system.

  • Install Sys::Virt perl module:
  • Install VNX:
  • mkdir /tmp/vnx-update
    cd /tmp/vnx-update
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/vnx-latest.tgz
    tar xfvz vnx-latest.tgz
    cd vnx-*
  • Create the VNX config file (/etc/vnx.conf). You just can move the sample config file:
  • mv /etc/vnx.conf.sample /etc/vnx.conf
  • Download root file systems from http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems and copy them to /usr/share/vnx/filesystems directory:
  • cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
    # ubuntu server
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v02.qcow2.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v02.qcow2.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v02.qcow2 root_fs_ubuntu
    # ubuntu with gui
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2 root_fs_ubuntu-gui
    # freebsd server
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2 root_fs_freebsd
    # freebsd gui
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2 root_fs_freebsd-gui
    # winxp and win7
    # Sorry! Unfortunately for legal reasons we cannot distribute windows XP
    # or Windows 7 root filesystems. See VNX documentation for detailed recipes
    # to create these root fylesystems from scratch
  • Additionally, if you plan to use VNUML root filesystem:
  • # VNUML root_fs_tutorial and kernel
    cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_tutorial-0.6.0.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_tutorial-0.6.0.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_tutorial-0.6.0 root_fs_tutorial
    cd /usr/share/vnx/kernels
    wget -N http://jungla.dit.upm.es/~vnx/download/kernels/linux-
    chmod +x linux-
    ln -s linux- linux

NOTE for Ubuntu 10.04.1: It seems that an additional package has to be installed:

apt-get install kvm-pxe

Additional install steps for Dynamips support

  • Install Dynamips and Dynagen:
apt-get install dynamips dynagen
# Start/stop the dynamips program as a daemon.
# Provides:          dynamips
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Cisco hardware emulator daemon

DESC="Cisco Emulator"

test -f $DAEMON || exit 0

. /lib/lsb/init-functions

case "$1" in
start)  log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC " "$NAME"
        start-stop-daemon --start --chdir /tmp --background --make-pidfile --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME --startas $DAEMON -- -H $PORT -l $LOGFILE
        log_end_msg $?
stop)   log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC " "$NAME"
        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
        log_end_msg $?
restart) log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC " "$NAME"
        start-stop-daemon --stop --retry 5 --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
        start-stop-daemon --start --chdir /tmp --background --make-pidfile --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME --startas $DAEMON -- -H $PORT -l $LOGFILE
        log_end_msg $?
        status_of_proc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON $NAME && exit 0 || exit $? 
        #status $NAME
*)      log_action_msg "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|status}"
        exit 2
exit 0

  • Set execution permissions for the script and add it to system start-up:
chmod +x /etc/init.d/dynamips
update-rc.d dynamips defaults
/etc/init.d/dynamips start
  • Download and install cisco IOS image:
 cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
 # Cisco image
 wget ... c3640-js-mz.124-19.image
 ln -s c3640-js-mz.124-19.image c3640
dynagen /usr/share/vnx/examples/R.net
console R     # type 'no' to exit the config wizard and wait 
              # for the router to completely start 
idle-pc get R

Once you know the idle-pc value for your system, include it in /etc/vnx.conf file.

Additional install steps for Olive support

Several additional steps are needed to support Olive (Juniper) routers in VNX scenarios:

Installation over Fedora 11 (Draft)

Follow this steps to install VNX over Fedora 11:

Additional install steps for Dynamips support

  • Install Dynamips and Dynagen:
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/dyna-gen/dynamips%20Linux%20RPM/0.2.8-RC2/dynamips-0.2.8RC2-1.i386.rpm
rpm -i dynamips-0.2.8RC2-1.i386.rpm
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/dyna-gen/dynagen%20source%20_%20Linux/dynagen%200.11.0/dynagen-0.11.0-1.fc9.noarch.rpm
rpm -i dynagen-0.11.0-1.fc9.noarch.rpm
  • Add dynamips to system start-up and start it manually for this time:
chkconfig --add dynamips
/etc/init.d/dynamips start
  • Download and install cisco IOS image:
 cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
 # Cisco image
 wget ... c3640-js-mz.124-19.image
 ln -s c3640-js-mz.124-19.image c3640
dynagen /usr/share/vnx/examples/R.net
console R     # type 'no' to exit the config wizard and wait 
              # for the router to completely start 
idle-pc get R

Once you know the idle-pc value for your system, include it in /etc/vnx.conf file.

Additional install steps for Olive support

Several additional steps are needed to support Olive (Juniper) routers in VNX scenarios:

Installation over CentOS 5.6 (Draft)

Recipe tested over a Dell Optiplex 745 installing Cent0S 5.6 64 bits from DVD.

Follow this steps to install VNX over CentOS 5.6:

  • Install the system from the CentOS 5.6 DVD with the options you want. Restart the system and update all packages with:
  • yum update
  • Once installation is finished, configure the RPMForge repository following the procedure described here:
  • wget http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.i386.rpm
    rpm --import http://apt.sw.be/RPM-GPG-KEY.dag.txt
    rpm -K rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.*.rpm
    rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.*.rpm
    yum update
  • Install packages:
  • yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
    yum -y install qemu kvm kmod-kvm libvirt virt-manager virt-viewer
    yum -y install perl-XML-LibXML perl-XML-Parser perl-Net-Telnet tunctl screen
    yum -y install wget libxml2-devel gnutls-devel  perl-Net-Pcap perl-Net-IPv6Addr 
    yum -y install perl-Error perl-XML-DOM perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Readonly 
    yum -y install perl-TermReadKey perl-Exception-Class graphviz perl-AppConfig
    yum -y install perl-Sys-Virt
    --- Fallan 
    yum install device-mapper-devel uml_utilities
  • Install uml_utilities manually (not rpm package found for CentOS 5):
  • mkdir src
    cd src
    wget http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/uml_utilities_20070815.tar.bz2 
    tar xfvj uml_utilities_20070815.tar.bz2 
    cd tools-20070815/
    yum -y install readline-devel ncurses-devel fuse-devel
    make install
    cd ..
  • Install libvirt 0.8.8:
  • /etc/init.d/libvirtd stop
    wget http://libvirt.org/sources/libvirt-0.8.8.tar.gz
    tar xfvz libvirt-0.8.8.tar.gz
    cd libvirt-0.8.8
    ./configure --without-xen --prefix=/usr && make && make install
    rm -f /usr/lib/libvirt.so.0
    ln -s /usr/lib/libvirt.so.0.8.8 /usr/lib/libvirt.so.0
    rm -f /usr/lib/libvirt-qemu.so.0
    ln -s /usr/lib/libvirt-qemu.so.0.8.8 /usr/lib/libvirt-qemu.so.0 
    rm -f /usr/lib64/libvirt*
    ln -s /usr/lib/libvirt* /usr/lib64/
    /etc/init.d/libvirtd start
  • Add symbolic link for kvm:
  • ln -s /usr/bin/qemu /usr/bin/kvm
  • Install VNX:
  • mkdir /tmp/vnx-update
    cd /tmp/vnx-update
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/vnx-latest.tgz
    tar xfvz vnx-latest.tgz
    cd vnx-*
  • Create the VNX config file (/etc/vnx.conf). You just can move the sample config file:
  • mv /etc/vnx.conf.sample /etc/vnx.conf
  • Disable SELINUX. If not disabled, virtual machines fail to start with:
  • Connecting to qemu:///system hypervisor...OK
    libvirt error code: 1, message: internal error Process exited while reading console log output: char device redirected to /dev/pts/4
    bind(unix:/root/.vnx/scenarios/simple_ubuntu/vms/ubuntu/ubuntu_socket): Permission denied
    chardev: opening backend "socket" failed
  • Check that the hostname is correctly configured (in /etc/hosts it has to appear in the and ::1 lines). If not configured you could get the following error when accesing virtual machine consoles:
  • virsh  console ubuntu
    error:Falló al obtener nombre del host local
  • Disable host firewall or, alternatively, allow the services you want to use among virtual machines.
  • Download root file systems from http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems and copy them to /usr/share/vnx/filesystems directory:
  • cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
    # ubuntu server
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v02.qcow2.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v02.qcow2.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v02.qcow2 root_fs_ubuntu
    # ubuntu with gui
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2 root_fs_ubuntu-gui
    # freebsd server
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2 root_fs_freebsd
    # freebsd gui
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2 root_fs_freebsd-gui
    # winxp and win7
    # Sorry! Unfortunately for legal reasons we cannot distribute windows XP
    # or Windows 7 root filesystems. See VNX documentation for detailed recipes
    # to create these root fylesystems from scratch

Additional install steps for Dynamips support

  • Install Dynamips and Dynagen:
yum -y install libpcap
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/dyna-gen/dynamips%20Linux%20RPM/0.2.8-RC2/dynamips-0.2.8RC2-1.i386.rpm
rpm --nodeps -i dynamips-0.2.8RC2-1.i386.rpm
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/dyna-gen/dynagen%20source%20_%20Linux/dynagen%200.11.0/dynagen-0.11.0-1.fc9.noarch.rpm
rpm -i dynagen-0.11.0-1.fc9.noarch.rpm
  • Add dynamips to system start-up and start it manually for this time:
chkconfig --add dynamips
/etc/init.d/dynamips start
  • Download and install cisco IOS image:
 cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
 # Cisco image
 wget ... c3640-js-mz.124-19.image
 ln -s c3640-js-mz.124-19.image c3640
dynagen /usr/share/vnx/examples/R.net
console R     # type 'no' to exit the config wizard and wait 
              # for the router to completely start 
idle-pc get R

Once you know the idle-pc value for your system, include it in /etc/vnx.conf file.

Additional install steps for Olive support

One additional step is needed to support Olive (Juniper) routers in VNX scenarios: