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{{Title|Testing VNX using a Vagrant virtual machine}}
{{Title|Testing VNX using a Vagrant virtual machine}}
The easiest way to test VNX over a system with Linux, Mac OSX or Windows is to install [http://www.vagrantup.com/ Vagrant] and clone the virtual machine
The easiest way to test VNX over a system with Linux, Mac OSX or Windows is to install [http://www.vagrantup.com/ Vagrant] and clone the virtual machine we have prepared with VNX software and examples installed.
To download and create a VM from the Vagrant base image created, just:
vagrant box add vnx http://idefix.dit.upm.es/vnx/vagrant-vnx/vnx-ubuntu-14.04-v01.box
mkdir vnx
cd vnx
vagrant init vnx
vagrant up
Optionally, you can customize the VM (memory assigned or the number of cpus) by editing Vagrantfile. For example, to increase memory to 2Gb and the number of CPUs to 4, add the following lines:
  config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id,
                  "--memory", "2048",
                  "--cpus", "4"]

Revision as of 19:35, 14 June 2014

Testing VNX using a Vagrant virtual machine

The easiest way to test VNX over a system with Linux, Mac OSX or Windows is to install Vagrant and clone the virtual machine we have prepared with VNX software and examples installed.

To download and create a VM from the Vagrant base image created, just:

vagrant box add vnx http://idefix.dit.upm.es/vnx/vagrant-vnx/vnx-ubuntu-14.04-v01.box
mkdir vnx
cd vnx
vagrant init vnx
vagrant up

Optionally, you can customize the VM (memory assigned or the number of cpus) by editing Vagrantfile. For example, to increase memory to 2Gb and the number of CPUs to 4, add the following lines:

   config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id,
                  "--memory", "2048",
                  "--cpus", "4"]