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  vagrant up
  vagrant up
Once the VM has started, you can access it using:
Once the VM has started, you can access it using:
slogin vnx@ -X      # password 'xxxx'
  vagrant ssh
  vagrant ssh
And test, for example, the LXC VNX tutorial scenario:
And test, for example, the LXC VNX tutorial scenario:

Revision as of 18:43, 20 February 2016

Testing VNX using a Vagrant virtual machine

The easiest way to test VNX over a system with Linux, Mac OSX or Windows is to install Vagrant and clone the virtual machine we have prepared with VNX software and examples installed.

Beware that with this virtual machine you only can start LXC based virtual machines (no nested virtualization supported by VirtualBox).

Once you have Vagrant installed in your system, follow this procedure to create the VM:

vagrant box add vnx http://idefix.dit.upm.es/vnx/vnx-vm/vnx-ubuntu-15.10-v01.box
mkdir vnx
cd vnx
vagrant init vnx
vagrant up

Once the VM has started, you can access it using:

slogin vnx@ -X       # password 'xxxx'


vagrant ssh

And test, for example, the LXC VNX tutorial scenario:

cd /usr/share/vnx/examples/
sudo vnx -f tutorial_lxc_ubuntu.xml -v -t

See more details about LXC tutorial scenario here.

Aditional notes:

  • Installation on Windows:
    • X11 server: to allow virtual machine consoles to be shown properly, you need to install and start an X11 server in your Windows machine. We recommend using Xming (http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/).
    • SSH client: for "vagrant ssh" command to work on windows you need a "ssh" command available from PATH directories. We recommend using git for windows (http://git-scm.com/download/win), which includes and ssh command and automatically modifies PATH variable. Just download and install it choosing "Use Git and optional Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt" in "Adjusting your PATH enviromnment" step. Use default values for the rest of parameters.
  • Installation on Mac OSX:
  • You can customize the VM (e.g. memory assigned or the number of cpus) by editing Vagrantfile. For example, to increase memory to 2Gb and the number of CPUs to 4, add the following lines:
  • config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
      vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id,
                    "--memory", "2048",
                    "--cpus", "4"]
  • You can see the procedure followed to create the VNX ready Vagrant VM here