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+ | An interview with Canada's skip Cheryl Bernard<br><br>Canada's skip Cheryl Bernard looks back down the rink while playing Sweden at the women's Olympic curling tournament at the Vancouver Olympic Centre on Day 11 of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver February 22, 2010. Ric Ernst / Canwest News Service<br><br>Canwest sports reporter Cory Wolfe gets personal with Canadian women's skip Cheryl Bernard.<br><br>Bernard: Yes,[http://www.youtube.com/user/oakley oakley youtube], and it's whenever the coach (Dennis Balderston) says. (if the team plays the morning draw). And one glass of red wine.<br><br>Canwest: What's the best heckle you've heard from a curling fan? There's always "that guy" yelling something.<br><br>Bernard: Oh, yeah. They're doing, "Hurry hard, go Bernard?" That cracks me up. And when they "ssshhh" before you throw, I think that's hilarious.<br><br>Canwest: Have you ever forgotten that you were miked for television and let something slip?<br><br>Bernard: Many times, yes. Swear words. But there's a delay, so if they're on the ball in the truck, they catch it and it doesn't go on TV. But my grandma did hear me swear one time on national TV and she wasn't very happy.<br><br>Canwest: Has a teammate ever been genuinely upset at you for yelling at them,[http://www.cheapergas.us/cheapoakleysunglaases.htm cheap oakley sunglasses]?<br><br>Bernard: (Laughs) No, they're used to it now. Sometimes they say, "Don't yell." But no, that's the game and they know what it is.<br><br>Canwest: True or false the soundtrack of a curling game sounds a little bit dirty.<br><br>Bernard: Yeah, it does. True. There are lots of lines that you say in the game. I've heard it on the radio when they've kind of turned it that way and yeah, it doesn't sound good.<br><br>Canwest: Which Olympian would you go out of your way to meet?<br><br>Bernard: Iggy. (Jarome) Iginla.<br><br>Canwest: You did not hesitate one second.<br><br>Bernard: No, and I have tried. I live in Calgary and I haven't even met him yet. It was cool meeting (broadcaster) Brian Williams. He's not an Olympian but that was a pretty amazing part of my Olympic experience.<ul> | ||
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Revision as of 06:51, 19 June 2014
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Ada Evening NewsAda Evening News, The (Newspaper) March 31, 1967, Ada,oakley youtube, Oklahoma Page 12 THE ADA EVENING NEWS Ada, Oklahoma, Friday, March Any news Him submitted through mall must be and the adtir and telephone number of the sent must bo added. Recent guests of Mrs. Offive Summers, 724 East 13th, were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Summers, Tulsa, and their son, Winston, Bartlesville. I the holidays.' Saturday SPECIALS! 'OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL PM. Marjo's Sportswear, name brand sports clothes discount prices, blouses, slim jims, Poor Boys Rich Boys Maternity tents, Other selections. Modern purchased the Conoco Service Station at 13th Broadway. Ken Vogt Conoco, 301 S. Bdwy. 3 31 Bt. Permanents, to Mary Hickman's Beauty Shop, John son Courts, FE 2 2500, if no an swer FE 2 5013. 3 21 lm. Bio Go Bait House, 418 W. Main. FE 2 8648, minnows, Beauty Shop, 319 W. 4 Ada, FE 2 0189. 3 31 21. The "Singing Adams Family" with Kathy Winton will be at the morning and evening serv ices at the First Assembly of God Church Sunday, Rev. Frank Jones,replica oakley sunglasses, pastor, has announced. Sue Tims formerly with Cash Beauty Salon now with Junessie's. FE 2 5671. 3 31 61. Beauty Shop, V mile west Fittstown. Phone 2701. 3 31 6t. wornis, tackle, picnic supplies. n 10 im 1 Cold beer to go. Ice. Books, all _______ kinds 15c. Will trade books. i Open 7 days week. 3 15 lm. Scissors sharpened 59c, pink i r jing shears 99c at Vacuum Cleaner Clinic, 304 E. Main. 3 23 lm. Spots before your eyes, on your new carpet, remove them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer, The Lee Com Hey! Fellas, take your lady love for a ride "in a surrey with fringe on top." The Ride A way stables are open at 30th Oak Ave. Equipped for hay rides, group horse back riding. Will! board horses. For further infor pany. 3 26 bt. mation call !3566. Motel, FE 2 Gurley's TV Service FE 2 2862 801 W. 9th. 3 12 lm. Episcopal Church rummage sale, starts Saturday, April 1, 9 to 5, at 420 West Main. Sewing, 7148. Mr. and Mrs. Boris Smutley are vacationing in California. We think. For your daily bakery treats or special orders. See us. Sat terfield's Downtown Bakery. FE 2 5688, 112 S. Townsend, visit our drive in window. 3 10 lm. Ada Barber Beauty Shop, Francis Alumni banquet, April 117 East Main. Fe 2 8988. Dinner at j 10on United Funds Representative Waddell and Reed Co. F. 3 28 41, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bowles Jr., 831 East Orchard, have as their houseguests Mrs. John McKoy and Eliza beth Anne and Jennifer Lynn, Dalhart, Tex. Mr. McKoy spent Easter here with family, his 11UJL Hi Reservations by April 5. Mrs Charlie Roseberry, 625 West 1st., Ada, Okla. 74820 3 29 61. Joyce Miller, Service, Sales. 3 30 3t. Favor Rummage sale, Friday and Saturday. 301 East Main. 3 30 2t Wanted, people who only wash their car before a rain. Robo Car Wash, 500 North Miss. 3 30 6t. 40 gal., 10 year warranty, hot water heaters, specially priced, Service Electric Co., 804 East Main, FE 2 0987. 3 30 12t. Rummage sale, Friday and Saturday. 301 East Main. 3 30 2t By JAMES MARLOW AP News Analyst WASHINGTON (AP) North Is your home owners insur ing pause in February, Johnson ance too high? Call Ralph wrote Ho Chi Minh directly, Evans, Farmers Ins. Group. v proposing peace steps. years. Then suddenly it didn't. And just because it didn't, it did President Johnson and the Unit ed States a big favor. But it meant to do the opposite. Just when Johnson's populari ty was way down and American prestige around the world was suffering because of the war in Vietnam, Hanoi on its own re vealed the repeated efforts of Johnson to find some road to peace. answer until the day after John son finally ordered the bombing resumed. And all Ho Chi Minh did then was what he had done before. He ridiculed Johnson's efforts. Worse still, from Washington's 3 301m. Custom picture framing, large selection of mouldings and mats. The Gift House, 122 E. 3 10 lm. Main. One of the finer things of life, Blue Lustre carpet and uphol orse s, view he didn't even show stery cleaner. Rent electric enough interest in peace to hint shampooer, Campbell Fur at some further correspondence, j niture. 3 Zfr bt. Carport sale, Saturday, 101 While Johnson could havei made capital out of this, by' making the correspondence eace _ i public to show Ho Chi Minh had If Johnson had looked Ws e he ble about making these revelations war until about his peace which Hanoi ri diculed, now it's the North Viet namese who look bullheaded. They made Johnson look better, themselves worse. This was the opposite of their intentions. his peace gesture, he didn't. He considered the whole business too delicate to risk wrecking it by exposure. For some twisted reason it showed no sense, since it was bound to work against them the North Vietnamese broadcast the Jolmson Ho Chi Minh corre ,._. jspondence, along with the usual For years on the canvas of the ridicule. world Hanoi had painted John All it did was reveal that Ha son and the United States as noi wouldn't budge. Meanwhile, berserk monsters and aggres 1" sors and, in the process, belit tled all the American state ments about wanting peace. W. 19th., dishes, rugs, clothes. 3 30 2t. Mrs. Litie Russell, longtime] Ada resident, now resides in Dallas. She writes she is "get ting more settled" in her new home She was active in the First Methodist Church while in Ada. North Vietnam's leader, Ho Chi Minh, had a pat answer for U Thant, secretary general of the United Nations, proposed to both Johnson and Ho Chi Minh three steps to bring peace. The United States promptly accepted, with Vi Martin's Critics Say Tight Money May Be Coming some reserva j WASHINGTON (AP) _ Dem American peace suggestions: I ocratie critics of William Mc Stop the bombing unconditional 1 answered no, tor wnue ly, although Johnson had or 1 response to Thant has dered bombing pauses to see if made public the Hanoi Radio North Vietnam would respond. has indicated a refusal to deal or listen. Gradually the American posi Thus twice withm a few weeks tion hardened. Johnson laid I Hanoi presented itself to the down the preliminary condition world as inflexible repudiating for peace: If this country is to the peace efforts of both John stop the bombing, Hanoi must son and Thant. But that wasn t show it is interested in peace py! all North Vietnam did to make _._______ _ reducing some of its own war i Johnson and the Untied themselves some time ago to making j look better and itself worse. (this action Johnson's critics, here and] This week the Wastoigtoni They said Johnson apparently elsewhere, ignoring his propos Post reported that Hanoi s feu he had no choice in view Of j L Nnan Dan S21Q tn6 i_ _. Martin Jr., Federal chairman, said today they hope his continuance in office will not bring tighter money later this year. President Johnson announced Wednesday he was designating Martin, 60, to stay on as chair man until Jan. 30, 1970. Martin's Democratic pppo nents on Capitol Hill resigned! 1 al, apparently preferred to lis ten to Hanoi. They clubbed Johnson for not doing what Ha newspaper Nhan Dan said the United States had made 30 at tempts to start peace negotia noi demanded: Stop the bomb itions. i quiet on these bids for peace. They skipped over the the Communist paper de balance of payments difficui that North Vietnam had ignored I nounced all these ettorts these sources said. in ending the At the time of the last bomb PRESCRIPTIONS Contact Lens Supplies Clinic Pharmacy 100 E. 13th FE 2 5253 I But, by publicizing Johnson's efforts for peace and its own repudiations, Hanoi very effec tively helped soften world opin ion about this country. This doesn't make sense from the standpoint of Hanoi's own self interest. Which raises a natural question: What kind thinking goes on in North Viet is nam? The critics said they were hopeful, but not too confident, that Johnson had been able to reach some agreement with Martin that the White House would be consulted in the future before any dramatic tight mon ey moves are made. WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT Fred Bowers Is Back As a Service Man at MERLE REED PLUMBING 328 E. Main FE 2 3290 Paul's Auto Clinic 225 E. 9th, Ada Phone 332 3238 Evenings 332 3836 PAUL SUMMERS Owner The ADA EVENING NEWS STRATFORD AGENT BELL BROS. PHONE: PL 9 2086 PHONE: PL 9 2566 I More Reductions on Clearance Items! Give Away Prices! Shop Early! DRESS UP FOR EASTER! MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS if White Pima Cotton Regular Collar 100% White Cotton Broadcloths White Oxford Cloth Button Down Collar Tapered Bright Summer k White Permanent Press Dacron end Cottons Swing into summer with polka dots by Marcy Lee. Soft pleated skirt, striped patent belt. r Cool white cotton dotted with black brown or red. Sizes 10 20; Pastel Solid Colors Tapered OTHER FINE SHIRTS and NO IRON DRESS SHIRTS. "DRESS UP FOR EASTER" HUNDREDS TO SELECT FROM! ONLY AT DILLON'S IN ADA! MEN'S TIES ANOTHER BIG Famous Fruit of the Loom LADIES' Redi Ties Reg. Ties Clip ons Bow Ties VALUES TO CANTRECE NYLONS BOYS' TIES As Above.49c JUST ARRIVED! 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An interview with Canada's skip Cheryl BernardCanada's skip Cheryl Bernard looks back down the rink while playing Sweden at the women's Olympic curling tournament at the Vancouver Olympic Centre on Day 11 of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver February 22, 2010. Ric Ernst / Canwest News Service
Canwest sports reporter Cory Wolfe gets personal with Canadian women's skip Cheryl Bernard.
Bernard: Yes,oakley youtube, and it's whenever the coach (Dennis Balderston) says. (if the team plays the morning draw). And one glass of red wine.
Canwest: What's the best heckle you've heard from a curling fan? There's always "that guy" yelling something.
Bernard: Oh, yeah. They're doing, "Hurry hard, go Bernard?" That cracks me up. And when they "ssshhh" before you throw, I think that's hilarious.
Canwest: Have you ever forgotten that you were miked for television and let something slip?
Bernard: Many times, yes. Swear words. But there's a delay, so if they're on the ball in the truck, they catch it and it doesn't go on TV. But my grandma did hear me swear one time on national TV and she wasn't very happy.
Canwest: Has a teammate ever been genuinely upset at you for yelling at them,cheap oakley sunglasses?
Bernard: (Laughs) No, they're used to it now. Sometimes they say, "Don't yell." But no, that's the game and they know what it is.
Canwest: True or false the soundtrack of a curling game sounds a little bit dirty.
Bernard: Yeah, it does. True. There are lots of lines that you say in the game. I've heard it on the radio when they've kind of turned it that way and yeah, it doesn't sound good.
Canwest: Which Olympian would you go out of your way to meet?
Bernard: Iggy. (Jarome) Iginla.
Canwest: You did not hesitate one second.
Bernard: No, and I have tried. I live in Calgary and I haven't even met him yet. It was cool meeting (broadcaster) Brian Williams. He's not an Olympian but that was a pretty amazing part of my Olympic experience.