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* L. I. Barona, A. L. Valdivieso, L. J. García, [http://icit.zuj.edu.jo/icit15/DOI/Computer_Networks_and_Communications/0037.pdf Extending OpenFlow in Virtual Networks ], ICIT 2015 The 7th International Conference on Information Technology, 2015.  
* L. I. Barona, A. L. Valdivieso, L. J. García, [http://icit.zuj.edu.jo/icit15/DOI/Computer_Networks_and_Communications/0037.pdf Extending OpenFlow in Virtual Networks ], ICIT 2015 The 7th International Conference on Information Technology, 2015.  
* D. Fernández, [http://web.dit.upm.es/vnxwiki/images/c/c2/Pres-VNX-COM-20140205.pdf Virtual Networks over linuX], Center for Open Middleware, feb 2014.
* D. Fernández, [http://web.dit.upm.es/vnxwiki/images/c/c2/Pres-VNX-COM-20140205.pdf Virtual Networks over linuX], Center for Open Middleware, feb 2014.
* D. Guamán, V. Mateos,[http://www.revistapolitecnica.epn.edu.ec/ojs2/index.php/revista_politecnica2/article/download/165/pdf Arquitectura Distribuida para la Respuesta Automática frente a Intrusiones en un IRS Basado en Ontologías], REVISTA EPN, VOL. 33, NO. 3, ENERO 2014.
* D. Fernández, J. Somavilla, V. Mateos, O. Walid, J. Rodríguez, F. J. Martín, F. J. Monserrat, M. Ferrer, F. Galán, [https://tnc2012.terena.org/getfile/1283 "Distributed Virtual Scenarios over Multi-host Linux Environments: Virtual Networks over LinuX (VNX)"], Poster presented to TERENA Networking Conference (TNC 2012)
* D. Fernández, J. Somavilla, V. Mateos, O. Walid, J. Rodríguez, F. J. Martín, F. J. Monserrat, M. Ferrer, F. Galán, [https://tnc2012.terena.org/getfile/1283 "Distributed Virtual Scenarios over Multi-host Linux Environments: Virtual Networks over LinuX (VNX)"], Poster presented to TERENA Networking Conference (TNC 2012)
** Winner of the student poster competition: [https://www.terena.org/news/fullstory.php?news_id=3168 reference to announce]
** Winner of the student poster competition: [https://www.terena.org/news/fullstory.php?news_id=3168 reference to announce]

Revision as of 01:23, 8 July 2015

References to VNX

VNX presentations and publications

Final Degree Projects

References found in Internet