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Ada Evening News

Ada Evening News, The (Newspaper) March 31, 1967, Ada,oakley youtube, Oklahoma Page 12 THE ADA EVENING NEWS Ada, Oklahoma, Friday, March Any news Him submitted through mall must be and the adtir and telephone number of the sent must bo added. Recent guests of Mrs. Offive Summers, 724 East 13th, were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Summers, Tulsa, and their son, Winston, Bartlesville. I the holidays.' Saturday SPECIALS! 'OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL PM. Marjo's Sportswear, name brand sports clothes discount prices, blouses, slim jims, Poor Boys Rich Boys Maternity tents, Other selections. Modern purchased the Conoco Service Station at 13th Broadway. Ken Vogt Conoco, 301 S. Bdwy. 3 31 Bt. Permanents, to Mary Hickman's Beauty Shop, John son Courts, FE 2 2500, if no an swer FE 2 5013. 3 21 lm. Bio Go Bait House, 418 W. Main. FE 2 8648, minnows, Beauty Shop, 319 W. 4 Ada, FE 2 0189. 3 31 21. The "Singing Adams Family" with Kathy Winton will be at the morning and evening serv ices at the First Assembly of God Church Sunday, Rev. Frank Jones,replica oakley sunglasses, pastor, has announced. Sue Tims formerly with Cash Beauty Salon now with Junessie's. FE 2 5671. 3 31 61. Beauty Shop, V mile west Fittstown. Phone 2701. 3 31 6t. wornis, tackle, picnic supplies. n 10 im 1 Cold beer to go. Ice. Books, all _______ kinds 15c. Will trade books. i Open 7 days week. 3 15 lm. Scissors sharpened 59c, pink i r jing shears 99c at Vacuum Cleaner Clinic, 304 E. Main. 3 23 lm. Spots before your eyes, on your new carpet, remove them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer, The Lee Com Hey! Fellas, take your lady love for a ride "in a surrey with fringe on top." The Ride A way stables are open at 30th Oak Ave. Equipped for hay rides, group horse back riding. Will! board horses. For further infor pany. 3 26 bt. mation call !3566. Motel, FE 2 Gurley's TV Service FE 2 2862 801 W. 9th. 3 12 lm. Episcopal Church rummage sale, starts Saturday, April 1, 9 to 5, at 420 West Main. Sewing, 7148. Mr. and Mrs. Boris Smutley are vacationing in California. We think. For your daily bakery treats or special orders. See us. Sat terfield's Downtown Bakery. FE 2 5688, 112 S. Townsend, visit our drive in window. 3 10 lm. Ada Barber Beauty Shop, Francis Alumni banquet, April 117 East Main. Fe 2 8988. Dinner at j 10on United Funds Representative Waddell and Reed Co. F. 3 28 41, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bowles Jr., 831 East Orchard, have as their houseguests Mrs. John McKoy and Eliza beth Anne and Jennifer Lynn, Dalhart, Tex. Mr. McKoy spent Easter here with family, his 11UJL Hi Reservations by April 5. Mrs Charlie Roseberry, 625 West 1st., Ada, Okla. 74820 3 29 61. Joyce Miller, Service, Sales. 3 30 3t. Favor Rummage sale, Friday and Saturday. 301 East Main. 3 30 2t Wanted, people who only wash their car before a rain. Robo Car Wash, 500 North Miss. 3 30 6t. 40 gal., 10 year warranty, hot water heaters, specially priced, Service Electric Co., 804 East Main, FE 2 0987. 3 30 12t. Rummage sale, Friday and Saturday. 301 East Main. 3 30 2t By JAMES MARLOW AP News Analyst WASHINGTON (AP) North Is your home owners insur ing pause in February, Johnson ance too high? Call Ralph wrote Ho Chi Minh directly, Evans, Farmers Ins. Group. v proposing peace steps. years. Then suddenly it didn't. And just because it didn't, it did President Johnson and the Unit ed States a big favor. But it meant to do the opposite. Just when Johnson's populari ty was way down and American prestige around the world was suffering because of the war in Vietnam, Hanoi on its own re vealed the repeated efforts of Johnson to find some road to peace. answer until the day after John son finally ordered the bombing resumed. And all Ho Chi Minh did then was what he had done before. He ridiculed Johnson's efforts. Worse still, from Washington's 3 301m. Custom picture framing, large selection of mouldings and mats. The Gift House, 122 E. 3 10 lm. Main. One of the finer things of life, Blue Lustre carpet and uphol orse s, view he didn't even show stery cleaner. Rent electric enough interest in peace to hint shampooer, Campbell Fur at some further correspondence, j niture. 3 Zfr bt. Carport sale, Saturday, 101 While Johnson could havei made capital out of this, by' making the correspondence eace _ i public to show Ho Chi Minh had If Johnson had looked Ws e he ble about making these revelations war until about his peace which Hanoi ri diculed, now it's the North Viet namese who look bullheaded. They made Johnson look better, themselves worse. This was the opposite of their intentions. his peace gesture, he didn't. He considered the whole business too delicate to risk wrecking it by exposure. For some twisted reason it showed no sense, since it was bound to work against them the North Vietnamese broadcast the Jolmson Ho Chi Minh corre ,._. jspondence, along with the usual For years on the canvas of the ridicule. world Hanoi had painted John All it did was reveal that Ha son and the United States as noi wouldn't budge. Meanwhile, berserk monsters and aggres 1" sors and, in the process, belit tled all the American state ments about wanting peace. W. 19th., dishes, rugs, clothes. 3 30 2t. Mrs. Litie Russell, longtime] Ada resident, now resides in Dallas. She writes she is "get ting more settled" in her new home She was active in the First Methodist Church while in Ada. North Vietnam's leader, Ho Chi Minh, had a pat answer for U Thant, secretary general of the United Nations, proposed to both Johnson and Ho Chi Minh three steps to bring peace. The United States promptly accepted, with Vi Martin's Critics Say Tight Money May Be Coming some reserva j WASHINGTON (AP) _ Dem American peace suggestions: I ocratie critics of William Mc Stop the bombing unconditional 1 answered no, tor wnue ly, although Johnson had or 1 response to Thant has dered bombing pauses to see if made public the Hanoi Radio North Vietnam would respond. has indicated a refusal to deal or listen. Gradually the American posi Thus twice withm a few weeks tion hardened. Johnson laid I Hanoi presented itself to the down the preliminary condition world as inflexible repudiating for peace: If this country is to the peace efforts of both John stop the bombing, Hanoi must son and Thant. But that wasn t show it is interested in peace py! all North Vietnam did to make _._______ _ reducing some of its own war i Johnson and the Untied themselves some time ago to making j look better and itself worse. (this action Johnson's critics, here and] This week the Wastoigtoni They said Johnson apparently elsewhere, ignoring his propos Post reported that Hanoi s feu he had no choice in view Of j L Nnan Dan S21Q tn6 i_ _. Martin Jr., Federal chairman, said today they hope his continuance in office will not bring tighter money later this year. President Johnson announced Wednesday he was designating Martin, 60, to stay on as chair man until Jan. 30, 1970. Martin's Democratic pppo nents on Capitol Hill resigned! 1 al, apparently preferred to lis ten to Hanoi. They clubbed Johnson for not doing what Ha newspaper Nhan Dan said the United States had made 30 at tempts to start peace negotia noi demanded: Stop the bomb itions. i quiet on these bids for peace. They skipped over the the Communist paper de balance of payments difficui that North Vietnam had ignored I nounced all these ettorts these sources said. in ending the At the time of the last bomb PRESCRIPTIONS Contact Lens Supplies Clinic Pharmacy 100 E. 13th FE 2 5253 I But, by publicizing Johnson's efforts for peace and its own repudiations, Hanoi very effec tively helped soften world opin ion about this country. This doesn't make sense from the standpoint of Hanoi's own self interest. Which raises a natural question: What kind thinking goes on in North Viet is nam? The critics said they were hopeful, but not too confident, that Johnson had been able to reach some agreement with Martin that the White House would be consulted in the future before any dramatic tight mon ey moves are made. WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT Fred Bowers Is Back As a Service Man at MERLE REED PLUMBING 328 E. Main FE 2 3290 Paul's Auto Clinic 225 E. 9th, Ada Phone 332 3238 Evenings 332 3836 PAUL SUMMERS Owner The ADA EVENING NEWS STRATFORD AGENT BELL BROS. PHONE: PL 9 2086 PHONE: PL 9 2566 I More Reductions on Clearance Items! Give Away Prices! Shop Early! DRESS UP FOR EASTER! MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS if White Pima Cotton Regular Collar 100% White Cotton Broadcloths White Oxford Cloth Button Down Collar Tapered Bright Summer k White Permanent Press Dacron end Cottons Swing into summer with polka dots by Marcy Lee. Soft pleated skirt, striped patent belt. r Cool white cotton dotted with black brown or red. Sizes 10 20; Pastel Solid Colors Tapered OTHER FINE SHIRTS and NO IRON DRESS SHIRTS. "DRESS UP FOR EASTER" HUNDREDS TO SELECT FROM! ONLY AT DILLON'S IN ADA! MEN'S TIES ANOTHER BIG Famous Fruit of the Loom LADIES' Redi Ties Reg. Ties Clip ons Bow Ties VALUES TO CANTRECE NYLONS BOYS' TIES As Above.49c JUST ARRIVED! MEN'S NEW SPRING Impeccable Fit Wrinkle Free Fits Your Legs Like Make Up Blush Shadow Sizes SVi to 11 SPORT COATS TAILORED BY CAMPUS SEWELL Blazers All Wool 2 Button Denims 3 Button BUY NOW! LARGE SELECTION LADIES' SPRING COATS Short Coats Length Coats Length Coats Full Length Coats Dusters SIZES 5 TO 44 New Laminated Fibers Black and Pastel Woolens All the New Colors and Fabrics Use Our Lay Away! A Small Deposit Will Hold! I 'I i a New Shipment! In Time for Easter! FAMOUS AETNA PURSES COMPARE AT Small Sizes Large Sizes Small Sizes Shoulder Straps White, Black Colors FAMOUS PAN AMERICAN IMPORTED STRAW BAGS AMERICA'S BIGGEST VALUES! andM.98 While Black or Natural FAMOUS JACLYN DESIGNER Hopsack New Styles, Colors SELECT NOW and Fabrics! USE OUR LAYAWAY! ALSO LARGE SELECTION BOYS' SPORT COATS AT POPULAR PRICES! Any Siza Famous for Woar I Whits, Black, Colors I PAIR! ANOTHER FAMOUS HIT! FRUIT OF THE LOOM GOLD RIBBON DELUXE NYLON PANTY HOSE ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT! feel like a breeze, look like a million HIGGINS TROPICAL SLACKS Great news for the man who knows smart good looks are as important as cool comfort. 55% 45% Wool, these action cut slacks are woven and designed for our climate retain their trim shape after many wearings. With or without pleats, in your favorite shades of medi um or dark grey, olive or brown. Dacron and Wool SLACKS OTHER FINE HIGGINS SLACKS Proportioned Lengths Contoured Heel Run Guard Toe and Welt Colors: Blush, Shadow and White SEW AND SAVE WITH DILLON'S FINE FABRICS McCALL'S AND SIMPLICITY PATTERNS TALON NYLON ZIPPERS COATS CLARK'S METAL ZIPPERS STREAMLINE BEAUTY BUTTONS AND ALL SEWING NEEDS! ALSO BIG NEW SHIPMENT BOYS' SPRING AND SUMMER SLACKS Solids Plaids Regulars Slims 43.93 USE OUR IAY AWAY PLAN! 118 120 E. Main Ada, Okla. FE 2 0373 OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL PM JUST UNPACKED! 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4 Ways to Spot Fake Louis Vuitton Purses,oakley youtube

Your next biggest clue about a bag's authenticity should be the little details, such as its zippers, interior lining, or date code. Most official Louis Vuitton purses do not have the tag attached. Instead,replica oakleys, the tag is separate, often slid into a pocket of the purse. This is best done in person, but if not possible, ask the seller for as many close up photos as possible. Sloppy stitches suggest a counterfeit bag. Another indicator of a counterfeit footprint is the number of stitches per inch (SPI) of the seam. SPI (stitches per inch) refers to the number of stitches in a single inch of seam. A higher SPI count will translate into greater overall seam strength, (and therefore a higher quality handbag). Any seller that claims otherwise is not to be trusted.

Meet Coffee Addict, a US wikiHowian of over 2 years, who has started 25 articles and patrolled over 2,000 edits. She likes patrolling recent changes, answering article requests, and expanding stubs. Her favorite article she's worked on is How to Get Ready for a Middle School Dance, and her proudest accomplishment was starting How to Make an Origami Bunny Heads, which went on to be Featured Article. She loves how the editors in the wikiHow community take the time to spread encouragement and celebrate each other's accomplishments, and she appreciates how even stub articles are given the chance to blossom through the community's collaborative efforts. Her advice to new members is to try out Tips Patrol to help prepare for other activities.

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An interview with Canada's skip Cheryl Bernard

Canada's skip Cheryl Bernard looks back down the rink while playing Sweden at the women's Olympic curling tournament at the Vancouver Olympic Centre on Day 11 of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver February 22, 2010. Ric Ernst / Canwest News Service

Canwest sports reporter Cory Wolfe gets personal with Canadian women's skip Cheryl Bernard.

Bernard: Yes,oakley youtube, and it's whenever the coach (Dennis Balderston) says. (if the team plays the morning draw). And one glass of red wine.

Canwest: What's the best heckle you've heard from a curling fan? There's always "that guy" yelling something.

Bernard: Oh, yeah. They're doing, "Hurry hard, go Bernard?" That cracks me up. And when they "ssshhh" before you throw, I think that's hilarious.

Canwest: Have you ever forgotten that you were miked for television and let something slip?

Bernard: Many times, yes. Swear words. But there's a delay, so if they're on the ball in the truck, they catch it and it doesn't go on TV. But my grandma did hear me swear one time on national TV and she wasn't very happy.

Canwest: Has a teammate ever been genuinely upset at you for yelling at them,cheap oakley sunglasses?

Bernard: (Laughs) No, they're used to it now. Sometimes they say, "Don't yell." But no, that's the game and they know what it is.

Canwest: True or false the soundtrack of a curling game sounds a little bit dirty.

Bernard: Yeah, it does. True. There are lots of lines that you say in the game. I've heard it on the radio when they've kind of turned it that way and yeah, it doesn't sound good.

Canwest: Which Olympian would you go out of your way to meet?

Bernard: Iggy. (Jarome) Iginla.

Canwest: You did not hesitate one second.

Bernard: No, and I have tried. I live in Calgary and I haven't even met him yet. It was cool meeting (broadcaster) Brian Williams. He's not an Olympian but that was a pretty amazing part of my Olympic experience.

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A night of fright and delight for ghouls of all ages,louis vuitton replica

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Abbie bags four goals as Abbeytown girls stroll it

ABBEYTOWN were much the stronger team and they ran out comfortable winners after scoring three goals in each half,cheap ray ban sunglasses.

Abbie Hetherington opened the scoring when she ran half the length of the field before driving a right foot shot past Abbey Glendinning in the City goal.

Michelle Park and Megan Hurst tried to get the City attack going but they were met with strong resistance from Katie Penrice and Chloe Park in the Abbeytown defence.

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DEFENCES were very much in control when the two Newlaithes teams met and it took a penalty shoot out to decide the winners.

The younger Pinks played the better football but their moves were usually halted by the cool head and excellent defending of Newlaithes captain Abbi Townsley,christian louboutin outlet.

Newlaithes won in the penalty shoot out with goals by Sword and McVitie but the Pinks failed to score due to a good save by Katie Huggon and another shot hitting the post.

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A GOAL midway through the second half by leading scorer Katie Armstrong sealed the victory for Penrith United in a hard fought encounter that could have gone either way,longchamp maroquinerie.

After a goal less first half both sets of players gave it everything with Harraby's Kirsty Carr having a shot well saved by Lucy Ballantyne in the Penrith goal,cheap true religion jeans. Katy Perfect then came close for Penrith but her shot went narrowly wide.

Carr was a constant threat and when Meg McCormick supplied the pass she unleashed a terrific shot which cannoned wide off the outside of the post. Penrith broke quickly down the left through Perfect and when her shot was pushed out by Harraby keeper Hayleigh Boyd,valentino shoes, Armstrong was on hand to guide the loose ball into the net.

Carr stormed through on the right only to be halted by a tremendous sliding tackle from Nicola Cannon before Armstrong took control,mcm backpack.

The final minutes were extremely hectic but the Penrith defence held on.

Harraby Catholic 0 CMB Newlaithes 0

NEWLAITHES were always an attacking threat with Mathew Douglas and Arron Bradbury pausing problems for the Harraby defence and goalkeeper Glen Stephen had to be in top form to keep them out. Harraby also had chances in the second half but they also found Newlaithes keeper Robbie James in fine form so full time arrived without a goal.

Penalties were needed to decide the issue and Harraby won by three goals to two after a save from Stephen,louboutin shoes.

Jordan Wooding Holt,toms outlet, Bradley Sword and Mark Hamilton scored for Harraby while Kieran Salkeld and Arron Bradbury were on target for CMB.

Carlisle City 3 Stanwix Hornets 0

IT WAS three in a row for the Carlisle City boys who won the cup last year when they were Under 8s and the year before as seven year olds.

Their football was astonishing and it was no fault of the hardworking Stanwix players that they were unable to match their more illustrious opponents.

City led 0 1 at half time after Josh Cooke had scored with his left foot but Stanwix came close when a Michael Reid shot was turned for a corner by Stevie Bingham,juicy couture outlet.

City continued to dominate after the interval and Stanwix goalkeeper Aidan Styles was in constant action but there was little he could do to prevent shots from Dean Bryce Norman and James Ranson entering his net as Carlisle City went three goals clear,insanity workout dvd.

Dan Faughey came close for City with a shot which was narrowly over, while Jordan Hodgson was marginally wide with a header from Cooke's centre.

BOTH teams played good football in a game where there was little to choose but it was Pirelli who had the greater cutting edge and they took the lead through a great volley by Jordan Irving in the first half,true religion.

Harraby continued to plaw well and there was some excellent passing between Sam Bell,louis vuitton, Alec Bimson,ralph lauren france, Connor Mullholland and Ronan Steele. Pirelli defended in numbers and scored their second goal after Irving headed in from a Josh Scott throw in.

Harry Thompson latched onto the ball before speeding down the left flank. He tried an angled shot which was partially saved by Jack Nugent in the Harraby goal,north face outlet.

The ball broke to Michael Brennan and he made no mistake with a close range shot.

A KEENLY contested game was decided by a Josh Baty goal on the stroke of half time when his right foot free kick found the net after the ball passed through a mass of bodies,chi flat iron.

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New Delhi,ray ban sunglasses, Jan 4: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal,burberry outlet online, whose rise to fame has been no less than a fairy tale,louis vuitton, on Saturday asked the media to continue scrutinising his Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) to keep it on its toes so that it can rectify its mistakes,chanel bags, said ANI News sources. Kejriwal's AAP formed the government in Delhi with the outside support of the Congress after coming up with a good show in the December 4 assembly polls.

Kejriwal said his govt is working on controlling the tanker mafia in Jal Board

The AAP convenor also said that he will campaign for his party during the Lok Sabha elections due in a few months but not contest the polls himself,cheap true religion, added the sources.

Kejriwal said his government was working on steps to control the tanker mafia in Delhi's Jal Board,michael kors. The AAP has vowed to take up the water and power problems of Delhi and has responded to them fast,prada outlet.

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Meanwhile in Bhopal,christian louboutin outlet, AAP supporters protested against Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan for holding an unused bungalow for last 8 years.

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The mid engined Audi R8 Spyder offers great performance,louboutin shoes, sharp handling and a stunning soundtrack to rival the Porsche 911 CabrioletFor:Sensational noise,toms, impressive build quality, sharp handlingThe Audi R8 has cemented its place as one of the sweetest handling and usable supercars money can buy. The Spyder adds another string to its bow with a folding fabric roof which ups the excitement levels, which allows occupants to hear the mid mounted engine in all its glory. The R8 Spyder comes with either a 4.2 litre V8 or 5.2 litre V10,ghd uk, although unlike the coupe,burberry factory outlet, there's no high performance V10 Plus version offered. Buyers can choose between the standard manual or new seven speed S tronic auto. The latter suits the Spyder's slightly softer image, but still allows drivers to take control of gearshifts when they want to enjoy the car's performance in full.Our choice: R8 Spyder 4.2 V8 S tronicWith the roof folded away underneath the rear deck,cheap sunglasses, the R8 Spyder looks even wider and more dramatic than the coupe. The engine is no longer visible through the rear deck, as a series of dramatic silver vents have been added along the buttresses. The carbon side blades have been removed,polo outlet, too,cheap true religion jeans, which gives the Spyder a cleaner profile. It used to be that the only way to distinguish the V10 model from the V8 was the two oval instead of twin tailpes but now both have large round exhausts mounted either side of the rear bumper. You'll have to look out for the tiny V10 badge on the wings now instead.The R8 Spyder is nothing short of sensational to drive. Remove the hood and whether you're in the V8 or V10 model, you're treated to a symphony from the exhausts higher pitched in the V10 and more bassy in the V8. A retractable rear windscreen allows you to get the full effect when the roof is in place, too. The suspension is slightly softer than on the coupe,longchamp paris, but it corners almost as precisely and just as flat. The four wheel drive system offers loads of grip and ferocious acceleration,michael kors outlet online, but when provoked the rear biased system delivers lively handling similar to that of a rear wheel drive car. We love the excellent six speed open gate manual gearbox but the facelifted model introduced at the start of 2013 also boasts an excellent dual clutch S Tronic automatic 'box to replace the jerky, slow witted R Tronic automated manual.Refinement with the roof up is excellent and even with it stowed away,coach outlet, wind buffeting is minimal as long as the windows are up and the wind deflector is in place. The cabin itself is spacious for two passengers but luggage space is seriously limited with only 100 litres available in a compartment in the nose. If you can cram a bag in there,mcm handbags, though,tory burch handbags, the R8 Spyder is a capable and surprisingly comfortable long distance cruiser. The four wheel drive system helps the V10 to claw its way from 0 62mph in 4.1 seconds (3.8 seconds in the auto), but also offers better stability in adverse weather conditions.Due to the extra strengthening needed in the chassis,ferragamo shoes, the Spyder weighs 100kg more than the equivalent coupe although the V8 version weighs 60kg less than the V10 which damages the fuel economy. The V8 returns fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of 19.6mpg and 337g/km respectively (with the manual transmission) while the V10 can only manage 19mpg and 356g/km. Things get better if you go for the S Tronic, which improves fuel economy to 22.4mpg in the V8 and 21.2mpg in the V10. Servicing won't be as pricey as for more exotic supercar manufacturers,coach factory, such as Maserati, Ferrari and Lamborghini,longchamp pas cher, but will be expensive nonetheless.

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25 Home Remedies for Athlete's Foot,true religion jeans

Cornstarch. Rub cornstarch, which absorbs moisture, on your feet. Very lightly browned cornstarch is even better because any moisture content already contained in the cornstarch is removed, allowing for better absorption. To brown, sprinkle cornstarch on a pie plate and bake at 325 degrees for just a few minutes,coach outlet online, until it looks brownish. Apply to the nail and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes, then clean off in warm, soapy water. Dry feet thoroughly. Repeat daily. Because the fungus can return, you may wish to continue this treatment for several weeks after the fungus has disappeared,louboutin replica, just to ward off another fungal visit.

Garlic. Eat some garlic! It has antifungal properties. You can also swab the affected area with garlic juice twice a day. If your toenail appears to have the fungus, use this recipe:

Crush 1 clove garlic and mix with a few drops of olive oil to make a paste. Apply to the nail and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes, then clean off in warm, soapy water. Dry feet thoroughly. Repeat daily. Because the fungus can return,longchamp outlet, you may wish to continue this treatment for several weeks after the fungus has disappeared, just to ward off another fungal visit.

Immune boosting foods. Low immunity can make you more susceptible to a fungal infection, so include some of these immune boosting foods in your diet: broccoli,cheap true religion, red meats,chi hair straighteners, and scallions. (See also "Home Remedies From the Cupboard" for more immune boosting foods.)

Cinnamon. A good soak in a cinnamon tea foot bath will help slow down the fungus. Boil 8 to 10 broken cinnamon sticks in 4 cups water,insanity workout dvd, then simmer for five minutes. Let steep for another 45 minutes. Soak your feet for 15 to 30 minutes. Repeat daily, as needed.

Yogurt. One of the greatest of all fungus fighting foods in your fridge is yogurt that contains live acidophilus. The flavor isn't important as long as the yogurt contains the active bacteria. (Commercial yogurts with live culture now carry a seal indicating this; a live culture is crucial!) Acidophilus helps control vaginal and oral yeast,longchamp paris, but it may give other fungi a pretty good fight, too. And if nothing else, it tastes good and is good for you.

Lemon,bottega veneta outlet. This remedy will help you in the sweaty foot odor department,coach outlet. Squeeze the juice from a lemon and mix it with 2 ounces water,cheap ray ban sunglasses. Rinse your feet with the lemon water,juicy couture.

Vinegar. Soak your feet in 1 cup vinegar to 2 quarts water for 15 to 30 minutes every night. Or make a solution of 1 cup vinegar to 1 cup water, and apply it directly to the affected areas with a cotton ball. If the infection is severe and the skin is raw, the solution will sting. Make sure your feet are completely dry before putting on your socks or slippers. Cider vinegar can also be used as a remedy. Mix equal parts apple cider (or regular) vinegar and ethyl alcohol. Dab on the affected areas. Again,coach factory, be aware this will sting if the skin is raw.

Tea. The tannic acid in tea is soothing,louboutin outlet, helps to dry the foot, and helps kill the fungus. Make a foot soak by putting 6 black tea bags in 1 quart warm water.

Salt. Soak your infected foot in warm salt water, using 1 teaspoon salt for each cup of water, for 10 minutes. Dry your foot thoroughly, then dab some baking soda between your toes.

Athlete's foot can be an irritating and even painful problem,cheap true religion, but a little vigilance and the simple remedies in this article can keep your feet dry and healthy. See the next page for when to see a doctor for athlete's foot.

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50 new jobs announced in three Dublin companies,ferragamo shoes

Speith ends surprising streak at Players ChampionshipJordan Spieth's remarkable scoring streak finally came to an end on Sunday,cheap true religion, but the .Sherwood pulls fan from the stands to act as managerTim Sherwood surrendered his last five minutes in charge of Spurs this season to .Off the boil Laois do enough to win over CarlowLaois 1 22 Carlow 0 14 Laois gradually imposed themselves on Carlow to record their .15/04/2014 08:46:12Back to Business HomeAlmost 50 jobs are being created by three separate companies in Dublin today.Energy consulting firm Sure Power Energy and Utilities is hiring 25 new staff.Fifteen positions are coming on stream at helicopter rental company Lobo Leasing,longchamp soldes, while eight roles will be created at PR and marketing agency Wired Island.Connect Ireland helped secure the jobs. CEO Michael McLoughlin said: ""The aircraft leasing jobs in Lobo Leasing are very specialised in the area of international leasing of helicopters."For Sure Power we're looking at consultancy positions in project management. For Wired Ireland,cheap oakley sunglasses, it's a combination of PR,coach outlet store, communications and digital marketing positions."KEYWORDS: Sure Power Energy and Utilities,bottega veneta outlet, Lobo Leasing,cheap ray ban sunglasses, Connect Ireland,valentino outlet, Wired IslandMost Read in BusinessPenneys to start selling clothes onlineBudget retailer Primark,ralph lauren pas cher, which operates in the Republic of Ireland as Penneys,longchamp bags, is to start selling clothes online.

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Baugh's on a roll with pike and carp catches

CARLISLE'S Tim Baugh has been enjoying good sport with carp and pike recently,coach outlet online.

After landing a 17lb mirror carp from Ellerbeck Fishery at Brigham near Cockermouth,burberry handbags, Tim turned his attentions to the Lake District with pike in mind and successfully landed fish of 15lb and 11lb from Derwentwater. Tim used a homemade fish paste to tempt his carp his pike as well as two smaller ones fell to smelt.

It is perch time at Crofton Lake and the Carlisle and District Coarse Angling Club fishery near Thursby is producing some tremendous bags of perch up to over 2lb,juicy couture outlet.

CADCAC chairman Dave Gillies recently weighed in a bag of four perch for 9lb. Dave White from Carlisle landed a 30lb perch bag with individual specimens to 1lb. There has also been carp to 9lb landed recently,hollister uk.

Eden salmon anglers will be pleased to know that October was another good month,longchamp pas cher, according to the Environment Agency fish counter,louis vuitton handbags, with a total net up count of 2410 fish for the month.

It is interesting to note that according to Agency figures the majority of counts were during the first half of the month, with 1,507 detected up to and including October 15 and 894 for the rest of the month,red bottom shoes, with a peak of 377 on October 3.

Although the level of the river Eden has been unsettled since the end of the salmon season,valentino outlet, I have enjoyed some excellent fishing for grayling and chub, having landed chub to 5lb 1oz and grayling to 2lb 1oz.

I realise that coarse angling preferences have changed a little since the decline of the dace on the river, with stocked still water fisheries enjoying an increase in popularity,karen millen, but I can't help feeling that anglers are missing out on some excellent grayling and chub sport. Why not try trotting a bait under a float for grayling?

Thirty years ago we all took the dace fishing on the Eden for granted. We thought it would be always there how wrong we were. Get out and enjoy the grayling fishing,hermes, who knows what the future holds?

Trout and salmon anglers don't hang up your rods up at the end of your respective seasons,prada outlet, get yourself out on the river. You can have some great sport with the fly rod,chi flat iron, a few Czech nymphs,longchamp, some gold heads and don't ignore more traditional spider patterns.

Carlisle Angling Association waters offers very reasonably priced fishing for both residents and visitors alike. Warwick Hall has good grayling fishing for both fly and bait angler. As well as some good chub, more water is available to the fly angler under the Eden Rivers Trust Go Wild scheme,lululemon, and the Environment Agency are once again running a coarse fish and grayling monitoring programme,ralph lauren outlet, monitoring the status of coarse fish and grayling stocks on the river Eden through anglers catch statistics.

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Be More Considerate With Your Choice of Carrier Bags,louis vuitton outlet online

I hate it when I pack my shopping into carrier bags and they split down the sides. It's even worst when you are carrying a few carrier bags and the handle snaps, sending shopping spiraling to the floor. There's such a massive amount of difference between carrier bags depending on where you do your weekly shop. Some supermarkets have really good carrier bags and others are simply cheapskates when it comes to the quality of their bags. This isn't a minor gripe it can be very important when you are carrying bags that are filled with food. If the carrier bags split and bottles of wines or spirits end up smashing on the floor it doesn't put you in the best mood. Of course there's an obvious solution to this process and it involves some of the finest Packaging Ireland can provide.

Instead of using the carrier bags that are provided by the store take your own bags along with you. Buy reusable carrier bags that you can fill with shopping on a weekly basis and you won't have to use flimsy plastic products,juicy couture. Reusable carrier bags are sturdy and strong you can fill them to the top and don't have to worry about the bags splitting. Even if you fill the carrier bags with heavy bottles they're tough enough to cope and there's no danger of the handles snapping,chi hair straighteners. I've started using reusable carrier bags whenever I do my weekly shop and I simply replace them when they start to look a little tatty,true religion jeans outlet. They're made by companies that produce the best Packaging Ireland has to offer and I keep the bags in the boot of my car.

Reusable carrier bags are brilliant for loading up shopping,bottega veneta outlet; I can cram tons of items into my bags,prada handbags. And they're better for the environment too which can't be a bad thing in the current climate,tory burch. A few years ago there was a massive campaign to get shoppers to use reusable bags in stores,true religion. Since that time a growing number of customers have started to use reusable carrier bags when they go shopping and that's great news for the planet because it cuts down on waste.

Reusable bags are made by packaging companies that manufacture the finest Packaging Ireland has ever seen. Be kinder to the planet and stop using plastic bags, they're better quality and better for the planet as well.

I hate it when I pack my shopping into carrier bags and they split down the sides. It's even worst when you are carrying a few carrier bags and the handle snaps,ralph lauren, sending shopping spiraling to the floor. There's such a massive amount of difference between carrier bags depending on where you do your weekly shop. Some supermarkets have really good carrier bags and others are simply cheapskates when it comes to the quality of their bags. This isn't a minor gripe it can be very important when you are carrying bags that are filled with food. If the carrier bags split and bottles of wines or spirits end up smashing on the floor it doesn't put you in the best mood. Of course there's an obvious solution to this process and it involves some of the finest Packaging Ireland can provide.

Instead of using the carrier bags that are provided by the store take your own bags along with you. Buy reusable carrier bags that you can fill with shopping on a weekly basis and you won't have to use flimsy plastic products,louis vuitton outlet online. Reusable carrier bags are sturdy and strong you can fill them to the top and don't have to worry about the bags splitting. Even if you fill the carrier bags with heavy bottles they're tough enough to cope and there's no danger of the handles snapping,coach outlet store online. I've started using reusable carrier bags whenever I do my weekly shop and I simply replace them when they start to look a little tatty. They're made by companies that produce the best Packaging Ireland has to offer and I keep the bags in the boot of my car,mcm bags.

Reusable carrier bags are brilliant for loading up shopping,burberry; I can cram tons of items into my bags,polo outlet. And they're better for the environment too which can't be a bad thing in the current climate,toms shoes. A few years ago there was a massive campaign to get shoppers to use reusable bags in stores. Since that time a growing number of customers have started to use reusable carrier bags when they go shopping and that's great news for the planet because it cuts down on waste.

Reusable bags are made by packaging companies that manufacture the finest Packaging Ireland has ever seen. Be kinder to the planet and stop using plastic bags, they're better quality and better for the planet as well.

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Buying Authentic Bags Online Doesn't Need to Be Risky Business If You Do Your Homework,true religion factory outlet

High fashion makes you look and feel like a million bucks. But often the price tag is too hefty for today's economy. Fortunately, with the right knowledge and experience,valentino shoes, you don't have to spend big to look great. Even when purchasing online,oakley vault, you can take steps to purchase designer fashions that are authentic and top of the line. Just do your homework and research as much as possible before you make your purchase. Develop relationships with shops that carry your favorite bags and a personal connection with the shop owner. Stop back often and get on their email lists so you keep in touch. Once they know your style,bottega veneta outlet, they are more likely to keep you in mind when they add to their collections or offer discounts.

By knowing the signs to look for in purchasing vintage bags online, you also feel more confident that your purchases are authentic. For example,polo ralph lauren outlet, with Chanel, their classic look is hard to miss with their signature interlocking letter Cs,coach outlet online, their exquisite stitchery and hardware, and the quality look and feel of the bags.Do as much research on the handbag you want to purchase as you can. Personally visit high end stores so you can see the handbag and become familiar with its features. That enables you to easily catch flaws that shout knockoff to an informed buyer.Look for design consistency. For example,red bottom heels, all Chanel bags have signature styles that goes far beyond their trademark C's. The font used is very specific and is rarely changed on Chanel Bags. Look closely at the fonts on bags you see in the stores and check to see if they match.The bag and stamp will always match the hardware. When a bag has gold hardware the Chanel stamp and bag will always be gold. If it's silver, they will be silver,ferragamo shoes, and so forth.You can also spot obvious design flaws. Check the logo and pay attention to spelling mistakes. Check that the lining and stitching match and also look for uneven stitching. Chanel originals are always very neatly stitched.Examine the bag's zippers. New bags come with Lampo zippers. One side should be engraved "Chanel" and the other should have the Chanel logo. The pull of the zipper should match the rest of the bag and its hardware.Chanel bags come with authenticy cards,cheap jordans, serial numbers,hermes belt, and dust bags. You can even check for authenticy with these by knowing what to look for on your bag. For example,true religion factory outlet, the price tags are on white cards. If it is new with a tag,insanity workout dvd, the price tag should be white with Chanel written in black. Fake bags have black price tags.The authenticity card is black with a gold rim and white writing. The gold on the card should have NO rainbow hue to it.Also, check to make sure the serial numbers match the cards and bag. When shopping online,toms shoes, most shops will let you know whether the card is included. Don't dismiss a bag simply because it doesn't have the card included. Not all bags are sold in the resale market with the card,longchamp maroquinerie, as owners may have misplaced them. However,mcm bags, this in no way devalues a bag. The same goes for sleeper bags. While it is nice to have them, you are really purchasing the bag. Often times you can get a reduced rate on these bags. Just make sure the other features signify an authentic bag.In the description take notes of things such as bright shiny colors. Authentic bags will have soft leather or suede. Fakes tend to look and feel more like plastic.

When shopping online and adding to your collection,true religion factory outlet, frequent stores that not only carry your favorite designer bags and shoes,lulu lemon, but specialize in them as well. For example,north face outlet, Chanel is by far one of the most recognized handbags today. If you favor Chanel bags and shoes,coach factory outlet, then shop at stores that carry these fashions as their main products. By specializing in one or two fashions,hollister uk, the shop owners are more than likely to be experts in those fashion lines and will not only be able to offer the finest and latest styles,ralph lauren pas cher, but carry a full line of accessories to match.

Here are a few more tips to make your online shopping more successful:Look for websites that have clear photos of the designer bags and shoes. Check for serial numbers,cheap ray ban sunglasses, date codes,burberry handbags, etc.Pay special attention to how the products are listed. You can get a true feel for a shop owner when you see honesty in their listings.Quality sites allow you to contact the owner easily. Don't be afraid to ask questions or get more information on the fashions you want. Shop owners are normally very receptive to this as they too want you to find the perfect bag that meets your individual taste.Make sure the website you purchase from has a return policy and check exactly what that return policy includes. Pay with Paypal or a credit card for added protection.Get active online and join purse forums and other sites that provide fashion information.

Fortunately, today you can get great deals on the Internet. Whether it is last season's styles for a few hundred less or a pre owned bag in pristine condition,marc jacobs handbags, for sometimes a few thousand off,juicy couture, online shopping saves time and money.

It's just critical to shop at quality shops known for their high standards. One such shop is Chanel More located at the shops of Malleries. Stop by today to see what a difference quality makes.

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14 Ways to Reduce those Annoying Eye Bags

Eye bags make a person look older. How do we diminish those annoying bags under the eyes and get them to look lighter as part of an anti aging skin care program?

Eye bags are caused by the liver's cleansing process of the body's digestive impurities. As you get older (especially in men and women over 40), you will experience more puffiness under the eyes because the body has less ability to expel these impurities, making your anti aging efforts that much harder.

Try obtaining more sleep,prada shoes. The dark rings around the eyes are often a good indication that you're not getting enough of your beauty sleep. The average adult human requires eight hours of sleep a night,bottega veneta outlet.

Drink at least one liter of water per day, preferably warm.

Cut down or eradicate smoking,louis vuitton purses.

Avoid fried foods, red meat, fast foods,coach factory outlet, soft drinks,toms shoes, carbonated water,marc jacobs, sugar,ghd uk, table salt, synthetic sweeteners, alcohol and caffeine,Lululemon outlet, foods containing baking powder,mcm backpack, and cold foods. Try not to drink liquids before retiring to bed at night.

Apply face masks over the entire face. Use cucumber slices,longchamp handbags, chilled thinly sliced potato pieces,hermes bags, or cooling pads around the eye area,true religion jeans, for about 10 to 15 minutes, a few times a week. This will temporarily reduce the depth and dark discoloration of the eye bags. Lie on your back while doing this,sac longchamp, and relax as much as possible so as to reduce stress.

Immerse cotton wool in cold milk or water,coach store online, and apply to the eye bags by lying down on your back with your feet elevated higher than your head.

Eat more raw honey,ferragamo outlet, fresh fruit, unrefined sea salt,red bottom shoes, nuts, seeds,karen millen, whole grains, and drink vegetable juices.

Take a multi vitamin and mineral combination supplement once per day or as directed,tory burch sale.

Vitamin K as a supplement or foods rich in Vitamin K such as spinach, beets,juicy couture handbags, and turnips,sac longchamp, is extremely beneficial to reducing bags under the eyes.

Avoid allergens that trigger nasal congestion such as pet hair, dust,louboutin outlet, and pollens. Try sleeping with an extra pillow to elevate the sinuses so that mucus does not build up in the sinuses and nasal cavities.

Exaggerated eye bag puffiness in the morning can be temporarily treated by placing chilled table spoons on the areas under the eyes to reduce the swelling,chi hair straighteners.

Try not to use eyeliner; rather use an eye shadow that's similar to the color of your eyelids to mask the discoloration of the bags under your eyes,cheap oakley sunglasses.

Do not use exfoliators such as retinoid, alpha hydroxyl acid, salicylic acid around the eyes, as these could irritate the skin and aggravate the swelling.

Massage the area under the eyes. Use your forefingers, and firmly massage the eye bags using a small circular motion. By doing this as often as possible, you will minimize the swelling,polo shirts, lift the sagging skin, and reduce the fatty digestive deposits that have gathered in the eye bags. Do it at the bus stop, in traffic,cheap ray ban sunglasses, in front of the television; you'll see the difference in a few days!

Reducing eye bags are very important in your anti aging efforts. Looking younger is a process that encompasses many things. By minimizing those puffy eye bags, you will be well on your way to looking younger than your years.

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Boulder's 'Green Stampede' aims at tailgaters,juicy couture handbags

While the Colorado Buffaloes prepare to take care of business against Cal on Saturday at Folsom Field,prada bags, members of Ralphie's Green Stampede are also gearing up,chi hair straighteners, minus the pads and helmets.

The Green Stampede,cheap ray bans, introduced in 2008,mulberry outlet, is an initiative that aims to reduce carbon emissions and make football games at Folsom zero waste events. Folsom is the only stadium from a BCS conference with such a program.

CU's Parking and Transportation Services and Green Stampede organizers will provide 500 to 700 recycling bags to tailgaters at each home game to make it easy for them to cut down on waste during pre game festivities,ralph lauren france.

"Before fans even come into the stadium,toms, we are helping the fans recycle,coach outlet," said Daniel Omasta,burberry outlet, a CU alumnus.

The results from last season were encouraging,north face, he said.

"Last year alone,longchamp, we diverted about 20,cheap supra shoes,000 pounds of waste from the landfills,valentino shoes, just from the tailgate,karen millen outlet," Omasta said.

Meghan Camacho,louis vuitton handbags, traffic and events manager for CU's Parking and Transportation Services,michael kors, said about 30 members of her department will help hand out the bags around the main campus and at parking entrances.

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Brighton and Hove students hit out at private landlords From The Argus

In its annual Rate Your Landlord report, based on the response of 1,hollister uk,586 students,ray ban outlet, the union found a third of students felt under pressure to pay fees immediately in order to secure a house they had viewed.

Mould was reported as one of the most common problems faced by students living in the private sector with only a small proportion reporting their property manager took any effective action to solve the problem,valentino outlet.

Almost half of all respondents received their deposit back in full but among those who had their deposit withheld (either in full or partially) only a small percentage felt the deductions were reasonable.

Sophie van der Ham,marc jacobs, Students' Union Welfare Officer,michael kors outlet, said: "This report shows that students are a particularly vulnerable group of users renting in the private rented sector.

"Often students are living independently of their parents for the first time,tory burch handbags, and don't have the experience and information needed to make informed decisions about properties.

"Students need specific, accessible and clear information available to them about landlords, letting agents, properties,karen millen outlet, and their rights.

"There are also inequalities and specific issues within the student population,cheap oakley sunglasses, with non UK students at a particular disadvantage when they are required to provide a UK based guarantor to letting agents."

The union is lobbying for greater regulation of the private rented sector as well as a reduction in the fees students must pay to private landlords and an improvement in property standards,coach outlet.

Brighton and Hove City Council introduced new rules about small student lets and houses in multiple occupation in April this year,insanity workouts.

The rules applied to the five wards with the highest concentration of students: Hanover and Elm Grove, Hollingdean and Stanmer,polo shirts, Moulsecoomb and Bevendean, Queen's Park,bottega veneta handbags, and St Peters and North Laine.

The changes meant planning permission was needed to change a family house into one for multiple occupancy.

The council also reminded students that private landlords were subject to the national Housing Health and Safety Rating System and could take enforcement action if a landlord failed to fix a problem sufficiently.

I suggest you walk around hanover/lewes road and see the rubbish that these non council tax paying students generate,chanel outlet online, pizza boxes and beer cans everywhere,louboutin shoes, it's great blaming the Landlords about damp but when did you last see a student house with open windows(or indeed curtains) to help airflow with reduces condensation/damp/moIt's wonderful that the students union can waffle on about "student rights" how about "STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES"

I suggest you walk around hanover/lewes road and see the rubbish that these non council tax paying students generate,coach outlet, pizza boxes and beer cans everywhere,mcm backpack, it's great blaming the Landlords about damp but when did you last see a student house with open windows(or indeed curtains) to help airflow with reduces condensation/damp/moIt's wonderful that the students union can waffle on about "student rights" how about "STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES"Student lets in the city are a disgrace. As the poster above states,prada handbags, the mess and filth is totally unacceptable. You should have seen Coombe Road at the weekend. The pavement had so much half eaten food and waste in it pedestrians were forced to walk in the road. The council go in about pavement parkers but seem to ignore this shameful site.

The letting agents should take a look as well,sac longchamp pas cher. Their boards outside filthy run down homes,red bottom heels. What an advert.

It doesn't surprise me that now students are paying vast sums in fees that they are also kicking up about the slum conditions some landlords leave them in,north face outlet. I am taking photos of these homes during term time and I am

Going to create a website to show next years intake what the student lets really look like instead of the end of summer photos when the landlords have sent in a man with a tub of emulsion to paint over the damp.

Student lets in the city are a disgrace. As the poster above states,Lululemon outlet, the mess and filth is totally unacceptable. You should have seen Coombe Road at the weekend. The pavement had so much half eaten food and waste in it pedestrians were forced to walk in the road. The council go in about pavement parkers but seem to ignore this shameful site.

The letting agents should take a look as well,louis vuitton outlet. Their boards outside filthy run down homes,ferragamo shoes. What an advert.

It doesn't surprise me that now students are paying vast sums in fees that they are also kicking up about the slum conditions some landlords leave them in,supra shoes. I am taking photos of these homes during term time and I am

Going to create a website to show next years intake what the student lets really look like instead of the end of summer photos when the landlords have sent in a man with a tub of emulsion to paint over the damp,burberry factory outlet.

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an airbag code of 13,coach outlet online

I have a 1994,prada handbags, F150,coach outlet, that is "flashing" an airbag code of 13. It all started after I dropped the steering column to replace the shift tube which broke in half. The code 13 showed up on the first start after re installing the column. Code 13 on the list that I found on the net states "shorted to ground". I rechecked my wiring and found a misplaced ground wire "spliced" into a black ground wire that's in a 3 wire harness that looks like it runs to the airbag bulb on the dash. I THINK I have the ground eliminated but the light still flashes 13. Light shows up with just key on and while engine running. Thanks in advance,insanity workouts, Jerry

here is the code listing you are looking for

CodeComponent/Fault Description No Air Bag Lamp Indicator Inoperative Indicator Circuit or No Battery Positive Voltage to Air Bag Diagnostic Monitor Continuous Air Bag Indicator Air Bag Diagnostic Monitor Disconnected or Inoperative12Low Battery Voltage13Air Bag Module or Center or RH Frame Rail Front Air Bag Sensor Circuits Short to Ground21Right Cowl Side Panel Front Air Bag Not Mounted to Vehicle Properly22Right Cowl Side Panel Front Air Bag Sensor Circuit Shorted to Battery Voltage23Right Cowl Side Panel Front Air Bag Sensor Circuit Input Feed/Return Circuit Open24Right Cowl Side Panel Front Air Bag Sensor Diagnostic Circuit Open or Low Resistance in the Radiator Support Center Air Bag or Frame Rail Front Air Bag Sensors32Driver Side Air Bag Module High Resistance or Open33Passenger Side Air Bag Circuit High Resistance or Open34Driver Side Air Bag Circuit Low Resistance or Shorted35Passenger Side Air Bag Circuit Low Resistance or Shorted41Radiator Support Center Air Bag and Frame Rail Front Air Bag Sensors Circuits High Resistance or Open44RH Frame Rail Front Air Bag Sensor Not Mounted to Vehicle Properly45Radiator Support Center Air Bag Sensor Not Mounted to Vehicle Properly46Open Splice Radiator Support Center AIr Bag Sensor Ground Monitor51Diagnostic Monitor Internal Thermal Fuse Blown and Short to Ground No Longer Exists (Short to Ground Was Repaired or Is Intermittent)52Backup Power Supply Voltage Boost Fault53Sensor Circuit Resistance to Ground or Internal Air Bag Diagnostic Monitor Fault Rapid Continuous Flashing of Air Bag Indicator

as you can see code 13 is for the air bag moduale,red bottom shoes, center or right crash sensor shorted to ground ,louis vuitton bags,,juicy couture outlet, here are some possable causes

Possible Causes NOTE: Circuits 617 (PK/O) and 619 (PK/W) are connected together inside the air bag diagnostic monitor . Therefore,true religion, a short to ground on any of these circuits will short all of the circuits to ground. An internal short to ground within the air bag sliding contact causing the driver side air bag circuit(s) to be shorted to ground. An internal short to ground within the RH cowl side panel front air bag sensor and bracket causing Circuit 614 (GY/O) or 623 (P/W) to be shorted to ground. An internal short to ground within one or both center air bag sensor and brackets and front air bag sensor and bracket causing Circuits 617 (PK/O) and 619 (PK/W) to be shorted to ground. An internal short to case ground within the driver side air bag module

take a look at the wireing pic above ,true religion jeans,,oakley sunglasses, the dark thicker wires in the pic are the ones if shorted to ground will cause the code 13 ,,north face outlet,

so remove the drivers air bag ,,cheap jordan shoes,if you dont you will blow it off testing the system

unplug the air bag moduale ,,Lululemon outlet, and use a DVOM and check for a short to ground or continuity to ground on the

P/W wire to ground

GY/O wire to ground

GY/W wire to ground

PK/ O wire to ground

PK/W wire to ground ,coach outlet,,

none of these wires should have continuity to ground ,louis vuitton outlet,,louboutin outlet, at the harness for the air bag module ,,hermes outlet, if one does ,ray ban outlet,,mcm handbags, then this is your problem

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Articles about Disney Store,mulberry uk

Earth Day Savings At Whole Foods, Office Stores, Disney Store,red bottom shoes, Libraries And More

By Korky Vann and Savvy Shopper, April 21,hollister, 2010

Here's some Earth Day news: National chains and local organizations are offering a range of eco deals designed to help the planet and save you some green,true religion jeans. and you'll receive a free eco friendly Hartford Public Library bag,burberry. Earth Day in the Magic Kingdom.

ARTICLES BY DATEGreen Deals for Earth Day

April 17, 2013

What's greener than saving money? Green deals! On Earth Day,coach outlet, you can honor the planet and snag some eco bargains at the same time. (Unless otherwise noted,birkin bags, specials are available on Monday,coach outlet, April 22.) Target stores are giving away 1.5 million trendy reusable bags on Sunday,sac longchamp pas cher, April 21. All bags will include a coupon book; some will include free samples of green products. and most stores ran out within a few hours last year.

Disney Artists Plan Appearance At Mall

November 18,tory burch sale, 1994

Artists from Walt Disney Studios will be at The Disney Store at Westfarms mall Sunday to present a demonstration on inking and painting animation cells. and will be available for questions about Disney animation and the ink and paint process. Artists will demonstrate their craft by producing a limited edition cell called "Walt's Drawing Board,ralph lauren pas cher," created specifically to commemorate their national tour. Earth Day is Sunday and eco deals and freebies are popping up faster than spring flowers. (Unless otherwise noted,chanel outlet, specials are available on April 22.) > > Target stores are giving away trendy reusable bags. No purchase necessary,supra shoes, one per customer,longchamp paris, while supplies last,coach outlet, but get there early. Most stores ran out within a few hours last year. > > Bring five empty plastic bags into any Disney Store,karen millen dresses, and you'll get a free "Chimpanzee" reusable bag. (One per customer,prada sneakers, while supplies last.)January 4,chi flat iron, 1996

The following is a partial listing of calls received by the Manchester Police Department beginning Dec. 26. Locations are as listed in police records. The listing does not reflect total calls received. Dec. Earth Day is Sunday and eco deals and freebies are popping up faster than spring flowers. (Unless otherwise noted,mcm backpack, specials are available on April 22.) > > Target stores are giving away trendy reusable bags. No purchase necessary,longchamp, one per customer,marc jacobs bags, while supplies last,louis vuitton, but get there early. Most stores ran out within a few hours last year. > > Bring five empty plastic bags into any Disney Store,louboutin outlet, and you'll get a free "Chimpanzee" reusable bag. It was time,north face outlet, the 7 year old decided,prada sneakers, to take inventory of the loot she had accumulated, and then move on to continue her door to door trick or treating retail style.

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a sequel to Flipped

"Ouch! Hey don't push! Get away!" The entrance was filled with swarming students trying to get into the campus. I nodded to Bryce and we pushed right into the crowd. We went to Ms Redding's history classroom. We were the first ones there. When a reasonable amount of people came in,burberry, Ms Redding closed the door and asked the first question off a card. "How many civilians died in the second world war" I nodded to Bryce,salvatore ferragamo, and he nodded back. That was our signal that both of us knew the answer. A shake of the head would indicate "I don't know" and no movement would be "I'm not sure." "Julianna Baker,louboutin shoes, Bryce Loski", Ms Redding said. "About 40 million civilians died in the second world war." We said.

"Correct!!!" Ms Redding said. Bryce and I beamed at her. After a few more questions,chanel handbags, a bell rang, and we left with a fair amount of points. Next, we went to the Mr. Denres' science class. "Define habitat,coach outlet store online, ecosystem and species. There were two nods between us. "Habitat is where a species live, ecosystem is the interactions of living things, and species are a certain type of living thing." We said. "Correct in the essentials" Mr. Denres said.

After a few more stations,coach outlet, the bell rang,valentino shoes, signaling lunch time. Bryce and I went down to the lunchroom and decided that we'd have Fortune Wok. The food was delicious. After the lunch,prada bags, I still felt hungry. I looked toward Mark's Mini Donuts, and hoped that I could go there. For once, my luck was working,oakley outlet, and Bryce pointed out that he was still hungry. I left without another word,juicy couture handbags, and headed toward Mark's Mini Donuts.

At the counter, a man worked the donut machine, and another worker scooped the donuts into a bag full of sugar. I called,tory burch outlet, "Can I have two bags of twelve donuts each please?"

The sugar bag worker fished twenty four donuts out of the sugar bag, and divided them into 2 bags. "Three fifty" The worker said. I was confused, as each bag of donuts cost $3.75. The worker then explained that there was a discount. "The discount was just for today, since it is a special event."

I thanked the worker,ghd straighteners, and took back $4. I then placed a quarter in the tips box. I took the two bags of donuts and went back to Bryce. He put $3.75 into my palm. I gave him a toonie back and informed Bryce about the discount. He gratefully accepted the toonie. Bryce and I gorged ourselves on the donuts.

"That was a good deal,coach outlet. And the donuts are good quality too,lululemon canada." Bryce said,nfl jerseys. I agreed and threw away my empty donut bag into the garbage can. We still had a job to finish,new balance shoes!

After lunch, we went to Ms Brooks' math class,louboutin, then to Ms Major's Social Studies class,sac longchamp, then lastly,polo ralph, to Mr. Frunhge's French class.

We earned a lot of points, but I don't know how many for sure. I thought Bryce and I would have a good chance at first place.

When the dismissal bell rang Bryce and I went to our locker. As soon as I arrived,supra shoes, someone jumped out at me. "Ohh!" I exclaimed. It was my brother Matt. "What is going on here?" Bryce's voice came at me like a bullet. "What are you doing here Matt? Both Bryce and I asked at the same time. "I came here thinking that Jules here would like a ride" Matt responded. "Mike's driving. Hey Bryce,marc jacobs, I would ask you to join us,louboutin, but the car's full of our broken band stuff. We are delivering it to the music shop down by Maple Street to get it fixed." "I'm ok with the bus, Matt. Thanks for thinking of me though,louis vuitton purses," said Bryce. "Wait,sac longchamp, Bryce. Meet me here tomorrow,converse shoes, same time ok?" I asked Bryce. "Ok" said Bryce.

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Ashley Greene grabs bags of health food goodies after finishing an early morning workout,prada shoes

Camera ready: The LOL star is currently filming the movie Staten Island Summer

Or she enjoyed a quick chat with her main squeeze,coach factory outlet, Australian TV personality Paul Khoury.

hasn't been dating Liam Hemsworth's best friend for long,supra, but the pair seem very happy,bottega veneta, recently attending the Floyd Mayweather vs Canelo Alvarez boxing match together

'We owned the night,ghd hair. Doing it big with two very special people in my life,true religion. vegas epicweekend'

Paul wrote on Instagram on September 14th,burberry.

Dividing her time between work and play,red bottom shoes, the natural brunette has recently

been filming Staten Island Summer,louboutin outlet, which tells the story of two friends,mcm bags,

Danny and Frank,ray ban wayfarer, after they graduate high school.

Main squeeze: The Twilight star is linked to Liam Hemsworth's best friend,coach factory outlet, Australian TV personality Paul Khoury. The couple attended the Floyd Mayweather boxing match in September

With Danny heading for Harvard and Frank unsure about his future,salvatore ferragamo, the pair spend the summer working as lifeguards.

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and Frustration with Reusable Shopping Bags,sac longchamps

Why Should You Switch Save Money

Certain grocery stores will give you a small discount if you bring your own bags with you,herve leger, perhaps 10 cents per bag or 5% off your entire purchase. Aldi shoppers know the store will charge you if you need to use their bags. You will also have fewer bags to carry,supra shoes, since more stuff can fit into one bag. Some stores even make bags that will keep frozen foods cold,lulu lemon, and you don't have to worry about leaks or perspiration making a mess in your car.

Less Clutter

If your house is anything like mine,chanel outlet, you've got a large collection of grocery bags lying around. We take them to the grocery store for recycling regularly,karen millen uk, and reuse them for cleaning up after my dog,bottega veneta, but before long,nfl jerseys, the bags are back. With no plastic bags,hollister, you have one less thing to worry about when it comes to safety. Plastic is a big contributor to waste,tory burch handbags, and can be dangerous to wildlife if it ends up in the ocean. Plastic also contains petroleum,louis vuitton outlet, a nonrenewable resource. Although recycling bags is one solution,marc jacobs, it's not perfect. However,reebok shoes, with reusable there are a ton of different options. Each grocery store you go to has several options,prada outlet, and you can find even more online. Chico Bags are awesome,louboutin outlet, since they fold up and fit in a purse or your glove compartment.

Easy to Start

Although bags in the grocery store do cost money,true religion factory outlet, you can get them for free as well. When you go to conventions and conferences,true religion outlet, you may receive one for free with your entry. Companies may also be handing them out with other promotional materials. Another option is to reuse thicker bags that you may get at some stores,prada bags, especially specialty clothing stores. Just don't take more than you need. Even if you do buy new ones,polo ralph, they are available by the checkout counter at every grocery store you go to.

Published by Tricia Hein

Tricia owns a small store in West Virginia that sells teaching supplies. She is knowledgeable in business,salvatore ferragamo, education,true religion jeans, pets,michael kors bags, going green,hermes belt, and saving money. View profile

Tips for Reusing and Recycling Paper and Plastic Shopping BagsYou already know that reusable shopping bags are the most environmentally friendly option,chi flat iron.

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Air bags may not deploy on some minivans,mulberry

A United States agency has upgraded its investigation into 2.8 million DaimlerChrysler AG minivans whose air bags may not deploy in crashes. At least 164 people have issued complaints about the clockspring assembly,juicy couture, the system providing electricity for the driver side air bag.

The investigation involves 1996 through 2000 models of the Dodge Caravan and Grand Caravan,cheap true religion jeans, Plymouth Voyager and Grand Voyager and Chrysler Town and Country.

The complainants say the air bag readiness indicator lamp came one but the horn or cruise control did not work. According to a preliminary report by the National Hightway Traffic Safety Administration,bottega, the air bags would probably not work either.

DaimlerChrysler has sold replacement parts for the clockspring assembly on those models,prada outlet.

The NHTSA is now checking out the engineering of the vans to see if any parts are defective,toms outlet.

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An Ottawa area Liberal candidate has landed in hot water over remarks about the differences between men and women which appeared earlier this year on his Facebook page,coach factory outlet.

VideoHorwath digs into Wynne on auto insurance ratesNDP Leader Andrea Horwath hammers the Liberals on auto insurance rates as she campaigns in the vote rich Greater Toronto Area,louis vuitton bags.

VideoHudak vows to cut corporate taxes by 30 per cent,herve leger, create 120,soccer jerseys,000 jobsProgressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak says if elected he will make Ontario's business taxes the lowest in North America,new balance outlet, which would create 120,ray ban outlet,000 new jobs in the province.

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Take a roll of garbage bags like it comes in the box. Unroll it until it's about the size of a cock. Roll up 1 2 sheets of paper towels into a ball. Place paper towel ball on end of garbage bag cock. Put a condom over the whole. Voila,michael kors bags, instant dildo,ralph lauren, fairly realistic texture and rigidity,bottega veneta, super cheap.

A technique that helped me get to using and 8" vibrating dildo was to purchase dildoes at various sizes so that you can work up. The vibrating ones are the best in my opinion because you can feel them against your prostate while you are masturbating. Also the material of the vib/didldo alows one to use vaseline and KY as a mixture for a lubricant. But remember,sac longchamp, cleaning vaseline from your toys is a task. Clean before and after to fight any infection.

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What you should do is us a small cylindrical bottle that's empty,louis vuitton. Fill it with warm water an lube it up,insanity workout. You can insert it and sit Indian style on a towel and rock back and forth on it while stroking your dick,converse shoes. Makes me cum harder than I have with any girl,supra shoes.

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NewsNow Publishing Limited and its affiliates may collect personal information when you use any of our websites (for instance,coach factory outlet, if you submit an enquiry,toms outlet, register with us or subscribe to a service or a mailing list).

For example,mont blanc, we may use such information to respond to your enquiries (where applicable),louboutin, to administer your registration or subscription(s) (where applicable),coach outlet, to provide the services you request,prada handbags, to maintain records and,louis vuitton handbags, where you separately and explicitly agree,birkin bag, to send you marketing information. We will not share your personal information for marketing purposes with third parties without your separate and explicit permission.

By submitting this form you consent to our processing your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy,coach outlet, and setting cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy.

NewsNow Publishing Limited and its affiliates may collect personal information when you use any of our websites (for instance,, if you submit an enquiry,longchamp handbags, register with us or subscribe to a service or a mailing list).

For example,asics running, we may use such information to respond to your enquiries (where applicable),tory burch shoes, to administer your registration or subscription(s) (where applicable),polo ralph lauren, to provide the services you request,jerseys, to maintain records and,coach purses, where you separately and explicitly agree,cheap true religion jeans, to send you marketing information. We will not share your personal information for marketing purposes with third parties without your separate and explicit permission.

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Buy Wholesale Handbags New York Or Designer Inspired Handbags Wholesale From Online Stores,longchamp pas cher

Is it possible to look chic and stylish at costs that are a fraction of the prices that branded designer wares command? It is indeed possible,red bottoms, if you didn already know. Wholesale handbags New York and designer inspired handbags wholesale are now available at multiple online stores that allow you to create that special look around yourself at unbelievable prices. The Internet is the best source of making these purchases.

New York is one of the four fashion capitals of the world,karen millen. It is home to some of the most well known designers and hosts fashion shows of designers from around the globe,prada outlet. Buying a branded handbag in New York is bound to set you back several hundred or thousand dollars,north face outlet. But with designer inspired handbags wholesale you can get the same look at prices that don even match up to the designer handbags,chi hair straighteners.

There are two distinct advantages that you have when you opt for designer inspired handbags wholesale. The first advantage is that you get products that are inspired by the designs of the most renowned designers. Since these products are not original the price range is much lower. However,hermes bags, in terms of look they can almost match the originals. The second advantage is that the sellers sell these items at wholesale prices. Hence,polo ralph, the cost is much lesser than the retail cost. So,louboutin, you can carry a Louis Vuitton lookalike but scarcely anyone can recognize that it is an inspired product.

Are the designer inspired handbags wholesale fakes? Not at all. They are inspired from the creation of some of the most renowned fashion designers. The branded handbags act as inspiration and guide to these products. There is no compromise in quality whereas the price is lower. Wholesale handbags New York are inspired from almost all the well known names around the world that are engaged in designing handbags. So,oakley vault, without paying the price that these famous designers charge you get the same look when you carry these inspired handbags.

Instead of scouring the entire city for these designer inspired handbags wholesale,mcm bags, you can actually purchase them from the comfort of your bedroom. Connect to the Internet through your laptop modem and visit one of the online stores. So popular are these wholesale handbags New York that almost all the well known names in the online shopping domain offer these on sale these days. Once you visit one or two of these online stores you will be able to zoom in on the product that you want for yourself.

Use the Internet to purchase wholesale handbags New York or designer inspired handbags wholesale and create a special look at ordinary prices,tory burch sale. A good looking handbag adds miles to a woman overall look,true religion outlet. It may be a large handbag or a small clutch that a woman is carrying but the look of the handbag can enhance her beauty to a large extent,coach bags. With wholesale handbags New York and designer inspired handbags wholesale you don need to worry about emptying your pockets and yet you can use them for adding that special look to yourself,louis vuitton purses. Check out and buy one and see how correct I am in their assessment,valentino shoes.

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Backpacker not packing his bags for home just yet,true religion

Riera has played all 15 games for the Phoenix this campaign,ghd hair, and no one,herve leger, apart from his family back home in Spain,lululemon canada, was surprised when the club extended his contract to the end of the 2014/15 season earlier this week."Because I came here for one year,cheap true religion jeans, it's been nearly three years now,prada outlet," he said.APN APN Group WebsitesNeed Help? Refer to our helpful FAQ section for any problems you might be experiencing.Sunshine Coast Daily Sunshine Coast News National News World News Sunshine Coast Sport Entertainment Movie News TV News Lifestyle Travel Shopping Business Real Estate Home Loans Horoscopes Maroochydore Weather Newspapers in EducationWhat's on TV Guide Now/Next Movies Movie ReviewsSunshine Coast Classifieds Jobs in Sunshine Coast Cars for Sale in Sunshine Coast Property listings in Sunshine Coast Bargains for Sale in Sunshine Coast Obituaries in Sunshine Coast Personals in Sunshine Coast Notices in Sunshine Coast

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Burglar hits Pico Rivera church seven times,karen millen dresses

PICO RIVERA Between Oct. 11 and Nov. 30,nfl jerseys, a burglar broke into a local Seventh Day Adventist church seven times. He also hit two homes. The culprit stole computers,soccer jerseys, jewelry and even took the recyclables being collected by the church. And when he got hungry during one of the residential break ins,louboutin shoes, he helped himself to the larder. Sheriff's Sgt. Gerardo Lucio said the burglar snacked on Famous Amos cookies and Lay's potato chips. "He ate them all and left the bags,toms shoes," Lucio said. While the burglar left behind a cell phone at one of the houses,reebok shoes, it was inactive and deputies were unable to trace the owner. But investigators suspected their quarry lived locally. Lucio said detectives found some of the stolen property after serving a search warrant Dec. 1 at a Pico Rivera home. They also arrested the resident,chanel sunglasses, Hector Vitela,louis vuitton purses, on suspicion of receiving stolen property. Charges against him are pending. Jane Robison,coach bags, spokeswoman for the District Attorney's Office,asics gel, said Vitela isn't in custody and isn't due in Whittier Superior Court until Jan. 5. Sheriff's booking records show Vitela is out on $20,mulberry,000 bond. He couldn't be reached for comment Friday. The Pico Rivera Seventh Day Adventist Church at 5058 Cord Ave. lost laptops,coach outlet store, printers,oakley sunglasses, a lawnmower and a slew of other items to the thief. Lucio said the church was burglarized Oct. 11,sac longchamp, 16,louboutin, 17,herve leger, 18,chi hair straighteners, 28 and Nov. 15 and 30. No one answered the telephone at the church on Friday. The residential break ins happened Nov. 8 and 28 in the 9000 block of Underwood Street. At the Nov. 28 burglary,longchamp, Lucio said jewelry,prada handbags, Los Angeles Dodgers memorabilia and a dolly cart were taken. The burglar also ate the residents' cookies and potato chips. 3026

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South Korean divers struggle to open blocked ferry cabinsMore than 2,100 confirmed dead in Afghan landslideCorporates: Top Level ExitsJet Airways acting CEO R Gopalakrishnan quitsThe top level exodus at Naresh Goyal promoted Jet Airways continued,oakley, with chief financial officer and acting CEO Ravishankar Gopalakrishnan quitting.

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Under the scope of the contract,ralph lauren uk, Alstom will work with BHEL in designing the boilers and supply identified pressure parts of the 660 MW supercritical boilers,nike air, along with windboxes. It would also assist BHEL with technical advisors during the erection and commissioning of the units, a statement from the company said.

The key components will be manufactured in Alstom's manufacturing facilities in Concordia (US),yoga pants, as well as in Durgapur (India). The units I II are expected to be commissioned by 2018.

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10 live kittens found in plastic bag in Toronto,prada

TORONTO Who left the cats in the bag,hermes birkin?

Ten kittens,nike air max, about a week old,chanel sunglasses, were found abandoned in a tied up yellow grocery bag by a Good Samaritan who was walking down Oakwood Ave. near Vaughan Rd.

"As soon as I saw the bag,rayban, a baby cat came out and started crying,louboutin pas cher," Breedon said. "So I opened the bag and I saw a whole bunch of other cats in there."

"They were newborn, Their eyes were still closed,ghd straighteners."

Breedon said he brought the kittens to his nearby home and washed them down in the bathtub,air max pas cher.

Many still had umbilical cords,louis vuitton.

"It's horrible that somebody would do this and leave these kittens to die,timberland," said THS spokesman Ian McConachie. "But it's also a criminal offence and whoever did this was failing to provide the necessities of life to these animals."

Animal cruelty investigator Tre Smith said the Humane Society will vigorously investigate to find out who was responsible,gucci.

"The person that put these kittens in this bag and abandoned them committed a crime and this person needs to be held accountable for their actions,jimmy choo shoes," Smith said.

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Billboards bag a niche of their own

Glenda Keegan was one step ahead of the trends when she decided to turn turfed out roadside billboards into top of the range accessories,chanel bags.

Four years ago, she got the idea of resurrecting the discarded advertising material as stylish bags and her Auckland business has developed into an eco friendly fashion statement.

Keegan had been mulling over the concept for a number of years having worked for a billboard company, where she became aware of the amount of waste the billboards contributed to landfill.

New Zealand billboards, made of PVC vinyl,louboutin pas cher, are designed to withstand high winds, rain and ultraviolet rays, and are expensive to manufacture and print.

Sensing an opportunity to prolong a billboard's life beyond its fleeting roadside appearance, Keegan would carry around a square of the PVC vinyl, pulling it out at parties to ask people what she could do with it.

"I wanted to create something distinctly New Zealand," she says.

Because she found most recycled goods on the market "gimmicky", Keegan wanted to produce something anyone could keep and use.

She and her previous business partner began stitching the fabric into bags on a home sewing machine and tested them on friends,yoga pants, who loved the product.

Advertising businesses were more than happy to pass on their used billboards,free run 5.0, as the exchange saved them hefty dumping fees.

But the road to creating an attractive,fake rolex, useful and high quality product proved more challenging than the novice businesswoman envisaged.

"We knew the concepts of sewing and what goes into making a pattern, but we didn't understand large scale manufacturing. It was a huge learning curve."

Keegan picks and cuts out the billboard material for each bag by hand and found it difficult to find a manufacturer who was willing to pull the design together using the materials she wanted.

The business was not going to compromise on quality or design,ray ban sunglasses, nor on its commitment to New Zealand made products, and Keegan went to great lengths to source the most durable components she could find locally, settling on reinforced polyester seatbelts for the bag straps.

She eventually struck a deal with a manufacturer on the North Shore and the bags were launched with an exhibition at the end of 2004.

Rapid sales confirmed the bags had reached the right market,ghd hair, which came as a relief,oakley, as most of the previous year had been trial and error.

"A lot of the initial designs were hideous and the fabric doesn't stretch or move so they were ugly and impractical bags that would have fallen apart."

But the final range of laptop bags,louboutin, clutches,jimmy choo outlet, totes and satchels is selling quickly in 18 high end fashion and gift stores nationally and also on the internet.

"The website has been particularly important,converse shoes, as we are able to market the bags to New Zealanders who are living overseas and are looking for something Kiwi,oakley," Keegan says.

The bags were launched just in time to catch the wave of consumers searching for environmentally friendly, locally produced,the north face, high quality,karen millen uk, long lasting products,hogan outlet, with those people prepared to pay for something that met those criteria and looked good.

Many customers send them overseas as a special New Zealand gift and the company is also attracting an increasing number of corporate clients,louboutins.

Keegan bought out her business partner in May 2006. Up until then,red bottoms, they had been working full time and developing their company, WAS Ltd,michael kors outlet online, on the side. But the company began taking over their lives, as well as Keegan's garage.

Keegan would work four days a week as an occupational therapist. The other days,gucci, and most evenings,vuitton handbags, were spent picking up billboards, cutting them, designing bags and advancing the business.

"We were both working full time. My business partner wanted to do something else and I wanted to take it on full time,louis vuitton," she says.

The company started turning a profit midway through last year. During the past 12 months, Keegan has built relationships with corporate clients and explored the possibility of introducing a range of other recyclable products under the brand.

A self taught businesswoman,scarpe hogan, she has tapped into the knowledge of friends who also own small businesses, but most of her decisions have been instinctive.

"A few people have told me I could save money by moving the manufacturing offshore but,herve leger, because the bags are hand crafted and hand picked, it would be difficult to take overseas," she says.

Instead, she hires groups of university art and design students to help cut the billboard material for the bags.

Depending on its condition,coach outlet, one billboard will make 15 to 20 bags, and students help Keegan select the most eye catching designs for the front panel.

Last month, Keegan struck a deal with billboard advertising company Oggi,cheap nike shoes, which uses the idea of turning clients' billboards into bags as part of their sales incentives.

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Business brisk as Cole Harbour family starts own doughnut business,marc by marc jacobs

A man joins the line in front of a bright red bus,lululemon, pulling his toque down over his ears as a chilly wind blows down the Bedford Highway.

One of HRM's newest food trucks,hollister uk, Ol' School Donuts,air jordan, pulled up to a parking lot full of eager customers across from the Bedford United Church on Sunday afternoon and began dishing out warm,, sugary bags of mini doughnuts.

Noah Connolly,insanity calendar, 17,air max, said he and his dad had been thinking about starting a food business for a while before they drove a 1972 Stampeders tailgate bus into their Cole Harbour driveway.

"That kind of spurred the idea,mulberry," Connolly said Sunday inbetween studying for exams and meeting with local food truck owners.

Although that bus didn't last long because it needed too many repairs,gucci, its "ol' school" name inspired the current logo.

"We didn't think it would catch on so quickly,louis vuitton handbags," said Noah's mom Lynda as she tossed the doughnuts in cinnamon sugar,reebok outlet, her husband Neville handling the deep frier.

The Grade 11 student at Dartmouth High School said he started the business because it's a good way to save money for university,ray ban outlet, give back to the community,jimmy choo, and "people like doughnuts so it's kind of a no brainer."

Connolly said the rising popularity of food trucks across North America gave him the idea the business could take off here,valentino outlet, especially since no local stores focus on homemade doughnuts.

air max 2013 A Vintage Cocktail That Packs A Punch

A Vintage Cocktail That Packs A Punch

The punch cocktail has a long history that starts with British sailors (who drank a lot), says liquor historian David Wondrich. Sailors were entitled to 10 pints of beer per day but when they sailed into the tropics, the beer spoiled, and that's when they turned to punch.

"They made it with local ingredients in India and Indonesia in the early 1600s," Wondrich tells NPR's Linda Wertheimer. "They were 13,000 miles away from any source of English beer or wine, and they had nothing to drink. And English sailors . respond very poorly to that."

Wondrich,air max, who is also a mixologist, has paid homage to what he calls "the monarch of mixed drinks"; his book, Punch: The Delights (and Dangers) of the Flowing Bowl, features 40 historical punch recipes for the ambitious drink mixer.

The oldest punch in Wondrich's book is called Meriton Latroon's Bantam Punch. It's made with a sinister looking black liquor called arrack it's a form of rum produced in Asia, distilled from the sap of palm trees.

Wondrich calls this a "challenging" and "old school punch." The flavor, he says, is one that was "not tasted very often over the last 300 years." (And it gives off "a faint whiff of tires," Wertheimer observes.) But these flavors are being resurrected in the modern culinary world,, Wondrich says, and the punch which he admits looks like soy sauce also has "a great fragrance to it."

For a more classic punch, Wondrich turns to Dickens, the British novelist who was also something of a punch cocktail connoisseur. "Dickens always made punch for friends," Wondrich says. "Whenever he entertained, it was part of his ritual."

But even for Dickens in the mid 1800s, punch was something of a throwback. "By his day," Wondrich explains, "punch had gotten kind of old fashioned. Queen Victoria was very opposed to the lax moral standards that the upper classes in particular had held to in her predecessor's days. And she didn't like their habit of getting grossly drunk on punch and champagne and wine."

So punch was out of style but that was part of the fun. "[Dickens] was a great antiquarian,toms," Wondrich says. "He liked to collect all the old customs and habits of old England." So he'd invite his friends over, concoct a big bowl of punch, and then describe the punch making process for his guests.

The Dickens punch in Wondrich's book (see the recipe here) is taken from a detailed letter the novelist wrote to his friend's sister and it's a "classic 18th century brandy rum punch," Wondrich says. "This is punch from its golden age."

The golden age of punch may be over, but Wondrich welcomes the modest revival the social beverage is seeing in the 21st century.

"One of the professional hazards of the drink historian is nostalgia which I try to avoid,air max 90," he says. "I know life was tough then and there were a lot of unpleasant things, but there were some compensations,hermes handbags, and I think the whole punch ritual was one of them."

Punch should not be the strength of a cocktail. It's got to be something considerably less dangerous.

For party throwers in 2011, Wondrich recommends turning a cocktail party into a punch party. That way,jerseys from china, "you don't have to make individual drinks for everybody," he says. "Everybody gets to share something. And it makes for a lovely party." (Find Wondrich's recommendation for a good "introductory punch" recipe here.)

But he also offers a word of warning, which harkens back to the subtitle of his book: "The Delights (and Dangers) of the Flowing Bowl."

"Punch should not be the strength of a cocktail,ray-ban sunglasses," he advises. "It's got to be something considerably less dangerous. . The whole point is it's a social drink. . You're supposed to keep going back to the bowl, and every time you go back to the bowl somebody else is there and you talk to them . and it ends up being very jolly and pleasant."


For we had not only the country drink called toddee, which is made of the juice of several trees,louboutin, and punch, which is made of rack lime, or lime water, sugar, spices, and sometimes the addition of amber grease, but we likewise drank great quantities of Persian wine,nike factory outlet, which is much like claret, and brought from that country in bottles.

SOURCE : Richard Head/Francis Kirkman, The English Rogue, Continued, in the Life of Meriton Latroon and Other Extravagants. Comprehending the Most Eminent Cheats of Most Trades and Professions. The Second Part, 1668In a mortar or small bowl,nike air max, muddle a piece of ambergris the size of a grain of barley with an ounce of Indonesian gula jawa or other dark,raybans, funky sugar until it has been incorporated. Add 2 ounces Batavia arrack and muddle again until sugar has dissolved. Break up 5 ounces of gula jawa, put it in a two quart jug with 6 ounces lime juice and muddle together until sugar has dissolved. Add the ambergris sugar arrack mixture and stir. Add the remains of the 750 milliliter bottle of Batavia arrack from which you have removed the 2 ounces to mix with the ambergris, stir again, and fi nish with 3 to 4 cups water, according to taste. That doesn't sound very appetizing, but by the time it washes up, ambergris has aged into a lightly, sweetly and very persistently fragrant substance that most resembles soap. What with the present state of the whale, it is also hideously expensive, but then again, it was never cheap . Since it is essentially a fat, it must be rendered mixable before it can be used, which the above process will do. If the trouble, expense (it goes for abouttwenty dollars a gram) or squick factor is too much for you,tiffany's, it may easily be omitted, although it does add a subtle, insinuating I know not what to the Punch that cannototherwise be replicated. For muddling the ambergris, regular demerara sugar is betterat absorbing the fragrance, if less authentic. If you can't get gula jawa, which is a sticky, funky mix of palm and sugarcane sugars, then muscovado, piloncillo, panela or jaggery will do. But it's worth tracking the real stuff down, as it gives the Punch its porterlike color and a good deal of its umami driven brothiness. If you don't have a pitcher, a bowl will of course work just fine. I don't recommend ice here, although an hour in the refrigerator will do no harm. If you wish to incorporate tea,soccer jersey, as Head's brief note seems tosuggest,scarpe hogan, add 3 cups of hot green tea, made with 3 teaspoons of loose tea or three tea bags, to the sugar lime juice ambergris extract mixture, stir and then add the arrack. Add,sac longchamps, if necessary, another cup of cool water at the end.

YIELD: 8 cups,oakley vault.

From Punch: The Delights (and Dangers) of the Flowing Bowl by David Wondrich. Excerpted by permission of Perigree Trade.



Peel into a very strong common basin (which may be broken,discount true religion jeans, in case of accident, without damage to the owner's peace or pocket) the rinds of three lemons,lululemon, cut very thin, and with as little as possible of the white coating between the peel and the fruit, attached. Add a double handfull [sic] of lump sugar (good measure), a pint of good old rum, and a large wine glass full of brandy if it not be a large claret glass, say two. Set this on fire, by filling a warm silver spoon with the spirit, lighting the contents at a wax taper, and pouring them gently in. [L]et it burn for three or four minutes at least, stirring it from time to Time. Then extinguish it by covering the basin with a tray,tory burch outlet, which will immediately put out the flame. Then squeeze in the juice of the three lemons,michaelkors, and add a quart ofboiling water. Stir the whole well, cover it up for five minutes, and stir again. At this crisis (having skimmed off the lemon pips with a spoon) you may taste. If not sweet enough,cheap michael kors, add sugar to your liking, but observe that it will be a little sweeter presently. Pour the whole into a jug, tie a leather or coarse cloth over the top,soccer shoes, so as to exclude the air completely,bottega veneta, and stand it in a hot oven ten minutes, or on a hot stove one quarter of an hour. Keep it until it comes to table in a warm place near the fire, but not too hot. If it be intended to stand three or four hours,air max, take half the lemon peel out, or it will acquire a bitter taste. The same punch allowed to cool by degrees, and then iced, is delicious. It requires less sugar when made for this purpose. If you wish to produce it bright, strain it into bottles through silk. These proportions and directions will,rayban, of course, apply to any quantity.

air max 90 A Very Techie School Year

A Very Techie School Year,air max

No matter how old the student, the end of summer and the dawn of a new school year brings sadness and no small amount of anxiety. One of the only things to brighten the prospect of returning to the classroom is the search for new back to school gear.

You and your student may not be in the market for every type of gadget on our list,louboutins, but odds are you're ready for an upgrade in at least one category. High school and college students are always searching for a good bang for the buck deal on new notebook, the most functional software to load it up with,oakley, and a great looking bag to carry it in. Families also need up to date printers and monitors, and library dwellers rely on high quality headphones. Those relegated to the dormitory need to consider how to set up a "very mini" home network.

Whatever your needs, we've got you covered in this "down to business" portion of our Back to School Guide. Stay tuned: we'll soon also provide the other half of your back to school shopping list the entertainment gear guide. If all else fails, that at least should take the edge off your first day of school blues!

In addition to myself, many of the editors of Tom's Guide and Tom's Hardware contributed to this article, including Chris Angelini,hollister uk, Molly Bergen,sac lancel, Barry Gerber, Don Reisinger and Ed Tittel. They are credited individually on the pages that follow.

First off, if you are living at home and/or still in high school absolutely none of this is necessary. Use the home PC.

Second, If you are going away to college,rolex, then get either a cheap laptop or desktop and one ethernet cable. End of story. You will be able to print through your university's printers,michael kors, and most likely you will be able to get very cheap software from the university. I can buy Vista Ultimate for $15. Norton Antivirus is free.

Third, do not buy Apple as it is way to expensive. As a college student your money would be much better used elsewhere. This article did not do justice to Lenovo at all. I highly recommend a ThinkPad T61. (I priced a 2.4 GHz dual core and 4 GB of RAM and 100 GB hard drive for around $1100). The same hardware configuration would cost over $3000 in a Mac.

4) DO NOT SPEND MONEY IN WARRANTY/REPAIR/TROUBLESHOOTING SOFTWARE OR SERVICES! At your university there will be many smart and intelligent people who will be able to help you out for free. Depending on the size of your university, there will probably be a free tech support service somewhere on campus.

getting a Thinkpad may be more expensive,ralph lauren, but it has two enormous advantages: it's extremely sturdy, and it is easily serviceable; if you want to keep your laptop for 3 years,timberland pas cher, you'll have a better time with it than any other laptop series

Google Docs is nice, but it requires an always on Internet connection.

if all you do is type notes and browse the Web,rayban, a netbook may just be what you need: lighter, smaller, cuter, faster to boot. It is also far less expensive. The MSI Wind and it's rather large screen and keyboard are a good thing,air max 90, you can still get an USB keyboard and connect it to a flat screen TV to turn it into a more comfortable workstation in your dorm room.

For those of you telling me that 'Vista is required',ghd hair, bull: the Apple one runs OS X,ray-ban, you can run Linux or XP without trouble in such a context (yes,air max one, there is Java and Flash support under Linux; even Google Earth runs very well).

I hope you chain that 24" LCD to an iron desk in your drom room. Best things for college are FREE or Second hand, no need to pay premium $$$ for new stuffs. I pay for my own tuition and all my other expense, so there is no way a 'regular' student or their parent will consider buying something this big and pricy. PC component side are decent however.

The dude above who asks for a Laptop/notebook to work on CAD, maybe a Dell Vostro 1500 and possibly runs in XP. Basically if you are all work and no play just make sure you get a Core 2 Duo CPU with a Quadro card and 3 4gb of RAM. If you play some games get a C2D/3 4gb RAM and a Nvidia 8600 and up instead of a Quadro

gaidenI hope you chain that 24" LCD to an iron desk in your drom room. Best things for college are FREE or Second hand, no need to pay premium $$$ for new stuffs. I pay for my own tuition and all my other expense,prada shoes, so there is no way a 'regular' student or their parent will consider buying something this big and pricy. PC component side are decent however. The dude above who asks for a Laptop/notebook to work on CAD, maybe a Dell Vostro 1500 and possibly runs in XP. Basically if you are all work and no play just make sure you get a Core 2 Duo CPU with a Quadro card and 3 4gb of RAM. If you play some games get a C2D/3 4gb RAM and a Nvidia 8600 and up instead of a Quadrogl

Ain't it the truth. Nothing tweaked me more than when I had an old school HP notebook nabbed from my office on campus during a two minute bathroom break. A shame you have to lock everything down just to let it out of your sight for a second.

For students in a technical field, (engineering,, computer science, etc), a Windows laptop probably is best due to specialty software/hardware needs. But for the majority of students in non technical fields, I'd highly recommend the MacBook.

Sure it seems more expensive if you compare hardware spec sheets, but the OS and included Apps make it a worthwhile package. Plus, iWork is much cheaper than MS Office. (Oh,discount true religion, and currently a free $300 iPod Touch for students and teachers sweetens the pot!)

General setup and maintenance issues are much less,burberry factory outlet, so you'll have more time for actual studying especially important for the non techie! And while Windows has "sleep" features, I've never had consistent success with it. The sleep on my MacBook is bulletproof, and it wakes up in about 1 second. Perfect for the mad dash between classes!

Of course,chi hair, if you are a non techie,marc jacobs handbags, you probably aren't reading THG.

WOW!!! All those other computers are free??? A MacBook Pro starts at $2000. However,authentic louis vuitton, I was talking about the basic MacBook, $1099 as mentioned in the article. College students (and all teachers) get a $100 discount, so $999. That's only $250 more than the cheapest laptop in the article.

Consider that the MacBook buying student (or teacher) also currently gets a free iPod Touch. Assuming the PC buying student also wants one, he's now paid $50 more than the MacBook customer.

Even assuming MS Office is free, vs. the $71 student price on iWork, it's only $21 difference.

So,oakleys, again for the non techie college student, I believe the MacBook is an excellent choice.

mbmcavoyWOW!!! All those other computers are free??? A MacBook Pro starts at $2000. However, I was talking about the basic MacBook, $1099 as mentioned in the article. College students (and all teachers) get a $100 discount,air max, so $999. the $71 student price on iWork,nike store, it's only $21 difference. So, again for the non techie college student,scarpe hogan, I believe the MacBook is an excellent choice.

That is the absolute cheapest Mac you can get. The hardware you get from that laptop at it's base price is terrible. I really don't see why you would get that laptop when you can spend the same amount of money and get much better hardware. The upgrades are way over priced too.

$1099 for that laptop? Are you kidding me? You can get an alienware desktop for that much money, which before Apple got big I thought was the biggest overhyped, over priced excuse for a computer you could buy.

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Captain Asshat and the d,polo ralph lauren

Alright,burberry outlet, I know I probably starting to sound like a bitter chick on a rant. truth be told I really do think great guys exist. I just happen to interact with the cream of the crop. The d bags as I like to call them.

The hot mess is now being promoted to Captain Asshat! The winner above all others that I have dated since my last serious relationship. It been at least a year since he and I have actually seen or talked to each other. So,hermes birkin, I was taken back when he messaged me out of the blue the other day. You can read about the first message in my previous blog post. I ignored the message assuming that he would get my message loud and clear.

However,beats by dr dre, the next day I received two more messages. The first one said,jerseys, I heard you moved to a small town,coach outlet store, its beautiful there. The second said,sac louis vuitton, I hope your kids are well,ralph lauren, it been a while. Have you heard of money for life from Sunlife Financial?

1) Don bring my children up in your message when you are clearly trying to sell me insurance,rayban.

2) Holy balls! What about I sorry for the way things ended Tiff,kate spade outlet, would you like to try to be friends?

Come on boys,oakley glasses, did your parents not raise you with social skills? I mean at least butter me up a bit before you try to go in for the sale. It taken everything in me to not message The hot mess back to tell him what an asshat he is! I don want to validate his message in any kind of way though. I mean I would be curious to know what exactly one is thinking when they message an ex to sell them a Sunlife package. I probably wouldn get the answer though.

I decided that I am just going to laugh about it and pray for him. Obviously,red bottom shoes, The hot mess is a mess! Maybe I write feminist comics about the adventures of Captain Asshat and the d bags. I could have all kinds of super powers like see right through you vision and expose you as a d bag radar to name a few. Wishful thinking : ).

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Cost of misdirected baggage adds up,nike free

GENEVA World airlines spend as much as $1.6 billion a year on mishandled baggage,true religion clearance, a company that provides computer tracking technology to the industry said Tuesday.

The main factors causing a bag to fail to arrive with its owner at the intended destination are growing passenger numbers and tighter security,burberry, said SITA Inc.,tory burch sandals, a Geneva based company owned by the air transport industry.

SITA estimates that it costs the industry an average of $87.50 when a bag fails to show up on time. Even though the percentage of mishandled bags is only 0.7 percent,, the total cost mounts quickly.

"Disgruntled passengers,nike air max, important security concerns and the high cost of inefficient baggage handling are critical issues,chi flat iron," said Catherine Mayer,coach factory online, SITA's vice president of airport services.

The company said widely used luggage labels that are imprinted with bar codes have done much to improve baggage management,ghd hair, but "statistics show that stricter security screening procedures in many countries are prompting a new rise in the number of mishandled bags."

Tighter security means bags go through airports slower and can be diverted more easily,free run. SITA offers a system that tracks a bag through an airport's security screening area and issues an alert if it moves too slowly,abercrombie kids.

It can connect to explosive detection and smart X ray systems to allow bag room and security staff to locate it instantly. Handling agents can react more quickly if they know immediately whether a bag has cleared,watches for men, has been escalated to a higher security level or has been halted.

SITA said in North America,ugg, the number of mishandled bags increased by 20 percent in 2004 over the total number of mishandled bags in 2003.

The company is promoting use of a tiny computer style chip on luggage tags that it said will reduce the number of misdirected bags. The luggage labels,mulberry handbags, known as RFID for radio frequency identification tags,, allow for tracking of luggage at all times over wireless networks.

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a school system that changes,beats by dr

Yesterday,reebok, 5 year olds from all across New York City put on their favorite outfit, struggled into a too big backpack,ralph lauren, took the hand of their grownup and set off for the first day of kindergarten. My daughter Ella was among them. Me,karen millen, my husband,ugg boots, Ella and baby Lowell walked the two blocks together to her neighborhood public school and joined a crowd of other families and children outside of Ella school,ray ban, waiting to go in for the big day. The entire block of the school was jammed. Everyone seemed to have Mom and Dad there. Everyone had their bags full of supplies,oakley sale, carefully labeled lunches, and spiffy new backpacks with their names embroidered on the back.

Ella school building is brand new. We walked into her classroom to find a beautiful, bright space full of blocks,chi flat iron, playdough,coach handbags, markers and paints,ugg boots clearance, the latest smartboard technology and two excited teachers eagerly awaiting her class of 20. In short,hermes handbags, it was a lovely,vans, idyllic first day and my husband and I were delighted to picture her there every school day for the next six years.

But I couldn help thinking what that special first day might have been like in the Harlem neighborhood we just moved out of. We loved the area but would never,joe's new balance outlet, if we could avoid it,coach outlet store online, send our daughter to the school she was assigned to there. And we could avoid it. We were blessed to have the means to move to another neighborhood. A more expensive neighborhood,air max, a whiter neighborhood,oakley, a neighborhood with a good school. Most of the families in our old neighborhood didn have that luxury. And so their first day is in a crumbling school,free run, poorly staffed and with inadequate supplies. A school that statistics tell us will disproportionately have the lowest performing teachers. Beautiful little children,nike air max 2013, sent off to a failing school for a third rate education.

What kind of a message does it send to a child when their first experience of their government is a broken down school and a third rate education? What are they subconsciously learning about the way their city and their country feels about them? What human potential is lost in such an unequal system? We know in America we have the best and the worst in education. But living in Manhattan,michael kors outlet online, you really see it up close. Some of the best public schools in the country and some of the worst,bottega, in the same borough of the same city. You can learn everything you need to know about a school in this city based on one number,herve leger, the percent of kids in the school on free or reduced lunch. It not fair. That all I kept thinking as I dropped my daughter off yesterday. It just not fair.

And so, as I voted in New York mayoral primary today, I did so with one issue in mind,mulberry bags, who has the best shot at fixing our tale of two cities public school system? Who can make it so the beautiful child in Harlem and the Bronx and Brooklyn has the same experience,nike outlet, the same shot at a good education as my beautiful child on the Upper East Side? Because if we can fix it here,marc jacobs, we can fix it anywhere. As Sinatra and the end of the Yankee Games at the stadium lets us know: "It up to you New York,louis vuitton outlet online, New York."

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9 teams help at Boston Marathon,oakley

(AP) Five K 9 teams from the Rhode Island State Police were among the dozens of dog teams from around the region that monitored the route of the Boston Marathon,cheap ray ban.

Lt. Col. Michael Winquist says the five teams of one state trooper and one explosives detecting dog were assigned to the course in Newton,ferragamo, Massachusetts,abercrombie, on Monday.

They worked primarily with the FBI,louis vuitton, Massachusetts State Police and members of the military.

Winquist says it was a long and busy day for the teams,true religion outlet store online, but that spectators told them they were happy to see them there providing security.

K 9 teams could be seen along the route during Monday race sniffing bags and seats and checking mailboxes,lululemon.

It was the first marathon since two bombs went off at last year race,nike sneakers, killing three people. Tracci

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auto watchdog face Congress over defect linked to deaths

DETROIT General Motors new CEO and the head of the nation auto safety watchdog are headed to Congress to testify about a defect in small cars that is linked to 13 deaths.

In written testimony released ahead of a Tuesday House subcommittee hearing, acting National Highway Traffic Safety Administration chief David Friedman says GM had information connecting defective ignition switches to the non deployment of air bags, but didn share it until last month.

GM CEO Mary Barra will also testify. Committee members will press Barra and Friedman to explain why neither the company nor the safety agency moved to recall millions of small cars with a defective ignition switch,michael kors purses, even though GM knew of the problem as early as 2001.

here today,chanel handbags, I cannot tell you why it took years for a safety defect to be announced in (the small car) program,ralph lauren uk, but I can tell you that we will find out,scarpe hogan, Barra said in prepared testimony submitted to the subcommittee.

GM has recalled 2.6 million cars for the faulty switch,gucci. That recall prompted GM to name a new safety chief and review its recall processes.

GM continued its efforts to show regulators and consumers that it is more focused on safety,polo shirts, announcing the recall of 1.5 million more vehicles on Monday for a power steering problem.

With Monday recall,tiffanys, GM has now recalled 6.3 million vehicles since February. GM estimates the actions will cost it $750 million.

The House hearing and a separate one Wednesday before a Senate subcommittee will likely be tense and emotional. At least a dozen family members of victims will attend, wearing blue shirts featuring a photo of 16 year old Amber Marie Rose, who was killed in a 2005 Cobalt crash, and the words Our Children. will apologize for the loss of life,cheap oakley, but may try to limit her answers to Congress, citing an ongoing internal review and government investigations.

we have answers,ray ban, we will be fully transparent with you, with our regulators,burberry outlet online, and with our customers,celine handbags, she said in the prepared testimony.

Barra met with families of some of the victims on Monday,gucci handbags, GM spokespeople said.

That could test the patience of committee members, who will want to know immediately why GM failed to protect its customers in this case.

Congress also wants to know if it needs to strengthen a 2000 law intended to improve communication between automakers and the government.

Here are some questions lawmakers are likely to ask Barra and Friedman,herve leger, and why:

Q: Why did it take so long to recall these vehicles,nba jerseys?

GM own timeline,sac louis vuitton, provided to the government, indicates that it knew as early as 2001 that there were problems with the ignition switch in the Saturn Ion. That switch was later used in the Cobalt and other cars. GM eventually learned of accidents and fatalities linked to the switch,lulu lemon, and conducted multiple reviews. Yet the cars were only recalled this year. Barra will need to explain why GM didn act sooner.

Q: Why was a proposed fix never implemented,nike air?

According to a timeline prepared by the House subcommittee, GM engineers developed a fix for the switch in 2004,mcm bags, but it was cancelled in 2005 because of its long lead time and cost. Engineers also devised a new key design that would prevent the key from falling out of the ignition, which caused the engine to stall. The fix was approved but later cancelled. Lawmakers will want to know why,coach handbags, and who was involved. Barra may not be willing to name names at this point. She has said she only learned of the problem last December,sunglasses outlet, shortly after being named CEO.

Q. Shouldn GM tell owners to stop driving the recalled cars until they are fixed,oakley sale?

GM insists that the cars are safe as long as owners remove anything extra from their key chains, to avoid weighing down the ignition switch. And dealers have permission to give loaner cars to concerned customers until GM can fix their cars. Sen. Richard Blumenthal,free runs, D Connecticut,oakley, who sits on the Senate subcommittee,michael kors shoes, is among those calling for GM to make a stronger statement and tell owners to stop driving their cars immediately.

Q. Why didn NHTSA open an investigation, which is often the first step toward a recall?

As early as 2005, the agency had numerous consumer complaints, service bulletins GM sent to dealers describing the ignition problems and data from a fatal crash in Maryland. And in late 2007, one official recommended investigating reports that air bags in the cars weren deploying. An agency panel decided against that because it said a trend wasn evident.

Q. Did NHTSA get enough information from GM?

Safety regulators have sent GM a special order to get more information on the recall, but the automaker response isn due until Thursday.

In his remarks, Friedman says the agency would have ordered the recall if it had the information GM provided only recently. But safety experts say there was other available information at the time that warranted a recall.

Q. Does NHTSA have the staff and expertise to deal with the volume of data it getting?

After the Ford Firestone tire recall in the late 1990s,, Congress required automakers to report more information to the government about possible defects. NHTSA also gets more than 40,000 complaints per year from drivers. Lawmakers want to know if they agency has the resources to do its job.

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Are We Having Fun Yet,toms shoes

In this month articles from Boris Gindis Post Adoption Learning Center,basketball jerseys, I was shocked to read that in Bisbee,oakley prescription glasses, Arizona,fake oakleys, prom bags will include condoms. Yes folks,nike free, that is plural. Not one,reebok outlet, but two condoms in each gift bag,michael kors bags, accompanying more typical gifts such as picture frames and mints. For the full article by Theresa Twogood,timberland, follow this link. Being a member of a church that believes in abstinence before marriage and fidelity after,rayban, I was sickened by this news.Does this mean I have my head in the sand in the year 2008? No. I know there are kids out there experimenting with sex. However,free run, reading the article brought back memories of a conversation I had with a very wise friend. We were discussing how some parents put their daughters on birth control to avoid unwanted pregnancies. At the time,ugg australia, my oldest daughter was only 5 years old so I was interested in my friend viewpoint since she already had a teen. She said way,the north face, no how. It the same as me saying,bottega, have raised you to be morally clean,vans, but here this pill,ralph lauren outlet, because I really don trust you. I really don think you will be able to succeed at abstinence. You sending them a mixed message if you teach abstinence but give them birth control. We all learned a long time ago that we can't give a child something and then tell them to not use it. It doesn't work and it leads to trouble every single time. what is a parent to do? Perhaps instead of handing out condoms,louis vuitton handbags, we should have parents a bit more involved in their children lives. Finding out where they are going after the prom,christian louboutin, who they will be with,burberry factory outlet, and whose parents will be supervising could go alot further in saving the heartache of lost virginity on Prom night (Isn that also called a stand than handing out condoms ever will. Who says prom has to last all night? You don want the words Night to Remember to be associated with years of heartache from one very bad decision.

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ABC Green at Work Australian Broadcasting Corporation,free running

Yep they can be recycled Sandra they're made of a plastic called polypropylene,uggs boots, and once they're worn out you just drop them off at your supermarket's plastic bag collection centre.

But unlike regular polyethylene shopping bags that can get recycled here in Austraila,michael kors bags, green 'eco' bags have to be shipped overseas.

The polypropylene the green bags are made of can be recycled,coach purses, but the stitching that holds them together can't. So before any green bag is recycled all those stitches have to be unpicked and separated from the plastic. It's very labour intensive,jimmy choo handbags, and unless you're paying very low wages you can't hope to turn a profit from the recycled product.

Which is where shipping the bags to China comes in. If Chinese workers received the same pay as workers here do it wouldn't be profitable to recycle the green bags there either,ugg boots uk, and they'd all end up in landfill. Talk about your ethical dilemma.

So green bags save on landfill,burberry factory outlet, energy and material but only if you use them a couple of hundred times and then drop them off at your supermarket for recycling. And because they look less like jellyfish we shouldn't see too many turtles choking on the ones that make it into the wild.

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Articles about Biodegradable Bags,true religion brand jeans

Biodegradable Bags Suggested For Leaves

September 11,air max 2013, 1988 By Charlotte Kidd,coach factory online, Special to The Inquirer

Upper Moreland residents might "have to turn over a new leaf" as the foliage falls,rayban, township Commissioner Ian McGain half jested at a meeting last week. Starting this season,ralph lauren pas cher, residents might be required to dispose of their leaves in biodegradable collection bags that will be on sale at municipal hall. Commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday in support of recycling leaves in disposable bags to facilitate dumping at the new leaf composting site off Terwood Road. 2,raybans, about recycling tree leaves erroneously characterized the biodegradable bags being used in Upper Moreland and Springfield Townships as plastic. Kraft, Special to The Inquirer

Chester County leaf rakers: Take note. Three municipalities Caln,timberland pas cher, East Caln and Valley Townships are to begin collecting leaves this week and next for delivery to the Lanchester Landfill, Honey Brook Township. A few townships,, Upper Moreland and Springfield in Montgomery County among them, plan to make them available to homeowners. Springfield plans a pilot program using the bags; Upper Moreland has called for their use and is considering an ordinance making them mandatory. Unlike the average green or brown plastic garbage bag,nike free run, which is meant to withstand the elements,ugg, the special plastic in the biodegradable bags decomposes just like the leaves do. Neumann, Special to The Inquirer

Cleaning up the colorful autumn leaves will cost Caln Township more this year because a county operated leaf collection program has ended,abercrombie, but township commissioners said Thursday night that they would use their own municipal manpower to do the work. Chester County last year offered to pick up leaves free from municipalities to use them as compost for the county landfill. Caln residents took part in the program,ghd, using biodegradable bags purchased by the township. Once the leaves begin to tumble,sac hermes, raking and bagging and all of the associated aches and pains begin. But because of Pennsylvania's new recycling law,ray bans, Act 101, leaves, along with glass,jimmy choo, paper and aluminum,uggs outlet, must now be recycled. Hatfield Borough is trying to decide how to deal with those leaves within the confines of the law. Shaw,gucci, Special to The Inquirer

An East Caln resident's plan to subdivide his 2.4 acre parcel off Route 113 gained approval Wednesday from the township's Board of Supervisors. At its regular meeting,hogan outlet, the board voted,mulberry handbags, 2 0,fake oakleys, with third supervisor Ed Dymek absent,nike factory, in favor of Steve Long's application,north face outlet, though the approval came with some minor conditions. Long plans to subdivide his property on Route 113,michael kors, just south of Woodmont Drive, into lots of 1.4 acres and 1 acre. Long,, who lives on the 1 acre lot,supra shoes, told the board he would retain both properties.2 Officers Named Sergeant

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A great all around bag,toryburch, Incase's stylishDSLR Pro Pack is roomy with smart strategic openings. A slot at the top of the pack gives quick camera access though unlike Lowepro's popular Fastpack line,soccer jersey, you have to take the bag entirely off the body to get a hold of the equipment inside. Still,nike air max, this design allows for many better,bottega, more desired features: roomy front cabin and meticulously organized dividers in the back. But it is a behemoth; its deep shape allows for thick protective padding and roomy compartments for bodies and lenses. It puts the tripod mount in a smart,burberry sale, logical location (the center),ugg, and a built in weather cover will protect your expensive equipment in case conditions take a turn for the worse. It's got an almost unfathomable number of pockets,ralph lauren uk, including space for a 15 inch laptop; side loading compartment; and a built in weather resistant cover. All this sounds like a great combination,michael kors outlet, but the Python Pack feels as if it were trying to cram more than it can handle. The rigid structure and ballistic nylon exterior shape the bag,ray ban, but they also make it difficult to load and unload,nike mercurial, especially with clumsy velcro dividers. Instead,air max, this bag is all about lightweight essentials. Don't expect to be able to cram a ton,new balance, but the sling can hold one to two SLR bodies (one in the easy accesstop loading compartment),, a few mid size lenses and even a tablet or ultra thin laptop. Like its bigger brother,ghd hair straighteners, it also has that great waterproof ballistic nylon exterior. Because equipment is loaded on the side,reebok shoes, lens and bodies are stacked atop each other with padded separators in between. Access is made all the more difficult with a side loading compartment that can be safely opened only when the pack is unmounted,hermes, lest risk gravity causing accidental harm to the gear inside. It also has one of the best tripod mount designs I've encountered,mulberry bags, with sturdy straps integrated into the shell.

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Airfares continue to rise,mcm handbags

The price to board an airliner in the United States has risen for the fourth straight year, making it increasingly expensive to fly almost anywhere.

The average domestic roundtrip ticket,nike tn, including tax,hollister uk, reached $363.42 last year,sac longchamp pas cher, up more than $7 from the prior year,christian louboutin outlet, according to an Associated Press analysis of travel data collected from millions of flights throughout the country.

Ticket prices have increased as airlines eliminated unprofitable routes,chi hair, packed more passengers into planes and merged with one another, providing travelers with fewer options.

Today,celine handbags, 84 percent of seats are filled with paying passengers,ralph lauren pas cher, up from 82 percent in 2009.

"Anyone traveling today will know that those flights are full," said Chuck Thackston,ugg boots, managing director of data and analytics for the Airlines Reporting Corp, which processes ticket transactions for airlines and more than 9,oakley,400 travel agencies,kate spade handbags, including websites such as Expedia and Orbitz. "Just through supply and demand, those fares will go up."

And none of this factors in the bevy of extra fees travelers now face for checking bags, getting extra legroom or even purchasing a blanket, meal or pair of headphones. The typical traveler pays an additional $50 roundtrip to check a single suitcase. airlines and have helped them return consistent annual profits for the last four years.

Airlines pay just over $3 a gallon for jet fuel,nfl jerseys, up from $1.89 in 2009. Another $2.7 billion a year is collected in reservation change fees,coach factory outlet, with airlines charging up to $200 to revise an itinerary.

"I love to travel,fake oakley, but they're making it more difficult," said Brian Kalish,louboutins, a frequent flier from Arlington,ray ban, Va. "Maybe I've been spoiled that it used to be so cheap to fly.

Jean Medina,burberry factory outlet, spokeswoman for Airlines for America, the airlines' trade and lobbying group, said over the long term fares have not climbed as fast as inflation and that flying "remains a great bargain."

"Carriers continue to invest in their products with new planes, new services and new destinations," Medina said. "It's a great time to fly."

Airlines are able to push fare and fee hikes because there is less competition.

"You get some pricing power as a result,rolex watches for sale," said airline consultant Robert Mann. airlines American Airlines, Delta Air Lines,true religion, Southwest Airlines and United Airlines controlling more than 80 percent of the domestic air travel market. Discount airlines such as Allegiant Air and Spirit Airlines have grown at breakneck speed but still carry a tiny fraction of overall passengers.

"Even with the presence of a number of strong, sizable low fare airlines,true religion clearance, you are still seeing airfares go up sizably,air max," said Henry Harteveldt,asics, a travel industry analyst with Hudson Crossing.

Starting July 1, fliers will also face higher taxes. The government's security fee is currently $2.50 each way for a nonstop flight, capped at $5 each way if a traveler has a connection. This summer,louis vuitton, that fee will be $5.60 each way whether or not there's a connection. The fee hike is estimated to cost travelers an extra $1 billion a year.

Higher fares did not mean better service for passengers last year,coach factory online.

During the first 11 months of last year, 19 percent of flights failed to arrive within 15 minutes of their scheduled time. That's up from 16 percent during the same period in 2012, according to data kept by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

The number of flights canceled in those 11 months also jumped nearly 15 percent to 81,265. The government has yet to release data for December,soccer jersey, but the numbers won't be pretty. A series of snow and ice storms led to thousands of additional delays and cancellations.

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Aditya finish at top as India bags 3 Golds in badminton,hermes pas cher

Pune,christian louboutin, Oct 17 (UNI) Ace shuttler Saina Nehwal rallied back to brush aside a spirited challenge from her Indian rival Sikki Reddy to win the gold medal in the girls' singles event,sac michael kors, while top seed RMV Gurusaidutt clinched another gold for the country in the boy's category as India made a clean sweep in the badminton competition of the Commonwealth Youth Games here today.

Trailing by a good 3 4 point margin in both the games,louis vuitton purses, Saina battled her way into the match and secured a 2 0 (23 21,gucci, 22 20) win over Sikki who grabbed the silver. Gurusaidutt also had to toil hard before he overpowered his Indian counterpart Aditya Prakash 2 1 (21 18,ghd hair, 20 22,oakley glasses, 21 18) in a 50 minute long tussle.

The bronze medal in the girls singles went to Panuga Riou of England who beat Malaysia's Tiffany Currier Chase 2 1 (18 21, 21 16,chanel purses, 21 16).

However,air max 90, Sikki did get an opportunity to lay her hands on the gold medal when she partnered PC Thulasi to beat Mary Alexandra Bruce and Shan Michelle Li Man of Canada.

I think she played exceedingly well today. I expected a good fight and she really made me work hard, Saina told about Sikki after the match.

Sikki did show her potential and was very pretty close make an upset today,cheap michael kors, but Saina's experience and skills put paid to her dreams of securing a gold.

In the first game itself,coach factory, Sikki had taken a handsome lead and was heading to win the first game,canada goose coats, but Saina,longchamp, with her sound technique coupled with some great judgements across the court,converse outlet, made a dramatic turaround to take the first game.

World number 11,jimmy choo, Saina let go a few of Sikki's smashes which could have fetches points to any of those,ray ban glasses, but Saiana made some close calls to not to offer any shot and grabbed a few points in such a manner on more than a couple of occasions.

The script,valentinos, in the second game,mulberry uk, followed exactly the same way it did in the first and though,burberry, Sikki did fight till the end but a cool headed Saina proved better than her on the day.

With Saina already a known face in the World Badminton arena,michael kors outlet, Sikki's performance here must have raised a lot of hopes in India and even the girl is also eyeing to make some great upsets in future.

Yes,ray bans, definitely I have my future plans ready and with such kind of performances you get a lot of motivation,ugg, Sikki said.

In the boy's section,air max, Aditya Prakash did not surrender easily as he made his rival earn every point before he finally caved in to the exploits of Guru.

Trailing 0 1 after the first game,toms outlet, Aditya made a stunning come back as he grabbed eight points on a trot to take the match into the third game but in the final game Guru upped the tempo and sealed the match after a deperate fight from his rival.

The Indian shuttlers took away the majority of medals on offer as Pranav Chopra and Sai Praneeth bagged the bronze medal after they defeated the other losing semi finalists' pair of Gary Fox and Richard Morris of England in straight games 2 0 (21 18,ralph lauren, 23 21).

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TOKYO (Reuters) In a green outfit with silver trim and matching mask,juicy couture outlet, a superhero waits by the stairs of a Tokyo subway station,ghd hair straighteners, lending his strength to the elderly,canada goose, passengers lugging heavy packages and mothers with baby strollers.

"Japanese people find it hard to accept help,tory burch sandals, they feel obligated to the other person,hogan, so the mask really helps me out,christian louboutin," said Tadahiro Kanemasu.

The slender 27 year old has spent three months being a good Samaritan at the station on Tokyo's western side. Like many in the city,canada goose, it has neither elevators nor escalators and a long flight of dimly lit stairs.

Inspiration came from the children he met at his job at an organic greengrocer,tn pas cher, which also prompted the colour of his costume. He picked up the green Power Rangers suit and two spares at a discount store for 4,tiffany co,000 yen each.

Since Kanemasu can set aside only a couple of hours each day for his good deeds,ugg, he hopes to recruit others in different coloured suits. Already he has inquiries about pink and red.

Hayato Ito,air jordan, who works alongside Kanemasu at the greengrocer,kate spade handbags, said his kindness to others over the years meant his alter ego did not come as a complete surprise.

"There were hints of this from a long time ago but finally he flowered as a hero,coach factlet outlet online," Ito said.

Kanemasu admitted he got off to a bit of a rocky start,sac burberry.

"When I first began,coach outlet store online, people basically said 'Get away from me,louis vuitton, you weirdo',prada sunglasses," he said. Thomson Reuters journalists are subject to an Editorial Handbook which requires fair presentation and disclosure of relevant interests.

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You should be able to just replace the airbags and have the ECU re coded by a BMW dealership DIS machine,burberry sale, the Airbag ECU can be coded up to 6 times before replacement is required.

Your model has suffered from false triggering of the airbags by the ECU and was covered by a world wide BMW recall where the ECU was replaced and updated software was programmed to over come this issue (free of charge),hermes birkin. I would confirm with your local dealership if your car has had this recall done,coach outlet store online.

SI B72 05 03Safety Restraint Systems October 2003Service Engineering PERFORM THE PROCEDURE OUTLINED IN THIS SERVICE INFORMATION ON ALL AFFECTED VEHICLES BEFORE CUSTOMER DELIVERY OR THE NEXT TIME THEY ARE IN THE SHOP FOR MAINTENANCE OR REPAIRS. Under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966,canada goose, as amended,nike air max 2014, if there has been a recall campaign, dealers must assure that all new vehicles and new items of replacement equipment are free of safety defects and comply with all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards at the time of delivery to the consumer. This means that dealers may not deliver new motor vehicles or new items of replacement equipment to consumers unless the safety defect or noncompliance has been remedied before delivery. SUBJECTRecall Campaign 03V 421: Airbag Control Module MODELE39 (5 Series) SITUATIONIn isolated cases,soccer jersey, when placing the key in the ignition ON position, or when starting the vehicle,ralph lauren, the vehicle airbags,longchamp bags, safety belt pretensioners, or the Battery Safety Terminal (BST) may activate. In this case, the BMW center should get the necessary customer and vehicle information, then call Roadside Assistance on the owner behalf to have the vehicle towed. Cars affected by this recall campaign should be returned to the customer, cleaned inside and out and with a full tank of gas. Reimbursement information for the vehicle fueling costs can be found in the Warranty Information section of this bulletin. AFFECTED VEHICLESThis recall involves E39 vehicles which were produced from January 1,moncler outlet, 2001 to August 31, 2001. In order to determine if a specific vehicle is affected by this recall, it will be necessary to utilize the "Service Menu" of the DCS (Dealer Communication System). Based on the response of the system,tiffanys, either proceed with the corrective action or take no further action. The Chassis Number Ranges listed below are only for informational purposes and are not to be considered as the only deciding factor. ModelChassis Number RangeM5BZ98432 BZ99697530iCE90589 CE91967530IaCF05077 CF14866540iGC96776 GC98567525iTGD50124 GD50261525iTAGD85129 GD86220525iGF40575 GF41556525iAGF59905 GF59999540iAGM71263 GM74050540iATGN91714 GN91975525iAGX20000 GX27857CORRECTIONReplace and code the airbag control unit PROCEDUREReplace the airbag control unit (Refer to repair instruction RA 65 77 519 "Replacing the airbag control unit"). Using DISPlus/GT1: Select Coding/Programming / ZCS/FA Coding / E39 Series / Recoding / Airbag / Recode control unit. Answer "No" to the question "Is the original airbag control unit still fitted". Follow the on screen instructions to complete the coding process. PARTS INFORMATIONPart NumberDescriptionQuantity65 77 6 919 789Airbag control unit1LABEL INSTRUCTIONSThis recall has been assigned code number 377. After the vehicle has been checked,ray-ban, and corrected if necessary,bottega, obtain a label (SD 92 215) and:emboss your BMW dealer warranty number in the middle of the label (1); punch out code number 377 printed on the label (2) and,oakley sunglasses outlet, affix the label to the B pillar as shown. If the vehicle already has a label from a previous Service Action/Recall Campaign,jimmy choo outlet, affix the new label next to the old one. Do not affix one label on top of another one because a number from an underlying label could appear in the punched out hole of the new label. WARRANTY INFORMATIONReimbursement for this recall will be via Campaign Entry. Defect Code00 65 77 01 00Work Package 1:Replace airbag control unitLabor Operation:00 54 189Labor Allowance:8 FRU (Sedan,free run 5.0, excl M5)9 FRU (M5, Sport Wagon)Parts Allowance:65 77 6 919 789Airbag Control UnitQty (1)

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You do realize that most trained phlebotomist, at least in the US, are barely high school educated,ralph lauren, near dropouts that work for some huge testing lab,tiffany jewelry, LabCorp/Quest,louboutin pas cher, and pay next to nothing right?

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You do realize that most trained phlebotomist,ralph lauren pas cher, at least in the US,lululemon, are barely high school educated,nike free trainer, near dropouts that work for some huge testing lab,moncler sito ufficiale, LabCorp/Quest,herve leger, and pay next to nothing right?

Believe me,ghd hair straighteners, most are no better than an amateur at drawing blood and bruising.

Salaries for phlebotomists in our area start at $12 per hour. Experienced phlebotomists make $19 per hour. Wow,fake oakley, impressive,p90x, just above McDonald's wages.

It seems like the Schleck of 2009 2011 is long gone,true religion outlet store, but the 28 year old still believes that he is in there somewhere. want to succeed again. I won a Tour de France on paper and I have won stages. I was Andy Schleck,red bottoms, I was someone, I want to become that again,converse outlet, he explains.

do everything to succeed,louboutin, I train a lot and I leaner. I cannot do more than my best. I don know if I will get back on the podium at the Tour. If I fail,louis vuitton handbags, I won become depressed. I am happy that I have done everything to get there.

Schleck brother Fr returned to racing this season after a yearlong ban for the diuretic Xipamide,kate spade handbags, but Andy denied that he had ever been involved in doping,doudoune moncler, adding that he believed that anti doping measures are "more effective" now. gave a lot to the Tour and I have never hurt the bike. I never done crap,doudoune canada goose, unlike others,tn pas cher, Schleck said. like (Riccardo) Ricc and (Danilo) Di Luca did stupid things and they may encounter problems later,sac longchamps, because they only have the bike in their lives. he mean Frank had never been involved in doping,canada goose outlet, or himself?

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5 Creative Ways to Cut Airfare Costs,burberry

If your bank account balance looks as if there was a massive explosion at the branch that destroyed every last dime you had,coach factory online, you probably just bought an airline ticket.

As if you needed anyone to tell you,karen millen, airline travel is expensive and it's getting more so. Department of Transportation. Fortunately, even with the rising cost of jet fuel, some analysts believe airfares won't rise until the federal lawsuit designed to stop the proposed merger of American Airlines and US Airways is settled. (If American or US Airways raise prices,gucci belts, that may give the federal government more of an argument to stand in the way of the merger. It is concerned the merger will cut competition and lead to higher fares.)

Airline fees are also on the rise. IdeaWorks Company, a Shorewood,ralph lauren, Wisc.,cheap oakley sunglasses, consulting firm,tory burch shoes, reported that in 2012, airlines made $27.1 billion from airline fees alone.

"The government in the United States does not require airlines today to disclose those extra fees for baggage, extra legroom,nike free run, Wi Fi,sac hermes, premium seat placement or in flight food and entertainment to consumers upfront in their air booking fee via their travel agent,canada goose outlet," Hoyt says. "And these fees can add hundreds of dollars to the price of an airline ticket."

[Read: 11 Easy Ways to Slash Travel Costs,ray ban sunglasses.]

Meanwhile, more optional costs are popping up for air travelers. The Transportation Security Administration is expanding its expedited screening program to 60 more airports; by the end of the year,longchamp, there will be 100 airports where people can board a plane without first taking off their shoes. The cost to join is $85, which is probably worth it for frequent fliers, especially since enrollment lasts for five years before passengers need to reapply.

So as you start planning holiday trips,evening dresses, here are some creative strategies for trimming air travel expenses.

Wear your luggage. The site sells wearable luggage. Yes, these are suitcases that you put on your body and wear like clothes. Or perhaps they are clothes you wear but use like suitcases. It is hard to decide. In any case,polo outlet, you will look ridiculous,longchamps, and we can't speak for the comfort or what passengers sitting next to you will say or think, but it may save you money in fees you would otherwise incur if you checked luggage.

Choose an airline that doesn't charge for checked luggage. With most domestic airlines, the first checked suitcase is $25; the second checked bag is typically $35. After that, prices get somewhat cruel,air jordan retro, ranging from $75 to $150 for that third suitcase. It's pretty easy to see where that $27 billion comes from. It may help you the next time you're booking a flight and debating which airplane ticket is the cheapest. Obviously,canada goose, if you're packing heavy,p90x3, you may want to choose an airline that is more generous with checked baggage policies,cheap beats, such as Southwest Airlines, which allows two free checked bags,oakley, or JetBlue,prada bags, which allows one.

Ship some of your excess or oversized luggage. Maybe. Prices can vary, and keep in mind that airlines' oversized and extra luggage fees, as high as they are,lancel, may still beat the prices of companies that ship luggage. But if you're really dreading carrying those skis or golf clubs on a plane,nike air max, you may feel that the extra cost is worth it. Postal Service,mcm handbags, UPS and FedEx all ship luggage,juicy couture outlet, and some companies specialize in it.

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government has endorsed all 73 recommendations in a report that recommends updating the province antiquated liquor rules,uggs. Click through the gallery to find out the highlights, ">

Hello happy hour,michael kors handbags!

Licensed establishment will be allowed to offer drink specials,valentino shoes, in other words,canada goose sale, happy hours. But drink prices could not be a prescribed minimum consistent with those advocated by health advocates. At family events,abercrombie and fitch, such as music festivals,asics gel nimbus, parents buying a drink will be able to walk the grounds with their kids and watch the event rather than being caged in a drinking area.";

arrCredit[4] = "",oakley sunglasses;

arrDistributor[4] = "Michelle Berg",mcm backpack;

arrAlt[4] = "Students soak up the sun in the beer gardens at Welcome Week in the U of S Bowl on September 5,toms shoes, 2013.";

Say goodbye to the beer garden corral:

No more fenced in beer gardens. At family events,louboutin, such as music festivals,air max, parents buying a drink will be able to walk the grounds with their kids and watch the event rather than being caged in a drinking area.">

Want a cold six pack with that cart of groceries,marc jacobs handbags?

The looser regulations will allow the sale of liquor in grocery stores. government Liquor Policy Review. Quebec,burberry pas cher, Ontario and Nova Scotia now allow liquor sales in grocery store. is eyeing a a "store within a store" model,rayban, but details still need to be worked out.">

Taste before you buy:

Any establishment that sells liquor will be allowed to provide samples to their patrons,michael kors outlet.">

Rum and Coke at the ball game,the north face outlet? Why not,louis vuitton?:

Under the new rules patrons at music festivals and at arena or stadium events can be offered mixed spirit drinks,airmax, rather than just beer,air max 90, wine or coolers. liquor produces will be permitted to to offer their products for sample and sale at temporary off site retail locations such as farmers' markets.">

Winery lounges get to branch out:

The government wants to amend regulations so manufacturers operating within the Agricultural Land Reserve could allow more people in consumption areas and allow them to serve liquor that was not produced on site,rolex watches.">

Best of food and drink this week: Mother's Day editionA round up of some of our favourite recipes and food related features this week including an ingredient spotlight on coconut,salvatore ferragamo, baking from scratch simplified.

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A water tank for emergencies made from a cardboard box and a trash bag,michael kors handbags

: A water tank for emergencies made from a cardboard box and a trash bag Emergencies can happen and water shortages have been experienced in even the most modern cities during the least expected times. Often within moments of a storm's detection on radar,jordan 3, the news broadcast will send people flocking to stores where people clean the shelves of large containers of water,ray ban wayfarer, leaving nothing for those who delay.This innovation will allow you to store water for washing and other uses during emergencies. Fill the apparatus while the water supply is still running and if you are unable to buy water.You should be careful to use food grade plastics. Some trash bags are coated with pesticides can release chemicals into the water. Trash bags are not recommended by the USDA for the storage of food.Insert one or two empty trash bags into the box and carefully pull one of the bag's bottom corners out of the triangle. Inserting one bag into another will increase the overall resiliency of the plastic bladder.

instyler 8m revamp of The Level in Brighton From The Argus

8m revamp of The Level in Brighton From The Argus,instyler

Environment cabinet member Pete West said: "Of course it's impossible to please everyone but we have listened to the majority of residents who showed

clear support for one of the options,louis vuitton bags.

"I truly hope that despite individual reservations and preferences,karen millen dresses, that all members of public,air max 2013, community groups and civic associations will now join together in showing support for this bid, so

that we might succeed in finally delivering a so long awaited and much needed bright new future for The Level,lancel."

Redevelopment plans include new toilets,hollister, a caf with indoor seating, a water fountain and the restoration of Rose Walk.

Friends of The Level committee member Julia Davis,louis vuitton handbags, of Park Crescent,nike tn, Brighton, said about 3,nike air huarache,000 people had signed a petition to "Keep The Level Green".

She said: "We are up in arms that our views have been systematically drowned out and ignored in favour of the views of households living as far away as Seven Dials, Kemp Town and even on the other

side of Brighton and Preston Park stations.

"In our democratic society, surely our new Green council cannot ignore the views of some 3,000 signatories who wish to maintain one of the few remaining 'green' areas in our city?"

The decision was taken by Coun West after questionnaires were completed by 3,louboutin,300 residents.

Many others attended some of the 75 meetings held to discuss the two options: the first to keep the skate park in its current place,air max pas cher, the second to relocate it.

The majority (55%) of those who responded favoured the latter,hogan, 33% supported the first and 12% had no opinion.

A decision on the 2,ghd hair straighteners.1 million Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery Fund application is expected in January,ray ban pas cher.

I live close to the Level although not quiet as close as Julia Davis who clearly thinks she personally owns it. Both options the previous Council suggested seemed really good and I hope the result is a pleasant park. however, whatever the Council does with the Level, if the drug users and alcohol users with their aggressive dogs continue to congregate there then the space will never be one for Brighton residents to enjoy.

I live close to the Level although not quiet as close as Julia Davis who clearly thinks she personally owns it. Both options the previous Council suggested seemed really good and I hope the result is a pleasant park. the issue is the drunks druggies that frequent it.

Can't the council see that if these people are removed from the park then DECENT members of the public will begin visiting the area again,authentic louis vuitton?

I wonder if the real reason behind this is that it's easier for the council to spend 2.8 million to 'revamp' the area with a few daisies than POLICE it. Typical easy 'solution'.

I walk through the area of The Level everyday to get to work and never ONCE do I walk through the park itself but walk the longer route around it. The Level is also my nearest park,ray ban sunglasses, yet if I want to visit some green space I'll go to The Pavillion gardens why? Because that area is better monitored.

No daisies or public loos will change my opinion I'm afraid. Put the 2.8million to better use please.

I completely agree with no matter what the plans for The Level,uggs, the issue ISN'T the parks appearance / toilets / skate park. the issue is the drunks druggies that frequent it.

Can't the council see that if these people are removed from the park then DECENT members of the public will begin visiting the area again?

I wonder if the real reason behind this is that it's easier for the council to spend 2,valentino shoes.8 million to 'revamp' the area with a few daisies than POLICE it,giuseppe zanotti. Typical easy 'solution',chanel bags.

I walk through the area of The Level everyday to get to work and never ONCE do I walk through the park itself but walk the longer route around it. The Level is also my nearest park,michael kors canada, yet if I want to visit some green space I'll go to The Pavillion gardens why? Because that area is better monitored.

No daisies or public loos will change my opinion I'm afraid,mont blanc. Put the 2,kors outlet.8million to better use please.

another 1

Yet another waste of money by the Council. 2.8 million could buy a lot of policing. Look at what they did with the junction of the Drive and Church Road now there are traffic jams every day,air jordan retro, and people cross whenever they want,football jerseys, just like before. There were no accidents when they were constructing it and there were no pedestrian lights. Who comes up with these crap ideas? Council middle management space fillers, who wonder why people in the real world don't give a toss about council workers' pensions.

Yet another waste of money by the Council. 2.8 million could buy a lot of policing. Look at what they did with the junction of the Drive and Church Road now there are traffic jams every day, and people cross whenever they want, just like before. There were no accidents when they were constructing it and there were no pedestrian lights. Who comes up with these crap ideas? Council middle management space fillers, who wonder why people in the real world don't give a toss about council workers' pensions.

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Be patient. You have probably been overweight for much longer than you have been exercising. I know that when we decide to "turn for the better" we would love to see our shape reflect the change we operated in our mind. Unfortunately,, matter is not as responsive as spirit.

Our "matter" is constituted of the accumulation of decisions we have taken for all the years we have been alive. Our mind can change in the fraction of a second. That's is why we have to be in control of ALL the decisions we take concerning what we put into our bodies, and how we use them. Once those decisions will be translated in love handles and saddle bags, it will take much more than a fraction of a second to get rid of them.

What we eat is our choice, really. I remind myself of this every time I am sweating on my stationary bike. That's not hard. The real challenge is to remind myself every time I am deciding what I am going to eat,ray-ban sunglasses, how much exercise I am going to add to my day, when I am going to go to bed. You can add whatever else you do to your body: smoking, drinking,roshe runs, drugging, binging. All within the realm of our decision. All carrying their own set of consequences.

There is unfortunately no quick fixes to years of non optimal decisions. So I would advise you to examine what it is you have been doing that is not optimal and start by changing that. Then work hard to correct it,asics gel nimbus. THEN look for the results,louboutin.

You are on the right path, that's the important part. Congratulations!Depending on how out of shape you are.

I remember reading somewhere that it takes a good 45 minute cardio to see results on the scale (5 minute warmup,polo shirts, 35 minute workout,nike roshes, 5 minute cool down).

Or you may try mixing it up,ferragamo shoes, 45 minutes one day, 25 minutes the next, heavy weights one day (yes, heavy weights are good for women too! We're not talking 100 lbs or anything!),ray ban sunglasses outlet, light weights another time.

Also,katespade, you may want to throw in another rest day (on a Wednesday say) to recover. Congrats on all the hard work, but your body may need a bit more recovery time, especially if you've been sedentary for a while. I've found that the more sleep I get,nike free, the more weight I lose, for some reason. I think it has to do with allowing your body to recover/heal from a workout.

I highly recommend Pilates (rather than crunches) for your core. I noticed a difference the very next day, after the first time I tried it!

Good luck!

watson23 is incorrect. Low weights with high reps is almost utterly useless. High weights with low reps places a muscle under maximum stress,ugg boots clearance, which causes maximal growth. Maximal growth means more muscle,oakleys, which means more fat loss. Each additional pound of muscle you gain will burn 50 calories per day at rest.

Messing around with low weights is a complete waste of time. The truth is women should train exactly like men with weights. The fact they do not have high levels of testosterone will prevent bulking up,moncler outlet, thus you do not need to worry about looking like a massive, muscular female. Professional female bodybuilders use steroids and hormones to develop their physiques. There is no such thing as 'toning' a muscle. Making a muscle more defined involves making it bigger and removing fat that covers it up. Building muscle through heavy weight training will achieve this result. Light lifting will not.

Here's the thing:

Women that lift heavy weights will NOT bulk up! Period,nike factory! Massive female bodybuilders take huge amounts of growth hormones and steriods to make themselves so masculin.

Heavy lifting will build muscle, speed your metabolism,jordan pas cher, tighten your skin, and help fat loss. It is physically impossible for a female to 'bulk up' without steroids.

Crunches and 'targeting' exercises will NOT speed up fat loss in the targeted area. I NEVER do crunches and yet I have a six pack due to low bodyfat,louboutin.

Unless you start weight training correctly you will continue to use your gym time ineffectively,chi hair.

most magazines are just nice wrapping paper for advertisement,michael kors purses.

believe it.

spot reduction is a myth,coach factory outlet online, and imccarthy does have definition due to low bady fat just like every other person out there with muscles you can see.

Every One. not just a handful. if you can see muscles, they have low body fat. period. now, all that targeted weightlifting does increase the size of certain muscles. this is why i am working on my back right now. to "target" an area does not decrease the fat. you can have rock hard amazing abs covered in a layer of fatty tissue. all the crunches in the world will not melt the fat off.


flip your routine. warm up first with stretches for 5 10 minutes

do weight training first. squats,nike air max 90, lunges, deadlifts, dips, lower back extentions,fake oakley, what have you but make sure you hit your largest muscles in your arms,p90x3, legs, and back if you can do 13 reps easily, increase the weight. if you can't quite do 7 then lower the weight. skip abs for the moment, but be aware of them from the moment you walk into the gym. keep them slighly contracted,, as in pilates i suppose.