VNX Simple Scenarios
Several simple example scenarios are included in VNX distribution to allow testing the tool functionalities with the different types of virtual machines supported (see /usr/share/vnx/examples/simple_*.xml files).
Tutorial Ubuntu (KVM)
Tutorial scenario made of 6 Ubuntu KVM virtual machines (4 hosts and 2 routers) connected through three virtual networks. The host participates in the scenario having a network interface in one of the virtual networks.
Tutorial Ubuntu (LXC)
Tutorial scenario made of 6 Ubuntu LXC virtual machines (4 hosts and 2 routers) connected through three virtual networks. The host participates in the scenario having a network interface in one of the virtual networks.
Tutorial Ubuntu (KVM & dynamips)
Tutorial scenario made of 4 Ubuntu KVM virtual machines and two dynamips routers connected through three virtual networks. The host participates in the scenario having a network interface in one of the virtual networks.
Tutorial Android
Tutorial scenario made of 2 Android X86 clients, 2 LXC ubuntu based routers and two LXC ubuntu based servers connected through three virtual networks. The host participates in the scenario having a network interface in one of the virtual networks.
Tutorial using Openvswitch and VLANs
Tutorial scenario made of 6 Ubuntu LXC virtual machines (4 hosts and 2 routers) connected through three virtual networks based on OpenvSwitch and using VLANs.
Olive example
A simple escenario made of three Olive routers conected in a triangle topology and three ubuntu hosts
Testing big scenarios with LXC
Use a simple script to generate 2-level tree topologies to test big scenarios made of LXC virtual machines.