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(Executing commands)
(Executing commands)
Line 79: Line 79:
Additionally, you can start a firefox navigator in h1 automatically using vnx:  
Additionally, you can start a firefox navigator in h1 automatically using vnx:  
  sudo vnx -f tutorial_ubuntu.xml -v -x www-h3
  sudo vnx -f tutorial_ubuntu.xml -v -x www-h3
And stop (kill) it with:
sudo vnx -f tutorial_ubuntu.xml -v -x www-h3-off
Both commands are defined in the XML with:
    <!-- Start firefox and connect to h3 web server -->
    <exec seq="www-h3"    type="verbatim" ostype="xexec">firefox</exec>
    <exec seq="www-h3-off" type="verbatim" ostype="system">pkill firefox</exec>

Revision as of 16:52, 28 July 2011

VNX Tutorial Ubuntu


VNX includes several example scenarios based on the VNUML tutorial scenario but including all types of virtual machines supported by VNX (see tutorial_*.xml files in /usr/share/vnx/examples directory).

The scenario presented here is made of 6 Ubuntu virtual machines (4 hosts -h1, h2, h3 and h4- and 2 routers -r1 and r2-) connected through three virtual networks. The host participates in the scenario having a network interface in Net3. All systems but h1 use an Ubuntu server root filesystem; h1 uses an Ubuntu Desktop to allow starting a web navigator.

Figure 1: tutorial_ubuntu scenario topology

Starting the scenario

Start the scenario with:

cd /usr/share/vnx/examples/
sudo vnx -f tutorial_ubuntu.xml -v --create

You will see the six virtual machine consoles opening: a graphical one for h1, and textual consoles for the rest.

If you close the consoles, you can reopen the graphical console of h1 with:

sudo vnx -f tutorial_ubuntu.xml -v --console --cid con0 -M h1

And the textual consoles of the rest with:

sudo vnx -f tutorial_ubuntu.xml -v --console --cid con1 -M <vmname>

being <vmname> the name of the virtual machine.

You can also open the consoles manually with the commands shown at the end of vnx execution:

 Scenario "tutorial_ubuntu" started

 h1          | libvirt-kvm-linux   | con0:  'virt-viewer -c qemu:///system h1' or 'vncviewer :0'
             |                     | con1:  'virsh -c qemu:///system console h1' or 'screen /dev/pts/0'
 h2          | libvirt-kvm-linux   | con0:  'virt-viewer -c qemu:///system h2' or 'vncviewer :6'
             |                     | con1:  'virsh -c qemu:///system console h2' or 'screen /dev/pts/12'
 r1          | libvirt-kvm-linux   | con0:  'virt-viewer -c qemu:///system r1' or 'vncviewer :7'
             |                     | con1:  'virsh -c qemu:///system console r1' or 'screen /dev/pts/13'
 r2          | libvirt-kvm-linux   | con0:  'virt-viewer -c qemu:///system r2' or 'vncviewer :8'
             |                     | con1:  'virsh -c qemu:///system console r2' or 'screen /dev/pts/14'
 h3          | libvirt-kvm-linux   | con0:  'virt-viewer -c qemu:///system h3' or 'vncviewer :9'
             |                     | con1:  'virsh -c qemu:///system console h3' or 'screen /dev/pts/22'
 h4          | libvirt-kvm-linux   | con0:  'virt-viewer -c qemu:///system h4' or 'vncviewer :10'
             |                     | con1:  'virsh -c qemu:///system console h4' or 'screen /dev/pts/23'

You can show the previous table at any time with:

sudo vnx -f tutorial_ubuntu.xml -v --console-info

See VNX Console Management for more details.

Executing commands

You can start the web servers in h3 and h4 with:

sudo vnx -f tutorial_ubuntu.xml -v -x start-www -M h3,h4

This command will execute on h3 and h4 the commands defined by means of <exec> and <filetree> tags and marked with seq="start-www".

For example, for h3 virtual machine:

<filetree seq="start-www" root="/var/www">conf/tutorial_ubuntu/h3</filetree>
<exec seq="start-www" type="verbatim" ostype="system">chmod 644 /var/www/*</exec>
<exec seq="start-www" type="verbatim" ostype="system">service apache2 start</exec>

Once you have started the web servers, you can connect to them from the host or from h1 by opening a web navigator and loading

Additionally, you can start a firefox navigator in h1 automatically using vnx:

sudo vnx -f tutorial_ubuntu.xml -v -x www-h3

And stop (kill) it with:

sudo vnx -f tutorial_ubuntu.xml -v -x www-h3-off

Both commands are defined in the XML with:

   <exec seq="www-h3"    type="verbatim" ostype="xexec">firefox</exec>
   <exec seq="www-h3-off" type="verbatim" ostype="system">pkill firefox</exec>
Figure 2: tutorial_ubuntu screen capture

Stopping the scenario

Other interesting options

sudo vnx -f simple_ubuntu-gui.xml -v --suspend -M ubuntu-gui
sudo vnx -f simple_ubuntu-gui.xml -v --resume -M ubuntu-gui

You can see a graphical map of the virtual scenario using the --show-map option:

sudo vnx -f tutorial_ubuntu.xml -v --show-map
Figure 1: tutorial_ubuntu scenario topology

tutorial_ubuntu.xml scenario

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

VNX Sample scenarios

Name:        tutorial_ubuntu
Description: A simple tutorial scenario made of 6 Ubuntu virtual machines (4 hosts: h1, h2, h3 and h4; 
             and 2 routers: r1 and r2) connected through three virtual networks. The host participates 
             in the scenario having a network interface in Net3.     

This file is part of the Virtual Networks over LinuX (VNX) Project distribution. 
(www: http://www.dit.upm.es/vnx - e-mail: vnx@dit.upm.es) 

Departamento de Ingenieria de Sistemas Telematicos (DIT)
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

<vnx xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <vm_mgmt type="none" />
	    <console id="0" display="no"/>
	    <console id="1" display="yes"/>

  <net name="Net0" mode="virtual_bridge" />
  <net name="Net1" mode="virtual_bridge" />
  <net name="Net2" mode="virtual_bridge" />
  <net name="Net3" mode="virtual_bridge" />

  <vm name="h1" type="libvirt" subtype="kvm" os="linux">
    <filesystem type="cow">/usr/share/vnx/filesystems/rootfs_ubuntu-gui</filesystem>
    <console id="0" display="yes"/>
    <console id="1" display="no"/>
    <if id="1" net="Net0">
    <route type="ipv4" gw="">default</route>
    <filetree seq="vnxtxt" root="/tmp">conf/txtfile</filetree>

    <!-- Start xeyes application -->
    <exec seq="xeyes"     type="verbatim" ostype="xexec">xeyes</exec>

    <!-- Start xeyes application and wait until it is closed -->
    <exec seq="xeyes2"    type="verbatim" ostype="xsystem">xeyes</exec>

    <!-- Start gedit, maximize the window and show a text file -->
    <exec seq="vnxtxt"    type="verbatim" ostype="system">chmod 666 /tmp/vnx.txt</exec>
    <exec seq="vnxtxt"    type="verbatim" ostype="xexec">gedit /tmp/vnx.txt</exec>
    <exec seq="vnxtxt"    type="verbatim" ostype="xexec">sleep 3; wmctrl -r vnx.txt -b add,maximized_vert,maximized_horz</exec>
    <exec seq="vnxtxtoff" type="verbatim" ostype="system">pkill gedit; rm /tmp/vnx.*</exec>

    <!-- Start firefox and connect to h3 web server -->
    <exec seq="www-h3"    type="verbatim" ostype="xexec">firefox</exec>
    <exec seq="www-h3-off" type="verbatim" ostype="system">pkill firefox</exec>

    <!-- Start calculator  -->
    <exec seq="calc"      type="verbatim" ostype="xexec">gcalctool</exec>
    <exec seq="calcoff"   type="verbatim" ostype="system">pkill gcalctool</exec>

  <vm name="h2" type="libvirt" subtype="kvm" os="linux">
    <filesystem type="cow">/usr/share/vnx/filesystems/rootfs_ubuntu</filesystem>
    <if id="1" net="Net0">
    <route type="ipv4" gw="">default</route>

  <vm name="r1" type="libvirt" subtype="kvm" os="linux">
    <filesystem type="cow">/usr/share/vnx/filesystems/rootfs_ubuntu</filesystem>
    <if id="1" net="Net0">
    <if id="2" net="Net1">
    <if id="3" net="Net3">
    <route type="ipv4" gw=""></route>
    <forwarding type="ip" />

  <vm name="r2" type="libvirt" subtype="kvm" os="linux">
    <filesystem type="cow">/usr/share/vnx/filesystems/rootfs_ubuntu</filesystem>
    <if id="1" net="Net1" name="s1/0">
    <if id="2" net="Net2" name="e0/0">
    <route type="ipv4" gw="">default</route>
    <forwarding type="ip" />

  <vm name="h3" type="libvirt" subtype="kvm" os="linux">
    <filesystem type="cow">/usr/share/vnx/filesystems/rootfs_ubuntu</filesystem>
   <if id="1" net="Net2">
    <route type="ipv4" gw="">default</route>
    <!-- Copy the files under conf/tutorial_ubuntu/h3 to vm /var/www directory -->
    <filetree seq="start-www" root="/var/www">conf/tutorial_ubuntu/h3</filetree>
    <!-- Start/stop apache www server -->
    <exec seq="start-www" type="verbatim" ostype="system">chmod 644 /var/www/*</exec>
    <exec seq="start-www" type="verbatim" ostype="system">service apache2 start</exec>
    <exec seq="stop-www" type="verbatim"  ostype="system">service apache2 stop</exec>    
  <vm name="h4" type="libvirt" subtype="kvm" os="linux">
    <filesystem type="cow">/usr/share/vnx/filesystems/rootfs_ubuntu</filesystem>
    <if id="1" net="Net2">
    <route type="ipv4" gw="">default</route>    
    <!-- Copy the files under conf/tutorial_ubuntu/h4 to vm /var/www directory -->
    <filetree seq="start-www" root="/var/www">conf/tutorial_ubuntu/h4</filetree>
    <!-- Start/stop apache www server -->
    <exec seq="start-www" type="verbatim" ostype="system">chmod 644 /var/www/*</exec>
    <exec seq="start-www" type="verbatim" ostype="system">service apache2 start</exec>
    <exec seq="stop-www" type="verbatim"  ostype="system">service apache2 stop</exec>    
    <hostif net="Net3">
    <route type="ipv4" gw=""></route>


Mas cosas


Tutorial scenarios (tutorial_root1_XXXX.xml)

  • To start the tutorial scenario with linux, FreeBSD, XP and Win7 virtual machines just type:
  • sudo vnx -f tutorial_root1_all.xml -v --create
  • Once the scenario has completely started (remenber that libvirt machines have to be restarted for the autoconfiguration to complete), you should see all the virtual machine consoles:
  • Vnx-tutorial root1 all-s.png

  • You can test the network connectivity, for example, accesing h1 machine and tracing to h4: traceroute -n
  • To stop and restart a virtual machine without loosing the modifications you have made you can type:: sudo vnx -f tutorial_root1_all.xml -v --shutdown -M uml4 sudo vnx -f tutorial_root1_all.xml -v --create -M uml4
  • The same but loosing the changes made and returning to a fresh virtual machine state: sudo vnx -f tutorial_root1_all.xml -v --destroy -M uml4 sudo vnx -f tutorial_root1_all.xml -v --create -M uml4