Jorge Garrido, Juan Zamorano, Alejandro Alonso, Juan A. de la Puente. Timing Analysis of the UPMSat-2 Communications Subsystem.
3rd IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control CESCIT 2018. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 51, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 217-222.
Santiago Pindado, Elena Roibas-Millan, Javier Cubas, Andrés García, Ángel Sanz, Sebastián Franchini, Isabel Pérez-Grande, Gustavo Alonso, Javier Pérez-Álvarez, Félix Sorribes-Palmer, Antonio Fernández-López, A., Mikel Ogueta-Gutierrez, Igancio Torralbo, Juan Zamorano, Juan Antonio de la Puente, Alejandro Alonso, Jorge Garrido. The UPMSat-2 Satellite: An Academic Project within Aerospace Engineering Education. Athens ATINER'S Conference Paper Series, No: ENGEDU2017-2333.
Alejandro Alonso, Juan A. de la Puente, Juan Zamorano, Miguel A. de Miguel, Emilio Salazar, Jorge Garrido. Safety Concept for a Mixed Criticality On-Board Software System. 2nd IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control,
48/10, pp. 240--245. Elsevier 2015.
Jorge Garrido, Juan Zamorano, Juan A. de la Puente. Static analysis of WCET in a satellite software subsystem. 12th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis — WCET’2013. OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), July 2013.
Jorge Garrido, Daniel Brosnan, Juan A. de la Puente, Alejandro Alonso,
Juan Zamorano. Analysis of WCET in an experimental satellite software development. 12th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis — WCET’2012. OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), July 2012.