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{{Title|How to generate a local html copy of the documentation from the VNUML wiki}}
{{Title|How to generate a local copy of the documentation in html starting from the VNUML wiki}}
Tested on Suse linux, although it should work on any distribution.
Tested on Suse linux, although it should work on any distribution.

Revision as of 00:20, 12 March 2007

How to generate a local copy of the documentation in html starting from the VNUML wiki

Tested on Suse linux, although it should work on any distribution.

  1. Download and install htttrack from http://www.httrack.com/
  2. Get a copy of VNUML wiki:
  3.  mkdir vnumlweb
     cd vnumlweb
     httrack www.dit.upm.es/vnuml
  4. Create a script named vnuml-clean-web with the following content:
    for X in *
      echo "Filtering file $X"
      cp $X $X.tmp
      cat $X.tmp                                        | \
      sed -e '/BEGINMENU/,/ENDMENU/d'                   | \
      sed -e '/BEGINSEARCH/,/ENDSEARCH/d'               | \
      sed -e '/BEGINTOOLBOX2/,/ENDTOOLBOX2/d'           | \
      sed -e 's/<span class="editsection">.*]<\/span>//g' \
        > $X
      rm $X.tmp
  5. Execute that script on the directory where the main files reside, that is:
  6.  cd www.dit.upm.es/vnuml
     cd index.php
  7. Delete the auxiliary files httrack generate in upper directory (it seems they are not needed):
  8.  cd ..
     rm index????*.{html,css,php} opensearch_desc.php 
  9. Load the index.html file in www.dit.upm.es/vnuml directory and you will have access to the local copy of the documentation.