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(Installation over Ubuntu 10.04/9.10)
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{{Title|VNX (Virtual Networks over X virtualization) v0.14 beta}}
{{Title|VNX (Virtual Networks over X virtualization) v0.14 beta}}
== Installation ==
== Installation over Ubuntu 10.04/9.10 ==
=== Installing on Ubuntu 10.04/9.10 ===
This section describes the procedure for installing VNX over Ubuntu 10.04 or 9.10. Open a root shell window and follow these steps:
This section describes the procedure for installing VNX over Ubuntu 10.04 or 9.10. Open a root shell window and follow these steps:
Line 10: Line 8:
<li>Install all packages required (basic development, virtualization, perl libraries and auxiliar packages):</li>
<li>Install all packages required (basic development, virtualization, perl libraries and auxiliar packages):</li>
  apt-get update
  apt-get update
  apt-get install build-essential qemu-kvm libvirt-bin vlan xterm bridge-utils \
  apt-get install build-essential qemu-kvm libvirt-bin vlan xterm \
  screen virt-manager virt-viewer libxml-checker-perl \
  bridge-utils  screen virt-manager virt-viewer libxml-checker-perl \
libxml-parser-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl libnet-pcap-perl libnet-ipv6addr-perl \
  libxml-parser-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl libnet-pcap-perl \
liberror-perl libexception-class-perl uml-utilities libxml-libxml-perl \
  libnet-ipv6addr-perl liberror-perl libexception-class-perl \
libxml2-dev libgnutls-dev libdevmapper-dev libterm-readline-perl-perl  
  uml-utilities libxml-libxml-perl libxml2-dev libgnutls-dev \
  libdevmapper-dev libterm-readline-perl-perl libnet-telnet-perl \
Note: for Ubuntu 9.04 change "qemu-kvm" package by "qemu kvm"
  libnet-ip-perl libreadonly-perl libmath-round-perl libappconfig-perl \
  libdbi-perl graphviz libnl-dev genisoimage gnome-terminal libfile-homedir-perl
<!--Note: for Ubuntu 9.04 change "qemu-kvm" package by "qemu kvm" -->
<li>If you use 64 bits version of Ubuntu, install 32 bits compatibility libraries:</li>
<li>If you use 64 bits version of Ubuntu, install 32 bits compatibility libraries:</li>
   apt-get install ia32-libs
   apt-get install ia32-libs
<li>Install libvirt 0.7.5:</li>
<li>Install libvirt 0.8.5:</li>
   /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin stop
   /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin stop
   wget http://libvirt.org/sources/libvirt-0.7.5.tar.gz
   wget http://libvirt.org/sources/libvirt-0.8.5.tar.gz
   tar xfvz libvirt-0.7.5.tar.gz
   tar xfvz libvirt-0.8.5.tar.gz
   cd libvirt-0.7.5
   cd libvirt-0.8.5
   ./configure --without-xen --prefix=/usr && make && make install
   ./configure --without-xen --prefix=/usr && make && make install
   /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin start
   /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin start
'''NOTE''': By now, libvirt 0.7.5 is the only version of libvirt known to work with VNX.
'''NOTE''': VNX should work with libvirt versions from 0.7.5 to 0.8.5 (it has been mainly tested with 0.7.5 and 0.8.5). Note that, although libvirt 0.7.5 is available as a package in Ubuntu 10.04, it has some problems related with the Apparmor profiles configured for libvirt. If you disable Apparmor (with "/etc/init.d/apparmor stop"), VNX will work with libvirt 0.7.5 installed as package, however we recommend to download and compile version 0.8.5 as described above, in order to maintain Apparmor in your system.
'''NOTE2''': libvirt 0.7.5 is available as a package in Ubuntu 10.04. However it has some problems related with the Apparmor profiles configured for libvirt. If you disable Apparmor (with "/etc/init.d/apparmor stop"), VNX will work with libvirt 0.7.5 installed as package, however we recommend to download and compile it as described above, in order to maintain Apparmor in your system.
<li>Install Sys::Virt perl module:</li>
<li>Install Sys::Virt perl module:</li>
Line 49: Line 47:
<li>Install VNX:</li>
<li>Install VNX:</li>
  wget -N http://www.dit.upm.es/vnx/download/vnx-0.14b.tgz
mkdir /tmp/vnx-update
  tar xfvz vnx-0.14b.tgz
cd /tmp/vnx-update
  cd vnx-0.14b
  wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/vnx-latest.tgz
  tar xfvz vnx-latest.tgz
  cd vnx-*
<li>Create the VNX config file (/etc/vnx.conf). You just can move the sample config file:</li>
mv /etc/vnx.conf.sample /etc/vnx.conf
<li>Download root file systems from http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems and copy them to /usr/share/vnx/filesystems directory:</li>
<li>Download root file systems from http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems and copy them to /usr/share/vnx/filesystems directory:</li>
  cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystem
  cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
  # ubuntu server
  # ubuntu server
  wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_ubuntu-10.04-v01.qcow2.bz2
  wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v02.qcow2.bz2
  bunzip2 root_fs_ubuntu-10.04-v01.qcow2.bz2
  bunzip2 root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v02.qcow2.bz2
  ln -s root_fs_ubuntu-10.04-v01.qcow2.bz2 root_fs_ubuntu
  ln -s root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v02.qcow2 root_fs_ubuntu
  # ubuntu with gui
  # ubuntu with gui
  wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_ubuntu-10.04-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
  wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
  bunzip2 root_fs_ubuntu-gui-10.04-v01.qcow2.bz2
  bunzip2 root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
  ln -s root_fs_ubuntu-10.04-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2 root_fs_ubuntu-gui
ln -s root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2 root_fs_ubuntu-gui
# freebsd server
wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2.bz2
bunzip2 root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2.bz2
  ln -s root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2 root_fs_freebsd
# freebsd gui
wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
bunzip2 root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
ln -s root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2 root_fs_freebsd-gui
# winxp and win7
# Sorry! Unfortunately for legal reasons we cannot distribute windows XP
# or Windows 7 root filesystems. See VNX documentation for detailed recipes
# to create these root fylesystems from scratch
<li>Additionally, if you plan to use VNUML root filesystem:</li>
# VNUML root_fs_tutorial and kernel
cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_tutorial-0.6.0.bz2
bunzip2 root_fs_tutorial-0.6.0.bz2
ln -s root_fs_tutorial-0.6.0 root_fs_tutorial
cd /usr/share/vnx/kernels
wget -N http://jungla.dit.upm.es/~vnx/download/kernels/linux-
chmod +x linux-
ln -s linux- linux
Line 71: Line 102:
=== Installing on Fedora 11 ===
=== Additional install steps for Dynamips support ===
Follow tis steps to install VNX over Fedora 11:
* Install Dynamips and Dynagen:
apt-get install dynamips dynagen
* Create a file /etc/init.d/dynamips (taken from http://7200emu.hacki.at/viewtopic.php?t=2198):
# Start/stop the dynamips program as a daemon.
# Provides:          dynamips
# Default-Start:    2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Cisco hardware emulator daemon
DESC="Cisco Emulator"
test -f $DAEMON || exit 0
. /lib/lsb/init-functions
<li> Instalar VNUML sobre Fedora 11 siguiendo la receta en http://www.dit.upm.es/vnumlwiki/index.php/Fedora11</li>
<li> Instalar paquetes y librerías necesarias:</li>
case "$1" in
  yum install qemu-kvm libvirt virt-manager virt-viewer perl-XML-LibXML perl-Sys-Virt
start) log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC " "$NAME"
yum -y install bridge-utils readline-devel perl-Module-Build screen expat-devel libpcap-devel 
        start-stop-daemon --start --chdir /tmp --background --make-pidfile --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME --startas $DAEMON -- -H $PORT -l $LOGFILE
yum -y install perl-Net-Pcap perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Net-IPv6Addr perl-XML-DOM perl-Exception-Class
        log_end_msg $?
yum -y install perl-TermReadKey perl-Error perl-CPAN uml_utilities xterm tunctl
stop)  log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC " "$NAME"
        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
        log_end_msg $?
restart) log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC " "$NAME"
        start-stop-daemon --stop --retry 5 --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
        start-stop-daemon --start --chdir /tmp --background --make-pidfile --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME --startas $DAEMON -- -H $PORT -l $LOGFILE
        log_end_msg $?
        status_of_proc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON $NAME && exit 0 || exit $?
        #status $NAME
*)      log_action_msg "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|status}"
        exit 2
exit 0
<li>Install XML::Checker perl library:</li>
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install XML::Checker
<li>Add symbolic link for kvm:</li>
ln -s /usr/bin/qemu-kvm /usr/bin/kvm
<li>Instalar VNX:</li>
* Set execution permissions for the script and add it to system start-up:
  wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/vnx-0.12b.tgz
  chmod +x /etc/init.d/dynamips
  tar xfvz vnx-0.12b.tgz
  update-rc.d dynamips defaults
cd vnx-0.12b
  /etc/init.d/dynamips start
<li>Deshabilitar el firewall o, alternativamente, configurar los interfaces tipo "tun" como confiables (Sistema->Firewall->Interfaces Confiables").</li>
* Download and install cisco IOS image:
  cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
  # Cisco image
  wget ... c3640-js-mz.124-19.image
  ln -s c3640-js-mz.124-19.image c3640
== Testing VNX with example scenarios ==
* Calculate the idle-pc value for your computer following the procedure in http://dynagen.org/tutorial.htm:
dynagen /usr/share/vnx/examples/R.net
console R    # type 'no' to exit the config wizard and wait
              # for the router to completely start
idle-pc get R
Once you know the idle-pc value for your system, include it in /etc/vnx.conf file.
Several example scenarios are distributed together with VNX (see /usr/share/vnx/examples directory).
=== Additional install steps for Olive support ===
Con la distribución provisional de VNX se proporcionan dos nuevos escenarios de ejemplo para mostrar las capacidades para crear máquinas virtuales basadas en Windows XP:
Several additional steps are needed to support Olive (Juniper) routers in VNX scenarios:
* '''root_fs_XXX.xml''',
* '''simple-XXX.xml''': simple scenarios made of one virtual machine without network interfaces.
* '''tutorial_root1-xp.xml''', basado en el escenario del tutorial de VNUML (http://www.dit.upm.es/vnumlwiki/index.php/Tutorial) y compuesto por dos máquinas virtuales Linux (uml1 y uml3) y tres Windows XP (uml2, uml4 y uml5).
To test the scenarios:
<li>Open a root shell from the graphical console of the host machine. If you are not sat in front of host's console you can access it using ssh with X-forwarding activated. For example, from a Unix machine you can use:</li>
  ssh -X <host-addr>
In this case, it is recommended to test that X-forwarding is working by launching a "xterm" or "xeyes" application and seeing that the application window is correctly launched.
Es importante además que la conectividad entre la máquina cliente y el servidor donde se ejecuta VNX sea buena, ya que el acceso a las consolas de las máquinas virtuales se hace impracticable en caso contrario.
<!-- Ya no hace falta desde que se usa <qemu:commandline>
<li>Install a patched version of libvirt 0.8.5 with support to define the bios used by a virtual machine:</li>
=== Simple scenarios ===
<li>Start simple scenarios by means of:</li>
<li>Copy the following content to a file named libvirt-0.8.5-biosfile.patch (based on http://www.mail-archive.com/libvir-list@redhat.com/msg15952.html):</li>
vnx -f /usr/share/vnx/examples/simple_xp.xml -v -u root --create
Just after the execution, you will see the console of the Windows XP machine starting. Once the machine has completely started, the autoconfiguration daemon will configure it (the name and network interfaces are configured in general; only the name in the simple example) and restart it for the changes to take effect.
diff -crB libvirt-0.8.5.orig/src/conf/domain_conf.c libvirt-0.8.5/src/conf/domain_conf.c
*** libvirt-0.8.5.orig/src/conf/domain_conf.c 2010-11-22 11:38:08.000000000 +0100
--- libvirt-0.8.5/src/conf/domain_conf.c 2010-11-22 11:47:41.000000000 +0100
*** 4267,4272 ****
--- 4267,4274 ----
      if (node)
          def->mem.hugepage_backed = 1;
+    def->biosfile = virXPathString("string(./biosfile[1])", ctxt);
      /* Extract other memory tunables */
      if (virXPathULong("string(./memtune/hard_limit)", ctxt,
                        &def->mem.hard_limit) < 0)
diff -crB libvirt-0.8.5.orig/src/conf/domain_conf.h libvirt-0.8.5/src/conf/domain_conf.h
*** libvirt-0.8.5.orig/src/conf/domain_conf.h 2010-11-22 11:38:08.000000000 +0100
--- libvirt-0.8.5/src/conf/domain_conf.h 2010-11-22 11:40:18.000000000 +0100
*** 885,890 ****
--- 885,891 ----
          unsigned long min_guarantee;
          unsigned long swap_hard_limit;
      } mem;
+    char *biosfile;
      unsigned short vcpus;
      unsigned short maxvcpus;
      int cpumasklen;
diff -crB libvirt-0.8.5.orig/src/qemu/qemu_conf.c libvirt-0.8.5/src/qemu/qemu_conf.c
*** libvirt-0.8.5.orig/src/qemu/qemu_conf.c 2010-11-22 11:38:08.000000000 +0100
--- libvirt-0.8.5/src/qemu/qemu_conf.c 2010-11-22 11:41:05.000000000 +0100
*** 3984,3989 ****
--- 3984,3995 ----
+    if(def->biosfile)
+    {
+        ADD_ARG_LIT("-bios");
+        ADD_ARG_LIT(def->biosfile);
+    }
      /* This should *never* be NULL, since we always provide
      * a machine in the capabilities data for QEMU. So this
      * check is just here as a safety in case the unexpected
After the restart, the virtual machine will be available for interacting with it.
<li>Install libvirt 0.8.5 with that patch applied:</li>
service libvirt-bin stop
wget http://libvirt.org/sources/libvirt-0.8.5.tar.gz
tar xfvz libvirt-0.8.5.tar.gz
cd libvirt-0.8.5
patch -p1 -i ../libvirt-0.8.5-biosfile.patch
./configure --without-xen --prefix=/usr && make && make install
service libvirt-bin start
Note: virt-viewer console application "captures" the mouse when interacting with the virtual machines. You have to type "Ctrl-Alt" to release the mouse.
<li>Download old qemu bios from 0.10.6 version and copy it to /usr/share/qemu directory:</li>
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/kvm/qemu-kvm/0.10.6/qemu-kvm-0.10.6.tar.gz
tar xfvz qemu-kvm-0.10.6.tar.gz
cp qemu-kvm-0.10.6/pc-bios/bios.bin /usr/share/qemu-kvm/bios-0.10.6.bin
<li>To stop the scenario preserving the changes made:</li>
<!-- Not needed, it seems to work without downloading this drivers
  vnx -f /usr/share/vnx/examples/simple_xp.xml -v -u root --shutdown
<li>Download i82559 ROM from the latest qemu versions (Ubuntu 10.04 does not include that ROM in qemu-kvm package):</li>
  wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/kvm/qemu-kvm/0.12.5/qemu-kvm-0.12.5.tar.gz
<li>To stop the scenario discarding the changes made:</li>
tar xfvz qemu-kvm-0.12.5.tar.gz
vnx -f /usr/share/vnx/examples/simple_xp.xml -v -u root --destroy
cp qemu-kvm-0.12.5/pc-bios/pxe-i82559er.bin /usr/share/qemu-kvm/
=== Tutorial scenarios ===
== Installation over Fedora 11 (Draft) ==
Follow this steps to install VNX over Fedora 11:
<li>To start the tutorial scenario with linux and XP machines just type:</li>
<li>Install packages:</li>
  vnx -f tutorial_root1_xp.xml -v -u root --create
  yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install qemu-kvm libvirt virt-manager virt-viewer perl-XML-LibXML
yum install perl-XML-DOM perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Readonly perl-TermReadKey
yum install perl-Net-Pcap perl-Net-IPv6Addr perl-Net-Telnet perl-Error
yum install perl-Exception-Class perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker tunctl screen wget
yum install libxml2-devel gnutls-devel device-mapper-devel uml_utilities
yum install roxterm xterm graphviz perl-AppConfig
<li>Once the scenario has completely started (remenber that the XP machines have to be restarted for the autoconfiguration to complete), you can test the network connectivity, for example, accesing '''uml1''' machine and tracing to '''uml5''':
<li>Install libvirt 0.8.5:</li>
  traceroute -n
  /etc/init.d/libvirtd stop
wget http://libvirt.org/sources/libvirt-0.8.5.tar.gz
tar xfvz libvirt-0.8.5.tar.gz
cd libvirt-0.8.5
./configure --without-xen --prefix=/usr && make && make install
/etc/init.d/libvirtd start
<li>Para parar y rearrancar una máquina concreta sin perder las modificaciones realizadas:
<li>Install SysVirt manually:</li>
  vnx -d examples/tutorial_root1_xp.xml -v -u root -M uml4
wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/D/DA/DANBERR/Sys-Virt-0.2.4.tar.gz
  vnx -t examples/tutorial_root1_xp.xml -v -u root -M uml4
tar xfvz Sys-Virt-0.2.4.tar.gz
cd Sys-Virt-0.2.4
perl Makefile.PL
make install
<li> Instalar VNUML sobre Fedora 11 siguiendo la receta en http://www.dit.upm.es/vnumlwiki/index.php/Fedora11</li>
<li> Instalar paquetes y librerías necesarias:</li>
yum install qemu-kvm libvirt virt-manager virt-viewer perl-XML-LibXML perl-Sys-Virt
yum -y install bridge-utils readline-devel perl-Module-Build screen expat-devel libpcap-devel 
yum -y install perl-Net-Pcap perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Net-IPv6Addr perl-XML-DOM perl-Exception-Class
yum -y install perl-TermReadKey perl-Error perl-CPAN uml_utilities xterm tunctl
<li>Install XML::Checker perl library:</li>
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install XML::Checker
<li>Add symbolic link for kvm:</li>
ln -s /usr/bin/qemu-kvm /usr/bin/kvm
<li>Install VNX:</li>
mkdir /tmp/vnx-update
cd /tmp/vnx-update
wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/vnx-latest.tgz
tar xfvz vnx-latest.tgz
cd vnx-*
<li>Para parar y rearrancar una máquina concreta creando una copia nueva desde el rootfs original:
<li>Create the VNX config file (/etc/vnx.conf). You just can move the sample config file:</li>
  vnx -P examples/tutorial_root1_xp.xml -v -u root -M uml4
mv /etc/vnx.conf.samble /etc/vnx.conf
  vnx -t examples/tutorial_root1_xp.xml -v -u root -M uml4
<li>Disable host firewall or, alternatively, configure "tun" type network interfaces as trusted interfaces (System->Firewall->Trusted Interfaces).</li>
<li>Download root file systems from http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems and copy them to /usr/share/vnx/filesystems directory:</li>
cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
# ubuntu server
wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v01.qcow2.bz2
bunzip2 root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v01.qcow2.bz2
ln -s root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v01.qcow2 root_fs_ubuntu
# ubuntu with gui
wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
bunzip2 root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
ln -s root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2 root_fs_ubuntu-gui
# freebsd server
wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2.bz2
bunzip2 root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2.bz2
ln -s root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2 root_fs_freebsd
# freebsd gui
wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
bunzip2 root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
ln -s root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2 root_fs_freebsd-gui
# winxp and win7
# Sorry! Unfortunately for legal reasons we cannot distribute windows XP
# or Windows 7 root filesystems. See VNX documentation for detailed recipes
# to create these root fylesystems from scratch
== Troubleshooting ==
=== Additional install steps for Dynamips support ===
* Install Dynamips and Dynagen:
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/dyna-gen/dynamips%20Linux%20RPM/0.2.8-RC2/dynamips-0.2.8RC2-1.i386.rpm
rpm -i dynamips-0.2.8RC2-1.i386.rpm
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/dyna-gen/dynagen%20source%20_%20Linux/dynagen%200.11.0/dynagen-0.11.0-1.fc9.noarch.rpm
rpm -i dynagen-0.11.0-1.fc9.noarch.rpm
<li>Comprobar que el procesador tiene las '''extensiones de virtualización''':</li>
* Set execution permissions for the script and add it to system start-up:
  egrep '(vmx|svm)' --color=always /proc/cpuinfo
  chkconfig --add dynamips
Si aparece la la palabra vmx (para Intel) o svm (para AMD) coloreada, es que el procesador tiene soporte de virtualización.
/etc/init.d/dynamips start
<li>Comprobar que '''KVM''' funciona con:</li>
* Download and install cisco IOS image:
   modprobe kvm
  cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
   modprobe kvm_intel
  # Cisco image
   wget ... c3640-js-mz.124-19.image
   ln -s c3640-js-mz.124-19.image c3640
* Calculate the idle-pc value for your computer following the procedure in http://dynagen.org/tutorial.htm:
  <li>Arrancar con consola SDL</li>
dynagen /usr/share/vnx/examples/R.net
  kvm -sdl -hda /usr/share/vnuml/filesystems/linux-0.2.img -m 256   
console R    # type 'no' to exit the config wizard and wait
  <li>Arrancar con consola VNC:</li>
              # for the router to completely start
  echo "Type 'vncviewer ${DISPLAY%.0}' to access vnc console"; kvm -vnc ${DISPLAY#*localhost} -hda /usr/share/vnuml/filesystems/linux-0.2.img -m 256
idle-pc get R
Once you know the idle-pc value for your system, include it in /etc/vnx.conf file.
<li>Nota: si al ejecutar el comando kvm devuelve el mensaje de error:</li>
=== Additional install steps for Olive support ===
open /dev/kvm: No such file or directory.
Could not initialize KVM, will disable KVM support"
es que el sistema operativo no detecta el soporte de virtualización. Si se ha comprobado que el procesador soporta virtualización, puede ser que ésta esté deshabilitada en la BIOS.
<li>Comprobar que '''libvirt+KVM''' funciona:</li>
Several additional steps are needed to support Olive (Juniper) routers in VNX scenarios:
<li>Arrancando máquina virtual linux:</li>
  cd /usr/share/vnuml/examples/
<li>Download old qemu bios from 0.10.6 version and copy it to /usr/share/qemu directory:</li>
  virsh create root_fs_linux.xml
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/kvm/qemu-kvm/0.10.6/qemu-kvm-0.10.6.tar.gz
  virt-viewer Linux
  tar xfvz qemu-kvm-0.10.6.tar.gz
<li>Arrancando máquina virtual Windows XP:</li>
  cp qemu-kvm-0.10.6/pc-bios/bios.bin /usr/share/qemu/bios-0.10.6.bin
  cd /usr/share/vnuml/examples/
  virsh create root_fs_winxp.xml
  virt-viewer WinXP
<li>Para parar las máquinas utilizar:</li>
  virsh shutdown Linux
  virsh shutdown WinXP
<li>En caso de problemas relacionados con la configuración de red:</li>
  killall dnsmasq
  virsh net-start default
<li>En caso de que una máquina virtual creada con libvirt no arranque, se pueden consultar la causa en el fichero de trazas:</li>
  cat /var/log/libvirt/qemu/Linux.log
  cat /var/log/libvirt/qemu/WinXP.log
<li>El estado de las máquinas virtuales creadas con libvirt se puede ver desde la consola gráfica:</li>
o desde la shell de libvirt:
virsh list
<li> Comprobar funcionamiento '''VNUML''' básico:</li>
  cd /usr/share/vnuml/examples
Editar tutorial_root2.xml y añadir "<mem>64M</mem>" entre <filesystem...> y <kernel...>
  vnumlparser.pl -t tutorial_root2.xml -v -u root -Z
=== Errores conocidos ===
<li>Ubuntu 9.10: si al arrancar máquinas virtuales da el error:</li>
libvirt error code: 38, message: monitor socket did not show up.: Connection refused
y en el log (/var/log/libvirt/qemu/*.log) se ve al final el mensaje:
qemu: could not open disk image /root/.vnuml/simulations/simple/vms/host1/fs/root_cow_fs
hay que rearrancar el demonio de libvirt mediante:
/etc/init.d/libvirt-bin restart
ver https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/503376

Latest revision as of 18:17, 10 May 2011

VNX (Virtual Networks over X virtualization) v0.14 beta

Installation over Ubuntu 10.04/9.10

This section describes the procedure for installing VNX over Ubuntu 10.04 or 9.10. Open a root shell window and follow these steps:

  • Install all packages required (basic development, virtualization, perl libraries and auxiliar packages):
  • apt-get update
    apt-get install build-essential qemu-kvm libvirt-bin vlan xterm \
      bridge-utils  screen virt-manager virt-viewer libxml-checker-perl \
      libxml-parser-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl libnet-pcap-perl \
      libnet-ipv6addr-perl liberror-perl libexception-class-perl \
      uml-utilities libxml-libxml-perl libxml2-dev libgnutls-dev \
      libdevmapper-dev libterm-readline-perl-perl libnet-telnet-perl \
      libnet-ip-perl libreadonly-perl libmath-round-perl libappconfig-perl \
      libdbi-perl graphviz libnl-dev genisoimage gnome-terminal libfile-homedir-perl
  • If you use 64 bits version of Ubuntu, install 32 bits compatibility libraries:
  •  apt-get install ia32-libs
  • Install libvirt 0.8.5:
  •  /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin stop
     wget http://libvirt.org/sources/libvirt-0.8.5.tar.gz
     tar xfvz libvirt-0.8.5.tar.gz
     cd libvirt-0.8.5
     ./configure --without-xen --prefix=/usr && make && make install
     /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin start

    NOTE: VNX should work with libvirt versions from 0.7.5 to 0.8.5 (it has been mainly tested with 0.7.5 and 0.8.5). Note that, although libvirt 0.7.5 is available as a package in Ubuntu 10.04, it has some problems related with the Apparmor profiles configured for libvirt. If you disable Apparmor (with "/etc/init.d/apparmor stop"), VNX will work with libvirt 0.7.5 installed as package, however we recommend to download and compile version 0.8.5 as described above, in order to maintain Apparmor in your system.

  • Install Sys::Virt perl module:
  • Install VNX:
  • mkdir /tmp/vnx-update
    cd /tmp/vnx-update
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/vnx-latest.tgz
    tar xfvz vnx-latest.tgz
    cd vnx-*
  • Create the VNX config file (/etc/vnx.conf). You just can move the sample config file:
  • mv /etc/vnx.conf.sample /etc/vnx.conf
  • Download root file systems from http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems and copy them to /usr/share/vnx/filesystems directory:
  • cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
    # ubuntu server
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v02.qcow2.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v02.qcow2.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-v02.qcow2 root_fs_ubuntu
    # ubuntu with gui
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_ubuntu-10.10-gui-v01.qcow2 root_fs_ubuntu-gui
    # freebsd server
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_freebsd-8.1-v01.qcow2 root_fs_freebsd
    # freebsd gui
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_freebsd-8.1-gui-v01.qcow2 root_fs_freebsd-gui
    # winxp and win7
    # Sorry! Unfortunately for legal reasons we cannot distribute windows XP
    # or Windows 7 root filesystems. See VNX documentation for detailed recipes
    # to create these root fylesystems from scratch
  • Additionally, if you plan to use VNUML root filesystem:
  • # VNUML root_fs_tutorial and kernel
    cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
    wget -N http://idefix.dit.upm.es/download/vnx/filesystems/root_fs_tutorial-0.6.0.bz2
    bunzip2 root_fs_tutorial-0.6.0.bz2
    ln -s root_fs_tutorial-0.6.0 root_fs_tutorial
    cd /usr/share/vnx/kernels
    wget -N http://jungla.dit.upm.es/~vnx/download/kernels/linux-
    chmod +x linux-
    ln -s linux- linux

NOTE for Ubuntu 10.04.1: It seems that an additional package has to be installed:

apt-get install kvm-pxe

Additional install steps for Dynamips support

  • Install Dynamips and Dynagen:
apt-get install dynamips dynagen
# Start/stop the dynamips program as a daemon.
# Provides:          dynamips
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Cisco hardware emulator daemon

DESC="Cisco Emulator"

test -f $DAEMON || exit 0

. /lib/lsb/init-functions

case "$1" in
start)  log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC " "$NAME"
        start-stop-daemon --start --chdir /tmp --background --make-pidfile --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME --startas $DAEMON -- -H $PORT -l $LOGFILE
        log_end_msg $?
stop)   log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC " "$NAME"
        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
        log_end_msg $?
restart) log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC " "$NAME"
        start-stop-daemon --stop --retry 5 --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
        start-stop-daemon --start --chdir /tmp --background --make-pidfile --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME --startas $DAEMON -- -H $PORT -l $LOGFILE
        log_end_msg $?
        status_of_proc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON $NAME && exit 0 || exit $? 
        #status $NAME
*)      log_action_msg "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|status}"
        exit 2
exit 0

  • Set execution permissions for the script and add it to system start-up:
chmod +x /etc/init.d/dynamips
update-rc.d dynamips defaults
/etc/init.d/dynamips start
  • Download and install cisco IOS image:
 cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
 # Cisco image
 wget ... c3640-js-mz.124-19.image
 ln -s c3640-js-mz.124-19.image c3640
dynagen /usr/share/vnx/examples/R.net
console R     # type 'no' to exit the config wizard and wait 
              # for the router to completely start 
idle-pc get R

Once you know the idle-pc value for your system, include it in /etc/vnx.conf file.

Additional install steps for Olive support

Several additional steps are needed to support Olive (Juniper) routers in VNX scenarios:

Installation over Fedora 11 (Draft)

Follow this steps to install VNX over Fedora 11:

Additional install steps for Dynamips support

  • Install Dynamips and Dynagen:
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/dyna-gen/dynamips%20Linux%20RPM/0.2.8-RC2/dynamips-0.2.8RC2-1.i386.rpm
rpm -i dynamips-0.2.8RC2-1.i386.rpm
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/dyna-gen/dynagen%20source%20_%20Linux/dynagen%200.11.0/dynagen-0.11.0-1.fc9.noarch.rpm
rpm -i dynagen-0.11.0-1.fc9.noarch.rpm
  • Set execution permissions for the script and add it to system start-up:
chkconfig --add dynamips
/etc/init.d/dynamips start
  • Download and install cisco IOS image:
 cd /usr/share/vnx/filesystems
 # Cisco image
 wget ... c3640-js-mz.124-19.image
 ln -s c3640-js-mz.124-19.image c3640
dynagen /usr/share/vnx/examples/R.net
console R     # type 'no' to exit the config wizard and wait 
              # for the router to completely start 
idle-pc get R

Once you know the idle-pc value for your system, include it in /etc/vnx.conf file.

Additional install steps for Olive support

Several additional steps are needed to support Olive (Juniper) routers in VNX scenarios: