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(Installing VNUML over Open Suse 10.2)
(Installing VNUML over Open Suse 10.2)
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== Installing VNUML over Open Suse 10.2 ==
== Installing VNUML over Open Suse 10.2 ==
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center" style="width:85%"
! style="font-weight:bold;color:#ffffff;background:#C00000" | '''Important note:'''
There is a problem with vnuml 1.7.3 in Suse related with vnumlize functionality. The parser hangs after printing:
Checking for the skas3 patch in the host:<br>
  - /proc/mm...not found<br>
  - PTRACE_FAULTINFO...not found<br>
  - PTRACE_LDT...not found<br>
UML running in SKAS0 mode
To avoid the problem, just type "crtl-C" afert the above message or better use the "-Z" option to disable vnumlize functionallity:
  vnumlparser.pl -t simple.xml -v -u root -Z
This problem does not happen with vnuml 1.8 version.
Installation steps:
<li>Install bridge-utilities from yast
<li>Install "bridge-utilities" which is available from Yast2
<li>Install uml-utilities from http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/10.2/repo/oss/suse/i586/uml-utilities-20040406-35.i586.rpm
<li>Download uml-utilities from [http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/10.2/repo/oss/suse/i586/uml-utilities-20040406-35.i586.rpm here] and install them:
rpm -i uml-utilities-20040406-35.i586.rpm
<li>Install the following perl modules from CPAN using this command:
<li>Install the following perl modules from CPAN using this command:
   perl -MCPAN -e "install Net::Pcap; install Module::Build; install Net::IPv6Addr"
   perl -MCPAN -e "install Net::Pcap; install Module::Build; install Net::IPv6Addr; force install NetAddr::IP"
Note: gcc should be installed for this step to work.
Note: basic c/c++ development tools (gcc, make, etc) must be installed for this step to work.
<li>Download the latest version of VNUML from http://www.dit.upm.es/vnuml and:  
<li>Download the latest version of vnuml parser from [http://www.dit.upm.es/vnuml/#download VNUML site] and install it:  
   tar xfvz vnuml-1.7.0-rc1.tar.gz
   tar xfvz vnuml_1.7.3.orig.tar.gz
   cd vnuml-1.7.0-rc1
   cd vnuml-1.7.3
   ./configure --with-build_modules
   ./configure --with-build_modules
   make install (answer "NO" if asked "Are you ready for manual configuration?". Answer the default option to other questions). (repeat "make install" as sometimes some of the modules are not downloaded correctly)
   make install   (Note: answer "NO" if asked "Are you ready for manual configuration?")
<li> Download root filesystem (root_fs_tutorial-0.4.1.bz2) from [http://www.dit.upm.es/vnuml/#download VNUML site] and:
  cp root_fs_tutorial-0.4.1.bz2 /usr/local/share/vnuml/filesystems
  cd /usr/local/share/vnuml/filesystems
  bunzip2 root_fs_tutorial-0.4.1.bz2
  ln -s root_fs_tutorial-0.4.1 root_fs_tutorial 
<li> Download guest kernel (linux- from [http://www.dit.upm.es/vnuml/#download VNUML site] and:
  mkdir /usr/local/share/vnuml/kernels/src
  cp linux- /usr/local/share/vnuml/kernels/src
  cd /usr/local/share/vnuml/kernels/src
  tar xfvj linux-
  cp linux- ..
  cd ..
  ln -s linux- linux
<li> Create ssh key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa1
<li> Installation is finished. Test simple.xml example to see if everything works:
  vnumparser.pl -t /usr/local/share/vnuml/examples/simple.xml -v -u root -Z
Note: if you execute the example from a "root" session, you should add the option "-u root" at the end of the line. There are some pending bugs that prevent a simulation to work when executed as "vnuml" user (the default when you do not use -u option) from a root session.
#Install bridge-utilities from yast
#Install uml-utilities from http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/10.2/repo/oss/suse/i586/uml-utilities-20040406-35.i586.rpm
#Install the following perl modules from CPAN using this command:
  perl -MCPAN -e "install Net::Pcap; install Module::Build; install Net::IPv6Addr"
Note: gcc should be installed for this step to work.
#Download the latest version of VNUML from http://www.dit.upm.es/vnuml and:
  tar xfvz vnuml-1.7.0-rc1.tar.gz
  cd vnuml-1.7.0-rc1
  ./configure --with-build_modules
  make install (answer "NO" if asked "Are you ready for manual configuration?". Answer the default option to other questions). (repeat "make install" as sometimes some of the modules are not downloaded correctly)

Latest revision as of 16:05, 29 January 2007

Installing VNUML over Open Suse 10.2

Important note:

There is a problem with vnuml 1.7.3 in Suse related with vnumlize functionality. The parser hangs after printing:

Checking for the skas3 patch in the host:
- /proc/mm...not found
- PTRACE_FAULTINFO...not found
- PTRACE_LDT...not found
UML running in SKAS0 mode

To avoid the problem, just type "crtl-C" afert the above message or better use the "-Z" option to disable vnumlize functionallity:

 vnumlparser.pl -t simple.xml -v -u root -Z

This problem does not happen with vnuml 1.8 version.

Installation steps:

  1. Install "bridge-utilities" which is available from Yast2
  2. Download uml-utilities from here and install them:
  3. rpm -i uml-utilities-20040406-35.i586.rpm
  4. Install the following perl modules from CPAN using this command:
  5.  perl -MCPAN -e "install Net::Pcap; install Module::Build; install Net::IPv6Addr; force install NetAddr::IP"

    Note: basic c/c++ development tools (gcc, make, etc) must be installed for this step to work.

  6. Download the latest version of vnuml parser from VNUML site and install it:
  7.  tar xfvz vnuml_1.7.3.orig.tar.gz
     cd vnuml-1.7.3
     ./configure --with-build_modules
     make install    (Note: answer "NO" if asked "Are you ready for manual configuration?")
  8. Download root filesystem (root_fs_tutorial-0.4.1.bz2) from VNUML site and:
  9.  cp root_fs_tutorial-0.4.1.bz2 /usr/local/share/vnuml/filesystems
     cd /usr/local/share/vnuml/filesystems
     bunzip2 root_fs_tutorial-0.4.1.bz2
     ln -s root_fs_tutorial-0.4.1 root_fs_tutorial  
  10. Download guest kernel (linux- from VNUML site and:
  11.  mkdir /usr/local/share/vnuml/kernels/src
     cp linux- /usr/local/share/vnuml/kernels/src
     cd /usr/local/share/vnuml/kernels/src
     tar xfvj linux-
     cp linux- ..
     cd ..
     ln -s linux- linux
  12. Create ssh key:
  13. ssh-keygen -t rsa1
  14. Installation is finished. Test simple.xml example to see if everything works:
  15.  vnumparser.pl -t /usr/local/share/vnuml/examples/simple.xml -v -u root -Z

    Note: if you execute the example from a "root" session, you should add the option "-u root" at the end of the line. There are some pending bugs that prevent a simulation to work when executed as "vnuml" user (the default when you do not use -u option) from a root session.