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(Welcome to Virtual Network User-Mode-Linux (VNUML) web server)
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VNUML project development and maintenance effort has been abandoned in favour of the new version of the tool named:
* '''Virtual Networks over Linux (VNX)'''.
See VNX web site for more details: http://www.dit.upm.es/vnx
== Welcome to Virtual Network User-Mode-Linux (VNUML) web server ==
== Welcome to Virtual Network User-Mode-Linux (VNUML) web server ==
VNUML (Virtual Network User Mode Linux) is an open-source general purpose virtualization tool designed to quickly define and test complex network simulation scenarios based on the great [http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/ User Mode Linux (UML)] virtualization software. It has been initially developed in the context of [http://www.euro6ix.org/ Euro6IX] research project to simulate IPv6 IX scenarios based on Linux and [http://www.zebra.org/ zebra]/[http://www.quagga.net/ quagga] routing daemons (see our article on IEEE Comms. Magazine). However, it is a useful tool that can be used to simulate general Linux based network scenarios.
VNUML (Virtual Network User Mode Linux) is an open-source general purpose virtualization tool designed to quickly define and test complex network simulation scenarios based on the [http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/ User Mode Linux (UML)] virtualization software. VNUML is a useful tool that can be used to simulate general Linux based network scenarios. It is aimed to help in testing network applications and services over complex testbeds made of several nodes (even tenths) and networks inside one Linux machine, without involving the investment and management complexity needed to create them using real equipment.
VNUML is aimed to help in testing network applications and services over complex testbeds made of several nodes (even tenths) and networks inside one Linux machine, without involving the investment and management complexity needed to create them using real equipment.
Since its development at the end of 2002, VNUML has been widely used in several fields related with networking and computer science. Routing architectures (such as the IPv6 IX developed in the [http://www.euro6ix.org Euro6IX IST research project]), IP multimedia service platforms and logical security are some of its research and development application (see [[References | references]] sections for some more details). Additionally, VNUML is widely used in higher education (technical universities and colleges) in order to build training laboratories for students.
VNUML tool is made of two main componets: the VNUML language used for describing simulations in XML; and the interpreter of the language (vnuml command), that builds and manages the simulation, hidding all UML complex details to the user.
VNUML tool is made of two main components: the VNUML language used for describing simulations in XML; and the interpreter of the language (vnuml command), that builds and manages the scenario hiding all UML complex details to the user.
VNUML has been originally developed by the [http://www.dit.upm.es Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos (DIT)] of the [http://www.upm.es Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)] in Spain. From January 2008, VNUML development is being partially supported by the Business Oriented Infrastructure (BOI) research initiative within the Bussiness Support Systems (BSS) unit at [http://www.tid.es Telefónica I+D].
| VNUML has been developed by the [http://www.dit.upm.es Telematics Engineering Department (DIT)] of the [http://www.upm.es Technical University of Madrid (UPM)] in Spain.
This software is released under GNU Public Licence. Since July 2004 the project is partially hosted at [http://sourceforge.net SourceForge.net]. Visit the [http://sourceforge.net/projects/vnuml VNUML site at SourceForge].
This software is released under GNU Public Licence. It has been developed with the partial support from the European Commission under the [http://www.euro6ix.org Euro6IX IST research project].
<!--div align="center">[[Image:banner.jpg]]</div-->
Since July 2004, part of the VNUML development is host at [http://sourceforge.net SourceForge.net]. Visit the [http://sourceforge.net/projects/vnuml VNUML site at SourceForge].
| style="width:200px" | [http://www.dit.upm.es [[Image:ditupm.gif]]]
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<td align="left"><a href="http://www.dit.upm.es" alt="DIT logo">
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<td align="right"><a href="http://www.tid.es" alt="TID logo">
<img src="http://www.dit.upm.es/vnumlwiki/images/4/4c/Tid-boi.jpg">
== VNUML News ==
== VNUML News ==
'''February 2007''' -- New web site available
'''Nov 18th, 2009''' -- New VNUML Virtual appliance (2.2-rc2) has been contributed by Borja Garnelo and Héctor Rodríguez. More information  [[Download#Additional_downloads|here]]. 
'''May 22nd, 2009''' -- New stable releases: VNUML (1.8.9), UML kernel ( and root_fs_tutorial (0.6.0). You can find them in the [[download]] page.
'''March 19th, 2009''' -- New EDIV release [https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=113582&package_id=293383&release_id=669125 (0.9.4)].
'''March 11th, 2009''' -- New VNUML stable release, fixing a problem in 1.8.7 ([http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=113582&package_id=123470&release_id=667292]).
'''March 8th, 2009''' -- New VNUML stable release: [https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=113582&package_id=123470&release_id=666734 1.8.7].
'''February 19th, 2009''' -- New EDIV release [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=113582&package_id=293383&release_id=662345 (0.9.3)].
== Things to do: ==
'''November 30th, 2008''' -- New VNUML stable release: [https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=113582&package_id=123470&release_id=643984 1.8.5].
'''November 6th, 2008''' -- New EDIV release [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=113582&package_id=293383&release_id=638717 (0.9.2)]
* Estudiar como capturar a html el web completo para incluirlo en el live CDC y en la documentación de la distribución. httrack es un buen comiento, pero sería deseable un post-procesado de la web descargada (eliminar los [edit] y la cabecera "View: Article Edit ..."), quizás usando sed/awk/perl
[[All News]]
* Enlace a download del liveCD
* Wikizar la página http://jungla.dit.upm.es/~vnuml/old_releases.html
* Estudiar si es posible incluir números de sección en la documentación

Latest revision as of 00:58, 13 February 2012


VNUML project development and maintenance effort has been abandoned in favour of the new version of the tool named:

  • Virtual Networks over Linux (VNX).

See VNX web site for more details: http://www.dit.upm.es/vnx

Welcome to Virtual Network User-Mode-Linux (VNUML) web server

VNUML (Virtual Network User Mode Linux) is an open-source general purpose virtualization tool designed to quickly define and test complex network simulation scenarios based on the User Mode Linux (UML) virtualization software. VNUML is a useful tool that can be used to simulate general Linux based network scenarios. It is aimed to help in testing network applications and services over complex testbeds made of several nodes (even tenths) and networks inside one Linux machine, without involving the investment and management complexity needed to create them using real equipment.

Since its development at the end of 2002, VNUML has been widely used in several fields related with networking and computer science. Routing architectures (such as the IPv6 IX developed in the Euro6IX IST research project), IP multimedia service platforms and logical security are some of its research and development application (see references sections for some more details). Additionally, VNUML is widely used in higher education (technical universities and colleges) in order to build training laboratories for students.

VNUML tool is made of two main components: the VNUML language used for describing simulations in XML; and the interpreter of the language (vnuml command), that builds and manages the scenario hiding all UML complex details to the user.

VNUML has been originally developed by the Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos (DIT) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in Spain. From January 2008, VNUML development is being partially supported by the Business Oriented Infrastructure (BOI) research initiative within the Bussiness Support Systems (BSS) unit at Telefónica I+D.

This software is released under GNU Public Licence. Since July 2004 the project is partially hosted at SourceForge.net. Visit the VNUML site at SourceForge.


Nov 18th, 2009 -- New VNUML Virtual appliance (2.2-rc2) has been contributed by Borja Garnelo and Héctor Rodríguez. More information here.

May 22nd, 2009 -- New stable releases: VNUML (1.8.9), UML kernel ( and root_fs_tutorial (0.6.0). You can find them in the download page.

March 19th, 2009 -- New EDIV release (0.9.4).

March 11th, 2009 -- New VNUML stable release, fixing a problem in 1.8.7 (

March 8th, 2009 -- New VNUML stable release: 1.8.7.

February 19th, 2009 -- New EDIV release (0.9.3).

November 30th, 2008 -- New VNUML stable release: 1.8.5.

November 6th, 2008 -- New EDIV release (0.9.2)

All News