Root filesystem clean up procedure
Root filesystem clean up procedure
Derived from a Fermin's message to the list 1
This is a description of the general procedure carried out to clean up a root_fs after upgrading/installing new packages.
In order to clean the filesystem two steps should be performed, in sequence:
- Start a virtual machine that uses the filesystem in direct mode (that is, using the directive <fylesystem type="direct"> with connection to Internet. Alternatively, you can mount it and chroot from host:
- Clean the APT cache (after apt-get update, install, upgrade, etc. or whatever other APT operation)
- It is not exactly a clean up operation, but if the /lib/tls directory exists (it seems to be created sometimes during the upgrading of some packages) rename it to /lib/tls.disabled (removing previous existing /lib/tls.disabled directory) (*)
- It is not exactly a clean up operation, but you should also edit and change the /etc/root_fs_tutorial-version file (*)
- "Outside" filesystem, supposing is mounted in /mnt/loop
apt-get clean
cd /mnt/loop/var/cache/apt rm -f pkgcache.bin srcpkgcache.bin (**) cd /mnt/loop/tmp rm -rf * rm -f /mnt/loop/root/.bash_history cd /mnt umount /mnt/loop
(*) This step also can be done from "outside" filesystem
(**) And, in general, any other file, except the archive/ directory
test stuff to delete:
- "Inside" filesystem (I mean, using a running virtual machine that uses this filesystem as <fylesystem type="direct"> or mounting it and chrooting from host):
- Clean the APT cache (after apt-get update, install, upgrade, etc. or whatever other APT operation)
- apt-get clean
- It is not exactly a clean up operation, but if the /lib/tls directory exists (it seems to be created sometimes during the upgrading of some packages) rename it to /lib/tls.disabled (removing previous existing /lib/tls.disabled directory) (*)
- It is not exactly a clean up operation, but you should also edit and change the /etc/root_fs_tutorial-version file (*)
- "Outside" filesystem, supposing is mounted in /mnt/loop
cd /mnt/loop/var/cache/apt rm -f pkgcache.bin srcpkgcache.bin (**) cd /mnt/loop/tmp rm -rf * rm -f /mnt/loop/root/.bash_history cd /mnt umount /mnt/loop
List Examples:
You can even do mixed lists
- and nest them
- inside each other
- or break lines
in lists.
- definition lists
- can be
- nested
- too
- or break lines
- list item A1
- list item B1
- list item B2
- list item A2