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Fermín Galán (galan at dit.upm.es)
version 1.7, November 23rd, 2006


This example shows four simultaions to be executed concurrently. First ([vlan-test-1.xml vlan-test-1]) boots three virtual machines, each one connected to one VLAN in the host physical interface eth1 (in particular VLANs 10, 22, and 23). The other three simulations ([vlan-test-2a.xml vlan-test-2a], [vlan-test-2b.xml vlan-test-2b] y [vlan-test-2c.xml vlan-test-2c]) boots one virtual machine each one, connected to one of the three VLANs. Note that the same <net> is used for vlan-test-1 and the correnponding vlan-test-2X. In all the case, eth0 is the physical interface where the VLANs will be created.

VNUML Description

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE vnuml SYSTEM "/usr/share/xml/vnuml/vnuml.dtd">
       <automac offset="0"/>
       <vm_mgmt type="private" network="" mask="24" offset="0">
          <filesystem type="cow">/usr/share/vnuml/filesystems/root_fs_tutorial</filesystem>
    <net name="vlan-10" mode="virtual_bridge" external="eth0" vlan="10" />
    <net name="vlan-22" mode="virtual_bridge" external="eth0" vlan="22" />
    <net name="vlan-23" mode="virtual_bridge" external="eth0" vlan="23" />
    <vm name="uml10">   
       <if id="1" net="vlan-10">
          <ipv4 mask=""></ipv4>
       <route type="ipv4" gw="">default</route>
    <vm name="uml22">  
       <if id="1" net="vlan-22">
          <ipv4 mask=""></ipv4>
       <route type="ipv4" gw="">default</route>
    <vm name="uml23">
       <if id="1" net="vlan-23">
          <ipv4 mask=""></ipv4>
       <route type="ipv4" gw="">default</route>
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE vnuml SYSTEM "/usr/share/xml/vnuml/vnuml.dtd">
       <automac offset="1"/>
       <vm_mgmt type="private" network="" mask="24" offset="12">
    <net name="vlan-10" mode="virtual_bridge" external="eth0" vlan="10" />  
    <vm name="uml10a">
       <filesystem type="cow">/usr/share/vnuml/filesystems/root_fs_tutorial</filesystem>
       <if id="1" net="vlan-10">
          <ipv4 mask=""></ipv4>
       <route type="ipv4" gw="">default</route>
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE vnuml SYSTEM "/usr/share/xml/vnuml/vnuml.dtd">
       <automac offset="2"/>
       <vm_mgmt type="private" network="" mask="24" offset="20">
    <net name="vlan-22" mode="virtual_bridge" external="eth0" vlan="22" />
    <vm name="uml22b">
       <filesystem type="cow">/usr/share/vnuml/filesystems/root_fs_tutorial</filesystem>
       <if id="1" net="vlan-22">
          <ipv4 mask=""></ipv4>
       <route type="ipv4" gw="">default</route>
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE vnuml SYSTEM "/usr/share/xml/vnuml/vnuml.dtd">
       <automac offset="3"/>
       <vm_mgmt type="private" network="" mask="24" offset="32">
    <net name="vlan-23" mode="virtual_bridge" external="eth0" vlan="23" />
    <vm name="uml23c">
       <filesystem type="cow">/usr/share/vnuml/filesystems/root_fs_tutorial</filesystem>
       <if id="1" net="vlan-23">
          <ipv4 mask=""></ipv4>
       <route type="ipv4" gw="">default</route>


Old Releases