How to generate a local copy of the documentation in html starting from the VNUML wiki
Tested on Suse linux, although it should work on any distribution.
- Download and install htttrack from
- Get a copy of VNUML wiki:
- Create a script named vnuml-clean-web with the content shown below.
- Execute that script on the directory where the main files reside, that is:
- Delete the auxiliary files httrack generate in upper directory (it seems they are not needed):
- Load the index.html file in directory and you will have access to the local copy of the documentation.
mkdir vnumlweb cd vnumlweb httrack
cd cd index.php vnuml-clean-web
Use "--doc-only" option if you want to eliminate the "Navigation" menu on the left side of the pages.
cd .. rm index????*.{html,css,php} opensearch_desc.php
vnuml-clean-web script
#!/bin/bash for X in * do echo "Filtering file $X" cp $X $X.tmp cat $X.tmp | \ awk 'BEGIN {RS="" } { gsub("<!-- BEGINMENU -->.*<!-- ENDMENU -->", "", $0); gsub("<!-- BEGINSEARCH -->.*<!-- ENDSEARCH -->", "", $0); gsub("<!-- BEGINPERSONALTOOLS -->.*<!-- ENDPERSONALTOOLS -->", "", $0); gsub("<!-- BEGINTOOLBOX -->.*<!-- ENDTOOLBOX -->", "", $0); # gsub("<span class=\"editsection\">.*]</span>", "", $0); print $0 }' > $X if [ "$1" == "--doc-only" ]; then # Remove navigation menu cp $X $X.tmp cat $X.tmp | \ awk 'BEGIN {RS="" } { # delete navigation sidebar gsub("<div class=\047portlet\047 id=\047p-navigation\047>.*<!-- ENDSIDEBAR p-navigation -->", "", $0); # change image link from Main_Page to Docintro.html gsub("<a href=\"Main_Page.html\" id=\"home\"><i>Home</i></a>", "<a href=\"Docintro.html\" id=\"home\"><i>Home</i></a>", $0); print $0 }' > $X fi rm $X.tmp done echo "Changing style sheet" cd ../skins/fratman_enhanced echo ".editsection { visibility: hidden }" >> maina1d0.css # otra forma de hacerlo #cp maina1d0.css maina1d0.css.tmp #cat maina1d0.css.tmp | sed -e '/^.editsection/ avisibility: hidden;' > maina1d0.css #rm maina1d0.css.tmp cd ../../index.php
Old version:
#!/bin/bash for X in * do echo "Filtering file $X" cp $X $X.tmp cat $X.tmp | \ sed -e '/BEGINMENU/,/ENDMENU/d' | \ sed -e '/BEGINSEARCH/,/ENDSEARCH/d' | \ sed -e '/BEGINPERSONALTOOLS/,/ENDPERSONALTOOLS/d' | \ sed -e '/BEGINTOOLBOX2/,/ENDTOOLBOX2/d' | \ sed -e 's/<span class="editsection">.*]<\/span>//g' \ > $X rm $X.tmp done