Vnumlgui Debian

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Installing VNUMLGUI over Debian

This HowTo describes how to install VNUMLGUI in a Debian system. It is assumed that VNUML has been previously installed. The procedure described here is based on the code downloaded from CVS, but I guess is the same when installing from the .tgz.

  1. Install required Debian packages:
  2. gracia:~# apt-get install libgtk2-perl libextutils-depends-perl
                      libextutils-pkgconfig-perl libglade2-dev
  3. Install required Perl modules from CPAN. In order to do so, donwload the file, uncompress, then "perl Makefile ; make ; make install".
  4. Change directory to vnumlgui source (let's assume this directory is /tmp/vnumlgui), then make:
  5. gracia:~# cd /tmp/vnumlgui