
Revision as of 09:48, 21 July 2011 by David (talk | contribs)
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# The dhcp plugin

package dhcp;

@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(createPlugin

# Modules no import
use strict;
use Net::Netmask;
use XML::DOM;               # XML management library
use File::Basename;         # File management library
use Switch;
use Socket;                 # To resolve hostnames to IPs
use XML::DOM::ValParser;    # To check DTD

# Global variables 

my $globalNode;
my $valid_fail;

# Subroutines

	# createPlugin
	# To be called always, just before starting procesing the scenario specification
	# Arguments:
	# - the operation mode ("t","x","d" or "P")
	# - the plugin configuration file
	# Returns:
	# - an error message or 0 if all is ok

sub createPlugin {

	my $self = shift;
	my $mode = shift;
	my $conf = shift;

	my $error;

	print "dhcp: $conf\n";
	eval {
		$error = &checkConfigFile($conf);

	if ($@) {
		$error = $@;
	return $error;

	# bootingCreateFiles
	# To be called during "t" mode, for each vm in the scenario
	# Arguments:
	# - vm name
	# Returns:
	# - a hashname which keys are absolute pathnames of files in vm filesystem and
	#   values the the pathname of the file in the host filesystem. The file in the
	#   host filesytesm is removed after VNUML processed it, so temporal files in
	#   /tmp are preferable)

sub bootingCreateFiles {

	my $self = shift;
	my $vm   = shift;

	my %files;
	my $type;

	my $virtualmList = $globalNode->getElementsByTagName("vm");
	my $longitud     = $virtualmList->getLength;

	for ( my $m = 0 ; $m < $longitud ; $m++ ){
		my $virtualm = $virtualmList->item($m);
		my $virtualm_name = $virtualm->getAttribute("name");

		if ( $virtualm_name eq $vm ){
			$type = $virtualm->getAttribute("type");

			switch ($type) {

				case "dhcp3" {

					my $serverTagList = $virtualm->getElementsByTagName("server");
					my $numservers = $serverTagList->getLength;
					if ( $numservers == 1 ) {

						# open filehandle to create /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf file
						my $server_file = "/tmp/$vm" . "_server.conf";
						chomp( my $date = `date` );
						open( SERVER, ">$server_file" ) or $files{"ERROR"} = "Cannot open $server_file file";

						# server.conf file defaults
						print SERVER "# server.conf file generated by VNUML plugin at $date\n\n";
						print SERVER "ddns-update-style none;\n";
						print SERVER "default-lease-time 120;\n";
						print SERVER "max-lease-time 120;\n";
						#print SERVER "log-facility local7;\n\n";

					 	# extract configuration from subnet blocks in dhcp_conf.xml
						my $server = $serverTagList->item(0);
						my $subnetTagList = $server->getElementsByTagName("subnet");
						my $numsubnets = $subnetTagList->getLength;

						for ( my $ns=0; $ns < $numsubnets ; $ns++ ) {
							my $subnet = $subnetTagList->item($ns);
							my $ipTagList = $subnet->getElementsByTagName("ip");
							my $numip = $ipTagList->getLength;

							# subnet declaration
							my $ipTag = $ipTagList->item($0);
							my $subnetmask = $ipTag->getAttribute("mask");
							my $subnetbaseip = $ipTag->getFirstChild->getData;
							my $block = new Net::Netmask("$subnetbaseip"."/"."$subnetmask");
							my $baseip = $block->base();
							my $mask = $block->mask();
							print SERVER "subnet $baseip netmask $mask {\n";

							# extract ip ranges in subnet
							my $rangeTagList = $subnet->getElementsByTagName("range");
							my $numranges = $rangeTagList->getLength;
							for ( my $nr = 0; $nr < $numranges ; $nr++ ) {
								my $rangeTag = $rangeTagList->item($nr);
								my $firstTagList = $rangeTag->getElementsByTagName("first");
								my $firstTag = $firstTagList->item(0);
								my $firstip = $firstTag->getFirstChild->getData;
								my $lastTagList = $rangeTag->getElementsByTagName("last");
								my $lastTag = $lastTagList->item(0);
								my $lastip  = $lastTag->getFirstChild->getData;
								print SERVER "  range $firstip $lastip;\n";

							# extract routers in subnet (if any)
							my $routerTagList = $subnet->getElementsByTagName("router");
							my $numrouters = $routerTagList->getLength;
							if ( $numrouters > 0 ) {
								print SERVER "  option routers";
								for ( my $nr = 0; $nr < $numrouters ; $nr++ ) {
									if ( $nr > 0 ) {
										print SERVER ",";
									my $routerTag = $routerTagList->item($nr);
									my $router = $routerTag->getFirstChild->getData;
									print SERVER " $router";
								print SERVER ";\n";

							# extract dns in subnet (if any)
							my $dnsTagList = $subnet->getElementsByTagName("dns");
							my $numdns = $dnsTagList->getLength;
							if ( $numdns > 0 ) {
								print SERVER "  option domain-name-servers";
								for ( my $nd = 0; $nd < $numdns ; $nd++ ) {
									if ( $nd > 0 ) {
										print SERVER ",";
									my $dnsTag = $dnsTagList->item($nd);
									my $dns = $dnsTag->getFirstChild->getData;
									print SERVER " $dns";
								print SERVER ";\n";

							# extract domain in subnet (if specified)
							my $domainTagList = $subnet->getElementsByTagName("domain");
							my $numdomains = $domainTagList->getLength;
							if ( $numdomains == 1 ) {
								my $domainTag = $domainTagList->item(0);
								my $domain = $domainTag->getFirstChild->getData;
								print SERVER "  option domain-name \"$domain\";\n";

							# end subnet declaration in configuration file
							print SERVER "}\n\n";

							# extract hosts in subnet (if any)
							my $hostTagList = $subnet->getElementsByTagName("host");
							my $numhosts = $hostTagList->getLength;
							for ( my $nh = 0; $nh < $numhosts ; $nh++ ) {
								my $hostTag  = $hostTagList->item($nh);
								my $hostname = $hostTag->getAttribute("name");
								my $hostmac = $hostTag->getAttribute("mac");
								my $hostip   = $hostTag->getAttribute("ip");

								# ignore unmatching host declarations
								if ( $block->match($hostip) ) {
									print SERVER "host $hostname {\n  hardware ethernet $hostmac;\n  fixed-address $hostip;\n}\n\n";

						$files{"/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf"} = $server_file;

					my $relayTagList = $virtualm->getElementsByTagName("relay");
					my $numrelays    = $relayTagList->getLength;
					if ( $numrelays == 1 ) {

						# Build file /etc/default/dhcp3-relay.conf
						my $relay_file = "/tmp/$vm" . "_relay.conf";
						chomp( my $date = `date` );
						open( RELAY, ">$relay_file" ) or $files{"ERROR"} = "Cannot open $relay_file file";
						print RELAY "# relay.conf file generated by VNUML plugin at $date\n";
						print RELAY "SERVERS=\"";
						my $relay = $relayTagList->item(0);
						my $toserverTagList = $relay->getElementsByTagName("toserver");
						my $numtoservers = $toserverTagList->getLength;

						for ( my $nt = 0; $nt < $numtoservers ; $nt++ ) {
							my $toserverTag  = $toserverTagList->item($nt);
							my $toserverData = $toserverTag->getFirstChild->getData;
							print RELAY "$toserverData ";

						print RELAY "\"\n";
						$files{"/etc/default/dhcp3-relay"} = $relay_file;

					my $clientTagList = $virtualm->getElementsByTagName("client");
					my $numclients = $clientTagList->getLength;
					if ( $numclients == 1 ) {
						# Build file /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf
						my $client_file = "/tmp/$vm" . "_client.conf";
						chomp( my $date = `date` );
						open( CLIENT, ">$client_file" ) or $files{"ERROR"} = "Cannot open $client_file file";
						print CLIENT "# Configuration file for /sbin/dhclient, which is included in Debian's dhcp3-client package.\n";
						print CLIENT "# client.conf file generated by VNUML plugin at $date\n\n";
						print CLIENT "send host-name \"<hostname>\";\n";
						print CLIENT "request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers, domain-name, domain-name-servers, domain-search, host-name, netbios-name-servers, netbios-scope, interface-mtu;\n";
						print CLIENT "retry 10;\n";
						$files{"/etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf"} = $client_file;
				$files{"ERROR"} = "Your choice $type for $vm is not a recognized type (yet)\n";
	return %files;

	# bootingCommands
	# To be called during "t" mode, for each vm in the scenario
	# Arguments:
	# - vm name
	# Returns:
	# - list of commands to execute in the virtual machine at booting time

sub bootingCommands {


	# execVmsToUse
	# To be called once during "x" mode
	# Arguments:
	# - seq command sequence
	# Returns:
	# - list of virtual machines where the command has effect

sub execVmsToUse {

	my $self = shift;
	my $seq = shift;
	# Four lists are built, one is returned depending on the executed command
	my @vm_list = ();
	my @server_vm_list = ();
	my @relay_vm_list = ();
	my @client_vm_list = ();
	my $virtualmList=$globalNode->getElementsByTagName("vm");
	my $longitud = $virtualmList->getLength;
	for (my $m=0; $m<$longitud; $m++){
		my $virtualm = $virtualmList->item($m);
		my $virtualm_name = $virtualm->getAttribute("name");
		push (@vm_list,$virtualm_name);
		my $serverTagList = $virtualm->getElementsByTagName("server");
		my $numservers    = $serverTagList->getLength;
		my $relayTagList = $virtualm->getElementsByTagName("relay");
		my $numrelays    = $relayTagList->getLength;
		my $clientTagList = $virtualm->getElementsByTagName("client");
		my $numclients    = $clientTagList->getLength;
		if ( $numservers == 1 ) {
			push (@server_vm_list,$virtualm_name);
		if ( $numrelays == 1 ) {
			push (@relay_vm_list,$virtualm_name);
		if (!($numclients == 0)) {
			push (@client_vm_list,$virtualm_name);
	if ($seq eq "start" || $seq eq "restart" || $seq eq "stop" || $seq eq "dhcp-start" || $seq eq "dhcp-restart" || $seq eq "dhcp-stop") {
		return @vm_list;
	}elsif ($seq eq "dhcp-server-start"|| $seq eq "dhcp-server-stop" || $seq eq "dhcp-server-restart" || $seq eq "dhcp-server-force-reload"){
		return @server_vm_list;
	}elsif ( $seq eq "dhcp-relay-start"|| $seq eq "dhcp-relay-restart"|| $seq eq "dhcp-relay-stop"|| $seq eq "dhcp-relay-force-reload"){
		return @relay_vm_list;
	}elsif ($seq eq "dhcp-client-start"||$seq eq "dhcp-client-restart"||$seq eq "dhcp-client-stop"){
		return @client_vm_list;
		return ();

	# execCreateFiles
	# To be called during "x" mode, for each vm in the scenario
	# Arguments:
	# - vm name
	# - seq command sequence
	# Returns:
	# - a hashname which kyes are absolute pathnames of files in vm filesystem and
	#   values the the pathname of the file in the host filesystem. The file in the
	#   host filesytesm is removed after VNUML processed it, so temporal files in
	#   /tmp are preferable)

sub execCreateFiles {

	# execCommands
	# To be called during "x" mode, for each vm in the scenario
	# Arguments:
	# - vm name
	# - seq command sequence
	# Returns:
	# - list of commands to execute in the virtual machine after <exec> processing

sub execCommands {

	my $self = shift;
	my $vm   = shift;
	my $seq  = shift;

	my @commands;

	my $type;

	my $virtualmList = $globalNode->getElementsByTagName("vm");
	my $longitud     = $virtualmList->getLength;
	for (my $m=0 ; $m<$longitud ; $m++) {

		my $virtualm = $virtualmList->item($m);
		my $virtualm_name = $virtualm->getAttribute("name");
		if ( $vm eq $virtualm_name ) {
			$type = $virtualm->getAttribute("type");
			switch ($type) {

				case "dhcp3" {
					# recognized type
				else {
					unshift( @commands, "Your choice $type for $vm is not a recognized type (yet)\n");

			my $serverTagList = $virtualm->getElementsByTagName("server");
			my $numservers    = $serverTagList->getLength;
			my $relayTagList = $virtualm->getElementsByTagName("relay");
			my $numrelays    = $relayTagList->getLength;
			my $clientTagList = $virtualm->getElementsByTagName("client");
			my $numclients    = $clientTagList->getLength;

			switch ($seq){
				case ["start","dhcp-start"]{	
					# Start server, relay and clients in the virtual machine, if any
					unshift( @commands, "" );
					if ( $numservers == 1 ) {
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start" );
					if ( $numrelays == 1 ) {
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-relay start" );
					if (!($numclients == 0)) {
						unshift(@commands, "" );
						my $client = $clientTagList->item(0);
						my $ifTagList = $client->getElementsByTagName("if");
						my $numif = $ifTagList->getLength;
						for (my $ni=0; $ni<$numif ; $ni++) {
							my $ifTag  = $ifTagList->item($ni);
							my $ifData = $ifTag->getFirstChild->getData;
							if (!($ifData == 0)) {
								push(@commands,"dhclient eth"."$ifData");
				case ["restart","dhcp-restart"]{
					# Restart server, relay and clients in the virtual machine, if any	
					unshift( @commands, "" );
					if ( $numservers == 1 ) {
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart" );
					if ( $numrelays == 1 ) {
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-relay restart" );
					if (!($numclients == 0)) {
						unshift(@commands, "" );
						my $client = $clientTagList->item(0);
						my $ifTagList = $client->getElementsByTagName("if");
						my $numif = $ifTagList->getLength;
						for (my $ni=0; $ni<$numif ; $ni++) {
							my $ifTag  = $ifTagList->item($ni);
							my $ifData = $ifTag->getFirstChild->getData;
							if (!($ifData == 0)) {
								push(@commands,"dhclient -r");
								push(@commands,"killall dhclient");
								push(@commands,"dhclient eth"."$ifData");
				case ["stop","dhcp-stop"]{	
					# Stop server and relay in the virtual machine, if any
					unshift( @commands, "" );
					if ( $numservers == 1 ) {
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server stop" );
					if ( $numrelays == 1 ) {
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-relay stop" );
					if (!($numclients == 0)) {
						unshift(@commands, "" );
						my $client = $clientTagList->item(0);
						my $ifTagList = $client->getElementsByTagName("if");
						my $numif = $ifTagList->getLength;
						for (my $ni=0; $ni<$numif ; $ni++) {
							my $ifTag  = $ifTagList->item($ni);
							my $ifData = $ifTag->getFirstChild->getData;
							if (!($ifData == 0)) {
								push(@commands,"dhclient -r");
								push(@commands,"killall dhclient");
				case ("dhcp-server-start"){
					# Start the server in the virtual machine. Return error if there isn't any. 
					if ( $numservers == 0 ) {
						unshift( @commands, "$vm is not configured as a dhcp server. Choose the appropriate virtual machine with flag -M name" );
					else {
						unshift( @commands, "" );
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start" );
				case ("dhcp-relay-start"){
					# Start the relay in the virtual machine. Return error if there isn't any.
					if ( $numrelays == 0 ) {
						unshift( @commands,	"$vm is not configured as a dhcp relay. Choose the appropriate virtual machine with flag -M name" );
					else {
						unshift( @commands, "" );
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-relay start" );
				case ("dhcp-client-start"){
					# Start the clients in the virtual machine. Return error if there aren't any.
					if ( $numclients == 0 ) {
						unshift( @commands,	"$vm is not configured as a dhcp client. Choose the appropriate virtual machine with flag -M name" );
					else {
						unshift(@commands, "" );
						my $client = $clientTagList->item(0);
						my $ifTagList = $client->getElementsByTagName("if");
						my $numif = $ifTagList->getLength;
						for (my $ni=0; $ni<$numif ; $ni++) {
							my $ifTag  = $ifTagList->item($ni);
							my $ifData = $ifTag->getFirstChild->getData;
							if (!($ifData == 0)) {
								push(@commands,"dhclient eth"."$ifData");
				case ("dhcp-server-restart"){
					# Restart the server in the virtual machine. Return error if there isn't any. 
					if ( $numservers == 0 ) {
						unshift( @commands, "$vm is not configured as a dhcp server. Choose the appropriate virtual machine with flag -M name" );
					else {
						unshift( @commands, "" );
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart" );
				case ("dhcp-relay-restart"){
					# Restart the relay in the virtual machine. Return error if there isn't any.
					if ( $numrelays == 0 ) {
						unshift( @commands,	"$vm is not configured as a dhcp relay. Choose the appropriate virtual machine with flag -M name" );
					else {
						unshift( @commands, "" );
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-relay restart" );
				case ("dhcp-client-restart"){
					# Start the clients in the virtual machine. Return error if there aren't any.
					if ( $numclients == 0 ) {
						unshift( @commands,	"$vm is not configured as a dhcp client. Choose the appropriate virtual machine with flag -M name" );
					else {
						unshift(@commands, "" );
						my $client = $clientTagList->item(0);
						my $ifTagList = $client->getElementsByTagName("if");
						my $numif = $ifTagList->getLength;
						for (my $ni=0; $ni<$numif ; $ni++) {
							my $ifTag  = $ifTagList->item($ni);
							my $ifData = $ifTag->getFirstChild->getData;
							if (!($ifData == 0)) {
								push(@commands,"dhclient -r");
								push(@commands,"killall dhclient");
								push(@commands,"dhclient eth"."$ifData");
				case ("dhcp-server-stop"){
					# Stop the server in the virtual machine. Return error if there isn't any. 
					if ( $numservers == 0 ) {
						unshift( @commands, "$vm is not configured as a dhcp server. Choose the appropriate virtual machine with flag -M name" );
					else {
						unshift( @commands, "" );
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server stop" );
				case ("dhcp-relay-stop"){
					# Stop the relay in the virtual machine. Return error if there isn't any. 
					if ( $numrelays == 0 ) {
						unshift( @commands, "$vm is not configured as a dhcp relay. Choose the appropriate virtual machine with flag -M name" );
					else {
						unshift( @commands, "" );
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-relay stop" );
				case ("dhcp-client-stop"){
					# Start the clients in the virtual machine. Return error if there aren't any.
					if ( $numclients == 0 ) {
						unshift( @commands,	"$vm is not configured as a dhcp client. Choose the appropriate virtual machine with flag -M name" );
					else {
						unshift(@commands, "" );
						my $client = $clientTagList->item(0);
						my $ifTagList = $client->getElementsByTagName("if");
						my $numif = $ifTagList->getLength;
						for (my $ni=0; $ni<$numif ; $ni++) {
							my $ifTag  = $ifTagList->item($ni);
							my $ifData = $ifTag->getFirstChild->getData;
							if (!($ifData == 0)) {
								push(@commands,"dhclient -r");
								push(@commands,"killall dhclient");
				case ("dhcp-server-force-reload"){
					# Force reload of the server in the virtual machine. Return error if there isn't any. 
					if ( $numservers == 0 ) {
						unshift( @commands, "$vm is not configured as a dhcp server. Choose the appropriate virtual machine with flag -M name" );
					else {
						unshift( @commands, "" );
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server force-reload" );
				case ("dhcp-relay-force-reload"){
					# Force reload of the relay in the virtual machine. Return error if there isn't any. 
					if ( $numservers == 0 ) {
						unshift( @commands, "$vm is not configured as a dhcp relay. Choose the appropriate virtual machine with flag -M name" );
					else {
						unshift( @commands, "" );
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-relay force-reload" );
					unshift( @commands, "\nYour choice \"$seq\" is not a recognized command (yet).\nAvailable commands: start, stop, restart, dhcp-start, dhcp-stop, dhcp-restart, dhcp-server-start, dhcp-server-stop, dhcp-server-restart, dhcp-server-force-reload, dhcp-relay-start, dhcp-relay-stop, dhcp-relay-restart, dhcp-relay-force-reload, dhcp-client-start.\n" );
			return @commands;

	# shutdownCommands
	# To be called during "d" mode, for each vm in the scenario
	# Arguments:
	# - vm name
	# Returns:
	# - list of commands to execute in the virtual machine at shutdown time

sub shutdownCommands {

	my $self = shift;
	my $vm   = shift;

	my @commands;

	my $type;

	my $virtualmList = $globalNode->getElementsByTagName("vm");
	my $longitud     = $virtualmList->getLength;

	for ( my $m = 0 ; $m < $longitud ; $m++ ) {

		my $virtualm      = $virtualmList->item($m);
		my $virtualm_name = $virtualm->getAttribute("name");

		if ( $vm eq $virtualm_name ) {
			$type = $virtualm->getAttribute("type");

			switch ($type) {

				case "dhcp3" {

					unshift( @commands, "" );
					my $serverTagList = $virtualm->getElementsByTagName("server");
					my $numservers = $serverTagList->getLength;

					if ( $numservers == 1 ) {
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server stop" );

					my $relayTagList = $virtualm->getElementsByTagName("relay");
					my $numrelays    = $relayTagList->getLength;

					if ( $numrelays == 1 ) {
						push( @commands, "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-relay stop" );
				else {
					unshift( @commands,"Your choice $type for $vm is not a recognized type (yet)\n");


		return @commands;


	# finalizePlugin
	# To be called always, just before ending the procesing the scenario specification
	# Arguments:
	# - none
	# Returns:
	# - none

sub finalizePlugin {


	# Checks existence and semantics in ospf conf file.
	# Currently this check consist in:
	#	1. Configuration file exists.
	#	2. Check DTD.
	#	3. IP tag contains mask attribute and data.
	#	4. Area tag is unique and contains data.

sub checkConfigFile {

	# 1. Configuration file exists.
	my $config_file = shift;
	open( FILEHANDLE, $config_file )
	  or { return "cannot open config file $config_file\n", };

	# 2. Check DTD
	my $parser = new XML::DOM::ValParser;
	my $dom_tree;
	$valid_fail = 0;
	#eval {
		local $XML::Checker::FAIL = \&validation_fail;
		$dom_tree = $parser->parsefile($config_file);

	if ($valid_fail) {
		return ("$config_file is not a well-formed DHCP plugin file\n");

	$globalNode = $dom_tree->getElementsByTagName("dhcp_conf")->item(0);

	return 0;

sub validation_fail {
	my $code = shift;

	# To set flag
	$valid_fail = 1;

	# To print error message
	XML::Checker::print_error( $code, @_ );