
Revision as of 23:53, 1 July 2008 by Fgalan (talk | contribs) (VNUML Description)
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RedIRIS Network

Fermín Galán (galan at dit.upm.es)
version 1.8, July 1st, 2008


RedIRIS is the the Spanish National Research and Education Network (NREN). The topology (described in the RedIRIS site and also shown in the figure below is composed of 19 network nodes connected through 31 point-to-point links.

RedIRIS topology
Figure 1: RedIRIS topology

A VNUML scenario implementing the RedIRIS topology is shown in this example. However, note that given that the scenario does include routing configuration (by the moment), neither static nor dynamic, only directly connected nodes are reachable each other. However, it could be possible to run some dynamic routing process (eg., OSFP) in the nodes in order to get global connectivity.

Thing to do. If you want to help us to improve this example, the following enhancements could be done:

  • Implementing OSPF-based routing to get global connectivity (consider, for example, to adapt the OSFP example to the RedIRIS scenario)
  • Using the <bw> to configure relative bandwidth (e.g, IX-CAT bandwidth four times the one in AND-VAL).

VNUML Description

Set the FPX entity to the proper prefix IP value for your environment (e.g., "10.10", "10.0", "192.168.", etc.)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE vnuml SYSTEM "/usr/share/xml/vnuml/vnuml.dtd"
  <!ENTITY PFX "10.10">

   <vm_mgmt type="none" />
   <vm_defaults exec_mode="mconsole">
       <console id="0">pts</console>

   <net name="ast-gal" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="ast-can" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="can-pvc" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="gal-pvc" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="ix-pvc"  mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="nav-pvc" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="ara-nav" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="cyl-gal" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="gal-ix"  mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="cyl-rio" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="cyl-ix"  mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="ara-rio" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="ara-cat" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="ara-ix"  mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="ix-mad"  mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="cat-ix"  mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="ix-val"  mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="clm-ix"  mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="and-ix"  mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="ext-ix"  mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="ix-tef"  mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="cat-val" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="bal-cat" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="bal-val" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="and-clm" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="mur-val" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="and-val" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="and-ext" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="and-pal" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="and-mur" mode="uml_switch" />
   <net name="pal-tef" mode="uml_switch" />

   <vm name="AST">
      <if id="1" net="ast-gal">
      <if id="2" net="ast-can">

   <vm name="CAN">
      <if id="1" net="ast-can">
      <if id="2" net="can-pvc">

   <vm name="PVC">
      <if id="1" net="can-pvc">
      <if id="2" net="gal-pvc">
      <if id="3" net="ix-pvc">
      <if id="4" net="nav-pvc">

   <vm name="NAV">
      <if id="1" net="nav-pvc">
      <if id="2" net="ara-nav">

   <vm name="GAL">
      <if id="1" net="ast-gal">
      <if id="2" net="gal-pvc">
      <if id="3" net="cyl-gal">
      <if id="4" net="gal-ix">

   <vm name="CYL">
      <if id="1" net="cyl-gal">
      <if id="2" net="cyl-rio">
      <if id="3" net="cyl-ix">

   <vm name="RIO">
      <if id="1" net="ara-rio">
      <if id="2" net="cyl-rio">

   <vm name="ARA">
      <if id="1" net="ara-nav">
      <if id="2" net="ara-rio">
      <if id="3" net="ara-cat">
      <if id="4" net="ara-ix">

   <vm name="MAD">
      <if id="1" net="ix-mad">

   <vm name="IX">
      <if id="1" net="ix-mad">
      <if id="2" net="gal-ix">
      <if id="3" net="cyl-ix">
      <if id="4" net="ix-pvc">
      <if id="5" net="ara-ix">
      <if id="6" net="cat-ix">
      <if id="7" net="ix-val">
      <if id="8" net="clm-ix">
      <if id="9" net="and-ix">
      <if id="10" net="ext-ix">
      <if id="11" net="ix-tef">

   <vm name="CAT">
      <if id="1" net="ara-cat">
      <if id="2" net="cat-val">
      <if id="3" net="cat-ix">
      <if id="4" net="bal-cat">

   <vm name="CLM">
      <if id="1" net="clm-ix">
      <if id="2" net="and-clm">

   <vm name="VAL">
      <if id="1" net="ix-val">
      <if id="2" net="cat-val">
      <if id="3" net="bal-val">
      <if id="4" net="mur-val">
      <if id="5" net="and-val">

   <vm name="EXT">
      <if id="1" net="ext-ix">
      <if id="2" net="and-ext">

   <vm name="BAL">
      <if id="1" net="bal-cat">
      <if id="2" net="bal-val">

   <vm name="AND">
      <if id="1" net="and-pal">
      <if id="2" net="and-ext">
      <if id="3" net="and-mur">
      <if id="4" net="and-ix">
      <if id="5" net="and-clm">
      <if id="6" net="and-val">

   <vm name="MUR">
      <if id="1" net="and-mur">
      <if id="2" net="mur-val">

   <vm name="TEF">
      <if id="1" net="ix-tef">
      <if id="2" net="pal-tef">

   <vm name="PAL">
      <if id="1" net="and-pal">
      <if id="2" net="pal-tef">

